View Full Version : Duelist

05-04-2002, 05:46 PM
Hello everyone, none of you know me and Im new to your boards but since most everyone here is a martial artist I was wondering if any of you have ever heard of modern day duel.

I dont mean sparring

and I certainly dont mean Tournament fighting

I mean a master walks into a dojo or whatever, asks to see the master, and challenges him/her to a friendly duel ie like the story goes about Yang the invincible

so please, this is something Ive been thinking about for awhile..and Id like to hear your oppinions and reactions if something like this occured in your school, or has occured

no bs or gimp replys please(as are common on these boards..)

05-04-2002, 06:07 PM
go to http://www.netsword.com and post the question there

i am pretty sure i read about a modern day sword-duel but i can't find it


05-05-2002, 10:26 AM
I have heard about 2 "duels" in........one was written up in a martial arts magazine whice is where i heard about it but as i know the guy who went and challanged the "master" and have heard much rumor about this event it definatley happend. I still only have a full account written up in the magazine to go by though and this was written by the "master" and makes him out to be a hero even though he did not win (he says it was a draw and that after an hour of fighting with him self being defensive the guy i know couldny touch him).

The second duel was when a Tai Chi "master came to the teacher of my teacher and challanged him to pushing hands. again he claims to be the winner even though he didny actualy win.

We regulaly get guys coming to our classes who have no interest in taking part and only want to spar with some one......normaly my teacher asks me to fight them........its lots of fun and we never tend to see them again. They all tend to claim that they to won as we didnt tell them that it would be full contact or that we didnt tell them that throwing was allowed .

05-05-2002, 04:04 PM
My Sigung used to accept challenges all the time, even to the age of 70. He even fought sword duels to the death when he was in the Chinese army fighting the invading Japanese.

His son, my sifu, had to fight many challenge matches when he first set up his school here in Sydney. Once the local masters were satisfied of his ability he was left alone.

05-06-2002, 06:12 AM
Most new students at our dojo challange the black belts and eventually the sensei, but not in such an open, obvious way.

I wrote about this in a thread called "smashing" a few days a go if you are interested.

As my instructor Doc Brown says, never trust a beginner.

Dark Knight
05-06-2002, 12:50 PM
I have had a couple people challenge me, nothing serious. I havnt had a good fighter challenge me, and beginners always want to see how much better you are.

But on the other hand I have fought with "Friends" who have hurt me. Friendly competition can escalate fast and two tigers will not give up easily, at least one will walk away hurt.

Most people dont want to find out how bad a beating can get. Its rare to have someone come in these days to prove something, in the big cities you might because you have enough of a population that you will get somone to walk in.

And generally better fighters have better things to do than challenge school owners.