View Full Version : David Ross

Daniel Madar
05-04-2002, 07:45 PM
Hey David, I was just wondering how you feel about Tat Mau Wong heading up the USAWKF San Shou, and how you feel about their selection process for athletes in the Pan American games?

05-05-2002, 08:58 PM
Tat Mau Wong is a friend of mine for years and was a great fighter in South East Asia, so I can say he knows about training fighters and will look out for the interest of the fighters, but I also have mixed feelings

Tat Mau is from Hong Kong and is Cantonese, the IWUF and San Shou is very much mainland Chinese and Tat Mau doesn't have the friends and connections among these people that former coach Shawn Liu had. Additionally, I am not sure that Tat Mau is in touch with the current training methods and rules of modern San Shou, Shawn went to China often and to the Beijing and Shanghai physical culture institutes frequently, he was good friends with the former national team coach. Tat Mau has also not been active in teh US community for quite a while, he is going to have to learn teh "game" quick and many will probably not support him because of previous ties and allegences.

I wish him the best, will support him but I have honest concerns

As for selection process, they have not announced it that I am aware yet.... wait and see

unless you know something?

05-05-2002, 09:09 PM
By the way, it's a shame the whole US team didn't attend last worlds, we would ahve done well, but then again, it was a strange time to go

<img src=http://www.ejovi.net/2001/fight11/DSCF0021.JPG>

Daniel Madar
05-05-2002, 11:24 PM
I am afraid I dont know any more than I read elsewhere. here to be exact.

Thanks for your honest answer. I hope that San shou continues to grow.

05-06-2002, 05:57 AM
David, what are the exact rules, times rounds, legal and illegal target areas and techniques? Some of my guys are interested, unless it just becomes kickboxing with throws. Perhaps we should bring back the Fu-Jow P'ai tournaments

05-06-2002, 06:05 AM
Ha! I didn't realize that "ikfmdc" is David Ross. I had the opportunity to train at NYKFKB for a brief time. Excellent school with excellent coaching :). I only left because I wanted to learn aikido. I recommend David as a trainer to those who ask me about kickboxing training. Those guys care about the sport and their students.

Good luck in upcoming events, David!


05-06-2002, 03:41 PM
Ten Tigers, a good place to start is to read the different rules formats in current use at http://www.angelfire.com/sd2/kingofsanda

Personally, I usually laugh when people just call it "kickboxing with throws" - a fight is a fight, do your thing and if it is right you will win, I remember a certain AAU meeting where the idea was to have the guy who looked like Kung Fu always win even if he was getting his butt kicked, silly really