View Full Version : Checking for interest

05-08-2002, 08:33 AM

While I am recovering from my recent surgery I have been speaking to some people in my area. There is a guy who owns a boxing gym and he and I are talking about the possibility of opening a class for Wing Chun. If this happens then the class would be in Upper Darby, Delaware county, PA. This is right outside of Philly. For those familiar with this area the school is located a few blocks from the terminal.

Anyhow, what I would like to do is to host a seminar with my Sifu, Chung Kwok Chow during this summer. Most likley, due to my recovery, it would be in July or August. Based on the interest generated we would determine whether or not a class was warranted.

I would like to know if there are any in this area, or willing to travel to this area, who would be interested in attending a seminar with Sifu Chow. Please feel free to e-mail me off list as I am not trying to promote any one lineage nor method. I am simply attempting to gauge the level of interest to see if this is worth doing or not. For those interested in meeting with me I promise to be available and willing to touch hands with any who wish to attend. (This is your chance to kick the crap out of me :)) Afterwards we would probably have a meal unless I end up in the hospital again ;).

Let me know,



Alpha Dog
05-08-2002, 10:06 AM
Wow, incredible response, Davey. Somebody could at least post another "Gee I hope you are feeling better soon" message! Or do you want to start another thread about yourself later? LOL.

05-08-2002, 10:19 AM
I would love to come Dave, unfortunately it is out of my range right now, have to restrict the travelling to things in the midwest, if it changes though I will let you know!

mun hung
05-08-2002, 11:06 AM
Dave - glad to hear you're recovering. Thought you were already teaching in PA.

What happened to the friendship seminar? Is it still on?

Take care, and good luck with everything.

05-08-2002, 02:11 PM
Hi Peter,

I would like to plan for another meeting early this summer. It looked like there was some interest and Central Park was one of the suggested places to meet. Most of the data is stored on my home PC and I fried my motherboard. I just got a new motherboard so as soon as I get around to replacing it I should have access to the data. Either way, I am planning to start trying to promote another gathering near the end of May start of June.

I was teaching, till I got hurt, in New Jersey just outside of Trenton. I will most likely go back to teaching once I recover. Still, I would like to do something closer to home thus the place in Upper Darby. Plus, being boxers there is some nice opportunity to mix it up and compare skills. I know you can relate to the idea of defending against real punches ;)


No problem I fully understand the limitations of time, money and distance :) If you ever get to the Philly area let me know.

Alpha Dog,

Regardless of how you feel it warms my heart to see you take such an interest in my well being and affairs. Not all of us can have such an impact on others :D



05-08-2002, 02:30 PM
I'm in AUS, but I wish you luck with this.

Alpha Dog
05-08-2002, 05:37 PM
I'm a sympathetic kinda guy deep down. Besides, your delusions of grandeur always bring a smile to my face.

Thanks for not just hitting the delete button!

05-08-2002, 06:52 PM
Hello anerlich,

Thanks for the vote of support and well wishes.

Alpha Dog,

I am not sure what you have based your assumptions on, you know what assumptions make of us, right ;) but you seem to be under the impression that I am in need of others admiration, to include your own. Please do not take offense but I truly am in no need of your validation nor approval.

As to visions of granduer you are quite right; I would love to see a unified Wing Chun community where different lineages and levels could interact as equals. I would like to see an end to the petty bickering and deriding of those different than ourselves within our family. I would like to see those with knowledge actually share that knoweldge with their juniors and perhaps, <gasp> answer questions instead of spouting vague references to "help the less fortunate find the way".

