View Full Version : When do you do chi kung

KC Elbows
05-07-2002, 04:26 PM
For me its first thing in the morning, usually about an hour or so, then I'll stretch out and do the rest of my workout. What's your routine?

05-07-2002, 05:19 PM
mostly just before bed, but also in the mornings if I can get up ... lol

Helps me sleep....

insomniacly speaking

05-07-2002, 05:21 PM
As far as non-martial qigong, I usually do about 10 minutes before my work out, as this is the pattern we do at class and I just got into that habit. I also try to do another 10 or 15 minutes about 1/2 hour before bed, and I never have any trouble sleeping. Getting up, though--that's another story. My only morning workout is raising the coffee mug to my mouth.

05-08-2002, 02:44 AM
I either do it before I go to bed, or after I've worked out in the evening, or just when I get home from work.

I don't do an hour though, more like 15 minutes.
10-20 reps lifting the sky and then Zhan Zhuang.

Feels gooooooooooood. And that is weird to me man. Why does it feel good? When I explain what I do to my girlfriend and what effects I get I sometimes wonder if I'm imagining it, cos it sounds kind of flaky when told to someone outside the arts.

KC - what time do you get up to have that amount of time before you go to work? Do you work?

05-08-2002, 02:50 AM
i usually train in the mornings before going to Uni... it's strange - i'm getting up at the same time as most 'normal' students are going to bed lol. Usually i get up at 5am and train until 7am, but recently i've been lazy so get up around 6.30 and train for an hour :D

I usually take it day about with my training now. One say soft qigong, siu lim tao and some shaolin stretching, the next day only hard qigong. it seems to work well :)

sometimes i do some meditation or standing post before bed and it really helps a lot (insomniacly speaking also).


05-08-2002, 06:12 AM
I tend to do it about an hour after i finish work. And when I go to my teachers house to train we normaly do a really intense set after we have finished every thing else.

BTW do any of you guys test your internal strength? In my school after 3 months of being shown the first set of qigong (we call it nei gung) you have a guy of a similar body weight jump from about shoulder height onto your stomach (you are asked to lie flat on the floor). I have not heard of this anywhere else and as yet I can not get a guy who has not done nei gung to do it to see if just any one can take this or if the nei gung is giveing the ability to take this.

(We also do not do any sit ups etc to help this)

Repulsive Monkey
05-08-2002, 06:37 AM
Hour in the morning, hour in the evening, and general walking, standing and breathing Qi Gong all day long.

David Jamieson
05-08-2002, 06:41 AM
In the morning, after waking, before breakfast.

In the late afternoon or evening 1 hour before bed.


05-08-2002, 07:45 AM
hi Liokault :)

that's part of our hard qigong 'tests' as well, though i don't know many people who also do this? The test i will sit sometime in the future (just missed the last one :() involves being jumped on from around 2 tables+ high (maybe also a chair on top, i'm not sure), as well as many other things.

I remember in my first test, one guy did the physical part but failed on another part. He passed easily as he's a big muscular guy anyway... but seeing a middle aged woman who weighs around 110lbs pass the same thing is something else...

good luck!


KC Elbows
05-08-2002, 09:28 AM
I get up at 4:00 AM. I do have a job, thus I get up at 4:00 AM. I work at 8, so I have a decent amount of time to practice and shower.

My goal is to begin at 3:30, as this is supposed to be prime time to do it. But right now, I'm working on the 4:00 thing.

I should try it before bed. I'm always afraid I'll get too awake to sleep.

MonkeySlap Too
05-08-2002, 09:52 AM
Boy, I feel like a slacker.

I generally do mi Qigong in the morning. The 'Wei-Gong' portion takes about a 1/2 hour, then I have an hour long 'Nae-Gung' series.

If I am too tired or otherwise flipped out, I just do weight routines instead. That way I can still build some health and clear my mind without having to rely on my mind when I am fatigued.

I do Zhang Zhuan practice at night.

05-08-2002, 12:13 PM
In the morning 5-7 - In the afternoon 12-1 - At night 10-12

And of course during classes throughout the week.