View Full Version : Reality fighting I learned from WWF

straight blast
05-05-2002, 01:54 AM
WWF has some cool reality fighting ideas.

Here's a few of them:

(1) The Sucker punch. How often do we see one lameass mouthing off at another wrestler who then sucker punches him out of the blue?

(2) Once struck, keep striking. Usually after the sucker punch. As lameass reels backwards wrestler follows up with a barrage of blows, not allowing the other guy to regain his balance or fighting spirit.

(3) Kick 'em when they're down. And keep kicking them...

(4) Strike with the whole body weight. Leaping up into the air and landing on someone with your elbow is a good way of doing this. Not so much on the street though...

(5) Use any available weapons. The folding chair, the tonfa. Once again, not all of these are readily available on the street, but you could certainly replace a tonfa with a stick.

(6) Take advantage of your environment. Smash opponent's head into turnbuckle/wall/pole/ground...

(7) WATCH OUT FOR YOUR OPPONENT'S FRIENDS!!! This happens lots in WWF. Old mate wrestler is so busy concentrating on lameass that he gets sconed from behind by lameass's buddies.

(8) Watch for concealed weapons. William Regal uses the brass knuckles to good advantage...pulls them from his undies (yeck) and *pow* game over.

(9) Always appear unafraid, no matter how bad things look. People who look like they're pooping their pants tend to get picked more than those who look like they're on day release from the psycho ward. E.g. Undertaker vs Maven.

(10) If the odds aren't good, RUN! Seen this one happen too.

Wow, I must be really bored huh?

And please don't tell me that the WWF isn't real. I'm not going to fall for that old one. I've seen it on TV so it must be real :)

kungfu cowboy
05-05-2002, 02:09 AM
TV's aren't real.:(

05-05-2002, 05:38 AM
No, of course it's real, 18 stone men beating the crap out of each other for 15 mins using weapons and no one geting really hurt - it MUST be real...

05-05-2002, 05:56 AM

Felipe Bido
05-05-2002, 06:43 AM
See?, like the old quote says: "You can find truth in the strangest of all places"


05-05-2002, 08:29 PM
hmm... most of those do seem realistic but very very cheap.. (dishonourable)

05-05-2002, 08:43 PM
Fighting is not about honour - it is about getting out alive.

05-05-2002, 08:47 PM
ksaljdhgpoiv uptoiweru0tv-98347btvuet[ioquwe[oitubpvsoiduopiadhgpjacsnv[oeidhg[aoehg[aodfgpaoeydfg bapeio gpao ygpioauy [goaisdg[oads g[oidf [oi [osdfg kfncnpsoid fvnienvodnv xspgnndodmc

05-05-2002, 08:54 PM
meh, i dunno about u but there are just a few things i won't do...
kicking someone while their down is one of them (although punching is another story)

but we all have our morals...

05-05-2002, 08:57 PM
Trust me, they would probably kick you while you were down.

Fighting is not about some fancy concept of honour and gentlemanly behaviour. It is about beating the other person down so that they can't beat you down. Simple as that. It's not a question of morals, it is a question of self preservation.

05-05-2002, 08:59 PM
can somebody translate me the Sharknism up there?

05-05-2002, 09:05 PM
jhkfuig uiui

05-05-2002, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Sharky
jhkfuig uiui

Excuse me? uiui????

ucdmfroi coiej cm eodieoicm a socoie cmciwmwpgf
svnpqkler dsoier (slcnoie mnxleuc x2) am fcmciehr vcngvhg fjchskwitycvy vyvyv cmewpcowkm eockm!


05-05-2002, 10:28 PM
:eek: oh dear

05-05-2002, 10:57 PM
well, the great thing about not kicking people when they are down is the fact that when someone is down... can someone finish this?? The fight is over. as for the rest of the wwf thingy, meh. you forgot that if you can do pushups with your man tits you can use that as a psyce out.

05-05-2002, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by respectmankind
well, the great thing about not kicking people when they are down is the fact that when someone is down... can someone finish this?? The fight is over. as for the rest of the wwf thingy, meh. you forgot that if you can do pushups with your man tits you can use that as a psyce out.

So if you knock someone down they won't get back up again?

Royal Dragon
05-06-2002, 03:01 AM
ksaljdhgpoiv uptoiweru0tv- 98347btvuet[ioquwe[oitubpvsoiduopiadhgpjacsnv[oeid
hg[aoehg[aodfgpaoeydfg bapeio gpao ygpioauy [goaisdg[oads g[oidf [oi [osdfg kfncnpsoid fvnienvodnv xspgnndodmc

Is it some kind of old Soviet code?????

05-06-2002, 07:32 AM
no, that is why you don't turn around. if he attacks again then you put him down again. that simple. you hit someone when he is on the ground it is called assault. and if he attacks you while on the ground, you laugh. no one is going to stay on the ground, but yet come at you and try to continue the fight. and for the most part, someone knocked on the ground from a fight, will not get back up. they (people i have fought) never did.

05-06-2002, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Royal Dragon
ksaljdhgpoiv uptoiweru0tv- 98347btvuet[ioquwe[oitubpvsoiduopiadhgpjacsnv[oeid
hg[aoehg[aodfgpaoeydfg bapeio gpao ygpioauy [goaisdg[oads g[oidf [oi [osdfg kfncnpsoid fvnienvodnv xspgnndodmc

Is it some kind of old Soviet code?????

vjcmld cj ecoxkcme Royal Dragon cmdlwi vmdlck ehgngkd mvpqoxlc mvkeotidj Sharky cmslviyi

jcmve covyew vpalfcmel vmoeyvc zpxo

vmcow vmcor cmote fjdpc gjqml cjdob vmcks
ejcej gkvic vksmc lemti vmspo glivy vyinf vmsle
bmvki ghzoe xmclw cmemx vmclw tlrid vmckd

05-06-2002, 01:50 PM
hmmm... people probably would kick me when i'm down but that doesn't mean i have to kick them...

if it is a person that i really would not beat and they were like gonna kill me and i somehow managed to get them down, i would probably just run away (cuz i'm a fast runner... well, anyone is when they're scared ****less) or maybe i might give a kick to the ribs... but then i'm running.