View Full Version : Like what we see?

black and blue
05-07-2002, 06:45 AM
This page is from Wai Po Tang's Wing Chun site. Features lots of mpeg material.

Just like the 'Wing Tsun girl' thread, what do we think of what's on offer here?


05-07-2002, 07:13 AM
Looks alright, like anything on the internet, it would be better to judge if you were there. I am however getting bored with blindfolded chi sau, seems like anyone doing it right should be able to do this.......I could be wrong though.

black and blue
05-07-2002, 07:21 AM
Yer... blindfolded Chi Sau seems a bit of a party trick - always looks good. That said, it would probably hamper my training to try it.

On that blindfolded clip, what did you make of the Poon Sau? Did the hands/elbows seem too far apart to anyone?

Any other impressions, Wing Chunners?

05-07-2002, 07:51 AM
I think even blindfolded training may have its place in chi sau trianing if done correctly and at the right time. Its definitely not necessary!
I know we dont watch our opponents hands when we are doing it, we focus on the upper chest, throat area so that we can use our periferal vision to catch movement.........

05-07-2002, 07:59 AM
i think Wai Po Tang is quite well known in the UK for his wing chun... clips seemed to take a while to load for me, darn Uni network :( Did anyone see him on Masters of Combat? :D what a waste of a show :D

have you ever tried playing chi sau with your eyes closed? it's a lot more difficult (for me anyway, but i'm just a novice). The same as trying it on a Table or something. I think those kinda things teach you certain things which help your chi sau overall... but i do think once you are of a level, blindfolded or not makes no real difference. When you have real sensitivity and don't need to use your eyes. How come one of my Sisuk who is blind can be so good at wing chun? It's real sensitivity... he doesn't have to 'forget' to use his eyes...

it is a good 'demo' piece though, as most ppl who see it don't understand listening and sensitivity which is a major part of WC. Hence, with a blindfold on looks impressive! :)

just my thoughts,