View Full Version : Is billy "Bank$" getting sued?

Royal Dragon
05-06-2002, 04:46 PM
I was talking to a fellow martial artist today, and he informed me that Billy Banks of Tae Bo fame is actually getting sued due rto injuries many of his students have suffered because of his training.

Any one got the buggy on this rumur?

05-06-2002, 05:09 PM
Too bad. He did a good thing and helped a lot of people to improve their lives and look into other benefits of martial arts.

African Tiger
05-06-2002, 05:15 PM
Ostensibly, some fat chick in some trailer park didn't heed the disclaimer on the package "Consult a physician before initiating this or any exercise program."

Royal Dragon
05-06-2002, 05:26 PM
I think it has to do with a lack of proper structure, and the fact that you have large classes run at a high pace with little actual supervision.
I just want to find out of it's true or not, nd what the details are.

straight blast
05-06-2002, 11:12 PM
I heard it was because when one of Billy's Tae Bo'ers won the UFC he used an illegal eye gouge to the air :D

05-07-2002, 02:10 AM
It wouldn't be the first time.

Bad form is the number one reason people get hurt doing cardio kickboxing classes. My biggest pet peeve is with aerobics instructors who take a short seminar and presto chango they are now martial experts. Of course, they are still making begginer mistakes when they teach their classes and their students pick up the same bad habits. Many people come to me with complanits about hurt joints and muscles. Its gotten to the point where I just ask them what hurts and I can tell which moves they are doing wrong.

Now BB has an additional video that goes along with the set that just deals with basics and give a basic workout. It's the Tae bo "white belt" progam. IMO, this was long overdue and should have been there from the beginning. The problem in the beginning was that BB was trying to gain the reputation as "ultimate workout". In which case, the number of people that stuck with the program is matched or exceeded by the number of those who quit due to injury. This is of course including those not under BB's direct supervision and all of the offshoots that create their own program.

05-07-2002, 02:26 AM
it seems to me,His bigest problem is the lack of streaching before and after his program. you start off cold and dont cool down afterwards.
but this isnt a new problem.
Its to bad. although I do not like his program, he has somewhat helped to get the public get back into the M/As.
We all must live and learn, I hope we all can learn from his mistakes?

Royal Dragon
05-07-2002, 05:19 AM
I'm going to sit down with the program director and explain the situation, and tell him I can't do what he wants.

I have decided that any Cardio Kicks students should have a White sash in the Kung Fu program BEFORE being allowed to take the cardio class. That way, I have time to make sure they have solid structure and correct mechanics.

If not that, then I want to teach a Cardio Kics basics class (whic will just be my White sash curriculem under a different name) BEFORE they are allowed to take the class.

05-07-2002, 05:49 AM
When I went to have my knee looked at (a torm meniscus which has healed over the last 2 years) both of the surgeons I saw made comments about cardio kickboxing and tae kwon do (as in how much business they are getting). They were being sarcastic, but were genuinely concerned as knee and hip injuries were getting close to epidemic levels here in NYC (where theres a cardio kick somthing class at every gym, and half of the dojos).

It's good to see that the problem is being addressed, in what ever form.

05-07-2002, 10:26 AM
In the beginning of most fitness programs, there usually is a disclaimer stating that a physician should be consulted before trying and that there is no responsibility if an injury occurs as a result of the activities in the program. I would think that a disclaimer such as this would prevent him from being sued. I guess the law can be twisted around to serve many purposes. Sad.

MonkeySlap Too
05-07-2002, 10:41 AM
It kills me how many people come to my club, and go 'your crazy' to do that stuff. They then go to the 'safer' mcdojo or kick class and proceed to get hurt.

While my injury rate is pretty darn low.

Just figures.

Royal Dragon
05-07-2002, 10:43 AM
It won't prevent him from being sued, just lossing the suite. Anyone can sue anyone else fro anything at all. just the legal defence fee's is often punishment enough.

05-07-2002, 11:36 AM
"In the beginning of most fitness programs, there usually is a disclaimer stating that a physician should be consulted before trying and that there is no responsibility if an injury occurs as a result of the activities in the program. I would think that a disclaimer such as this would prevent him from being sued. I guess the law can be twisted around to serve many purposes. Sad."

Actually the problem is the program he designed , the angles are bad, and the movements are unrefined. the injuries most people are getting are not just hyperextensions and the like, they are repettive stress injuries, from repeating crappy movoment over and over again. This does come form lack of supervision, but also from lack of knowledge from the instructor. I dont think the students need MA training, I think the instructors do, thoug it didnt do anything for Billy.
Tao Bo as well as many other MA things are all about the marketing and the money, screw the students.

Royal Dragon
05-07-2002, 01:04 PM
My students (If I get this gig) will be well trained, with an emphasis on proper development. If I have to constantly stop the class and correct the students, I will. I have a really good track record with injury prevention so far, and I'm not going to mess that up.

Royal Dragon
05-08-2002, 08:49 PM