View Full Version : OT: Introduction

05-08-2002, 06:13 AM
Hey, there, all...

Been lurking for a few days now, and just wanted to post an official howdyado. I used to post here pretty regularly a little over a year ago. Of course, my posting (and my training :( ) hit a little hiaitus with the birth of my son last May.

He's finally old enough that I think I can start getting back into martial arts without feeling like I'm neglecting the family...of course, reading y'all's posts are making me even hungrier to get back to training.

So just wanted to say hey to the folks I recognize and nicetameetcha to the rest of you.

Rev. Tim

David Jamieson
05-08-2002, 06:43 AM
still doing the comedy circuit rev?

Glad to see you back.
Your a wing chun player right?


05-08-2002, 06:45 AM
Hello. Are you really a Reverend?

05-08-2002, 06:55 AM
You remember right, Kung Lek...wing chun under Stanley Jue in Cambridge, Mass.

And Scotty, I *am* technically a real reverend...but it's also a stage name, too. It's kind of a long weird story, and definitely not kung fu related, so I won't bore y'all with it here...

Rev. Tim

05-08-2002, 07:29 AM
Don't have to if you don't want to, but if you're not because it's not Kung Fu related then you obviously haven't been here for a long time.:)

05-08-2002, 07:30 AM
Nice to meet ya' Rev.! I am new to this forum and I considered posting an official intro as well but I decided to just dive in head first. I am actually just returning back to kung fu after a 3 yr stint in TKD. Currently studying Hung Gar for a little over 5 months. Look forward to sharing info and ideas in the future. Peace!

05-08-2002, 09:22 AM

05-08-2002, 06:57 PM
Hey Rev,

Welcome back! Man, I had a great time when I went in to see your show a while back, and I meant to go in more often---but I didn't get around to it. Do you still do the Thursday night show?

05-08-2002, 06:58 PM
Hey Rev welcome back. Have Speilberg, Lucas and Ford are talking about a fourth Indiana Jones movie, have they approached you yet about reprising your role from the first movie?

Hitler wore khakis still cracks me up!

Congrats on your addition to your family. This your first?

05-08-2002, 07:07 PM
Heya, all...

Yeah, I'm still doing the Thursday night show, though I mix it up a lot more now. I have a new feature called "The Grand High Council of All Things True." It's a "celebration of the American geek." I have a panel of truly top notch geeks discuss things like comic books, gaming, science fiction, you name it. We even have a mic in the audience so that the crowd can get in on the discussion; we have QUITE an eclectic following. Anyone who wants to come on down to the Hong Kong is more than invited!

Yeah, rogue, this's our first, and he's a total gift. Tomorrow's his birthday, and he just gets more and more fun. Not the best sleeper in the world, but other than that, I have no complaints at all. If I'd known how great it is being a daddy, I woulda started a long time ago.

But man, oh man, this kung fu itch is getting bad. Must...start...training...again...

How're you boys doing, life-wise AND martial-arts-wise?

Rev. Tim

P.S. Nevermind, nice to meet you, too. Before our little guy came along, I was studying wing chun and a little bit of judo for good measure.

05-08-2002, 07:18 PM
Being a dad is the best thing in the world. It's a lot of work but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Welcome to the big leagues Tim.

Did you stop training 100%?

Training wise things are back on track, life-wise things are great.

"The Grand High Council of All Things True", sounds like an average day at a client site.

05-09-2002, 06:22 AM
Little guys are awesome aren't they? My little rugrat will be 3 on July 20th. You get a good workout chasing them around when they are 2. Wing Chun and Judo, huh? Sounds like a good combination. Close range and groundfighting. I hope to study some form of groundfighting in the future. Right now I just need to build a solid foundation in kung fu.