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04-02-2001, 03:28 PM
Anyone who studies pakmei seen or even learnt YKM sek sze kuen. Bias as it appears I prefer YKM's kuen, I learnt pakmei's sek sze kuen and find there is not as much foot work, less charging than YKM.
Alot of similarities though YKM is more agressive than pakmei. Our sub ji is not as similar as pakmei's sub ji and sek sze are.

just curious of pakmei MA's thoughts on YKM!

fiercest tiger
04-03-2001, 01:51 AM
i wouldnt say more aggressive than bak mei or any style i think its the way its taught to you. look at mindset for instance you can just punch and throw your arm out or punch with thought of taking the persons life away.

so to say that is not right, but i here where you are coming from! any style can be aggressive.



04-03-2001, 02:23 AM
BuiJee you know my thoughts on this but for everyone else, from my very limitited experience iwould say that the YKM Sek Sze is more direct and much more aggressive, the techniques used in the YKM version seem to have more power(no disrepect to our Pak Mei brothers), just personal opinion.

In fact i put off learning the Pak Mei Sek Sze so i could concentrate on my Yau Kung Mun, it's my favorite form.

daniel boerma
04-04-2001, 10:15 AM
Biu Ji & Rock Lion, have you mastered Bak Mei's Sek Sze Kuen?

If not, then it's premature to form an opinion on something you don't fully understand.

Do you understand the expression, the conditioning, the different levels of application of Bak Mei's Sek Sze Kuen?

RockLion - You indicate you speak from limited experience, you go ahead & share your ill-informed opinions, you compare YKMs form to Bak Mei's, state yours is more aggressive & then you say "no disrespect to our Bak Mei bros"!!! What bullsh*t!! Where's the respect??!!

Do you think it is smart to share your ignorant views on an international forum where Bak Mei is portrayed in a way that suggests YKM is better, "more direct, more aggressive..."???

fiercest tiger
04-04-2001, 01:37 PM
which sek see kuen ngor mei? different versions of sek see, plus there is nothing wrong of your own opinion.

also who said pak mei is better? or worse doesnt matter really.

remember its just an opinion one from the other!!! :eek:



daniel boerma
04-04-2001, 02:58 PM
Do you think comparing a YKM form to a Bak Mei form & stating the YKM form is "more direct, more powerful" generates good will b/w the styles?

When you compare one style to another you risk ****ing people off. Bak Mei & YKM are brother styles - why risk ****ing off your kung fu brothers?

I have spoken about this with other Bak Mei practitioners & they too are not happy about this.

FT, I am surprised you're arguing with me.

04-04-2001, 05:06 PM
the only ones who would get ****ed off at such comments would be the insecure ones. everyone is entitled to their own opinion. remember, 'more direct' isn't necessarily 'better' in every circumstance. and 'powerful' has several different meanings, what is powerful in one way may not be so powerful in another. i'm sure all of us kungfu brothers have important things to share with each other, let us keep the spirit of cooperation and not get hot tempered so quickly my brothers!

fiercest tiger
04-04-2001, 10:42 PM
Opinions are just that, why get upset? ykm sek see is a bak mei form, mindset and other principals make it powerful.

you spoke to other pak mei practitioners about this? well i dont give a sh!t, because you are reading into this the wrong way. dont take it personal man, this was a ykm thread. freedom of speach, like when pak mei practitioners call ykm founder a illegal sifu!!!

do you get pak mei practitioners aplogising???


again, freedom of speach. :D


ARE WE still brothers though ngor mei? :D



fiercest tiger
04-05-2001, 12:46 AM
ok! lets compare 2 different forms of sek see kuen.
1) dai sup jee kol sa = sek see also in ykm, now this goes in a large cross pattern.

2) your sek see of vietnam has 8 directions and stop start type of moves doesnt flow as much as the sup jee type of sek see that ykm teaches, see where im coming from?

have you learnt ykm sek see or the sup jee that im talking about, because yes one is more powerful than the other and flows better. only a person that has learnt both can easily see that!

what i know is that the form bui ji and rocklion was talking about was the difference of these 2 types. dont get your nickers in a not! thats why they are talking like this because its been discussed in my class of differences. we try and see all forms and techniques in this manner, try it you will find differences in all moves and forms. so we are always trying to find a better way or more powerful way in our training!




04-05-2001, 02:01 AM
I think you're jumping the gun abit there, there was no disrespect intented merely stating a personal opinion . If you don't like it stay off the thread.

I've spent alot of time looking at my previous forms as well as my current forms , I've learnt a great deal about both from the other. Tell me , have you "mastered sek sze kuen" or any other form for that matter? How is it premature to give my opinion on a form I've studied for several years, I never claimed to have mastered the forms only I see enough of the differences to comment.
As sifu said I see more charging , less angulation and more flow, it was merely an "expression" of preference, I'm sure you have a preference of pakmei or Dragon to other systems and don't mind giving your opinion, huh!? Have you learnt any YKM , sek sze kuen for that matter?

Kevin Barkman
04-05-2001, 02:16 AM

I have two questions...

First (Biu Ji) - I take it you are both a YKM and BM Sifu? I am assume you fully understand the principles of both Arts? Is one softer and one harder?

Second,(general question) - I thought the YKM Sifu learned this set from CLC. Did he change it since then? If so, (pardon my ignorance), which other style did he infuse these new concepts into Sup Ji with? How can both these forms be so different within that time period?

Just curious - kevin

fiercest tiger
04-05-2001, 06:49 AM
theres a vietnamese version as well as a clc hongkong version, did you know that?

see because you havent seen it you cannot comment on what we are talking about. yes the ykm grandmaster learnt sup jee from clc, and its still the same. vietnamese sek see has eight directions not the four that ykm has thats whats this is all about.

bui ji is my student, and yes he has done bak mei and dragon style.



04-05-2001, 03:20 PM
There is still the view that YKM is a lesser linage of Pakmei and a mix of pakmei and Dragon. Though this does not give the people who study pakmei and /or dragon the automatic understanding of YKM even if they do believe they do.

I'm proud of YKM's history and do not concern myself with it's origins so much , it's an excellent system and I'm taught at a very real level with it so excuse me if people "choose " to be offended by my view of it in relation to other systems. I only make refernce to things I know about without claiming to know more.
Ngor mei, did I touch a sore spot? Sorry, was not my intention, you shouldn't feel threatened by others opinions. Tell me do you think you understand YKM?

nam ying jow
04-09-2001, 09:39 AM
Sorry, my sifu known YKM, Pak Mei, Dragon, Hung Gar, Wingchun, Southern eagle claw, and southern mantis.


My sifu loves Hakka Kung Fu

04-09-2001, 11:25 AM
If you have something to say to me why don't you just speak directly to me instead of trolling on the forum. I know who you are so give up the act, geeez louise.
I really don't understand what the main problem you have is but you don't seem to want to let it go do you?! You speak of respect and I've said nothing but respectful things about you on this forum so who is not showing the respect huh?

04-09-2001, 03:31 PM
I look at the YKM system as brothers to Bai Mei system as does
my Bai Mei Sifu.
So whats the fuss all about???

Peace guys :)

04-10-2001, 03:40 PM
Don't worry about it , nothing towards Pakmei.