I freely admit the above to be lofty goals. I also admit that I may not be the best choice to attempt to bring any of this to pass. Still, I try to accept others at face value even if I disagree with someone I try not to resort to snide and petty insults. Of course, being human I am far from perfect and could be guilty of making the wrong choices. Since you seem to take offense or not appreciate my posts then perhaps it would be best to ignore them. In this way you would be able to keep yourself from getting upset. Still, if I make you smile then my heart is joyous as I would rather hear laughter than voices raised in anger or crying. I know and am secure in who I am, I do not need your approval or validation, nor anyone elses. If you feel the need to assert yourself then consider yourself the winner as I am willing to Bow Wow, oops meant Bow Down ;) and proclaim you my superior thus dashing any self delusions of granduer:D .



Alpha Dog
05-08-2002, 07:10 PM
The observation isn't mine alone, Davey. I would love to take all the credit for it though! :D

05-09-2002, 03:01 AM

The apprentice or the master?

The new and improved RH, Whip or even s.f. Reveal yourself!!!

I hope you chi sau better than you post!

Sihing nice to see you try and bring us closer. The seminar is one way and if I had the funds I would love to participate. You couldn't lend me a few thouand bucks could you?

All in all the trouble is you have revealed your true nature and there are some members here who find you a bit power hungry.
Do you have this perspective?
In the end we all learn from the mistakes we make!!!

Alpha Dog
05-09-2002, 03:34 AM
Indeed, if only chi sao were as easy; but that is only to say that chi sao is a challenge.

I gather you don't like the way I post. Funny, I can't recall any of yours.

Anyway, thank you for teaching me the importance of humility. I will see if I can find a mask that fits. Tell me, do these masks come with the nose already browned or with instructions? I wanna get mine worked in real good so as not to disturb y'all further.

05-09-2002, 03:56 AM

It seems that we sometimes go in circles and accomplish nothing of value. Rather than let this post degenerate I will ask each of "US" to stop now.

Cloud One,

I appreciate your post and your bringing up the perception of my being power hungry. While I may be of a different opinion I will give some thought to your post and consider the fact that I may be perceived in this manner.

Alpha Dog,

Suffice it to say we have a difference of opinion on many things. Each of us will doubtless feel our position is the right one. Each of us may be wrong and we could even learn from one another, possibly. It will accomplish nothing for us to go round and round and does no one else on the board any good either. If you wish to continue this discussion then please feel free to contact me directly.



Alpha Dog
05-09-2002, 04:08 AM
When you start communicating personal messages to your circle of friends via email, instead of posting here as though the board belonged to you, I might consider doing the same.

Feel free to get the last word in now and lock the thread, as per usual.

05-09-2002, 07:02 AM
"I freely admit the above to be lofty goals. I also admit that I may not be the best choice to attempt to bring any of this to pass"

Dave, I dont think there is a best choice but anyone who wants to try is probably a better choice then most. You are a sucker for mouth boxing though! :)

05-10-2002, 03:47 AM
Just passing through,best wishes on your recovery Dave,

A just cause is one indeed.;)

05-10-2002, 06:38 AM
Take lessons.
'' I will see if I can find a mask that fits. Tell me,''

The master of brown nose is.......?

With your talent have you tried Dragon's List?

Alpha Dog
05-10-2002, 07:24 AM

05-13-2002, 08:20 AM
If you have the friendship gathering in central park or somewhere in the city I would like to attend.I think it is a good Idea.hopefully it will work out well.


05-16-2002, 07:03 AM
Hello Everyone,

Since the idea of another Friendship Gathering has been mentioned on this thread I figured we may as well discuss it now.

Central Park in New York City has been suggested as a location and seems to be okay with the majority. We just need to figure out where in Central Park to meet. Since I do not know the City I will defer to those who live there. With this in mind I would ask for people to e-mail me with specific meeting spots in the park so we can coordinate things. I would suggest something as centrally located as possible in the city to make it easy for everyone to get to.

Another question would be the date and time for this. I woudl like to suggest that we try to schedule this for July 20th or for August 31st. Both of these dates are on a Saturday and should provide ample time for people to plan things out. I would ask that we get an idea of who wants to attend no later than the first week of July. As to time I would suggest something around midmorning like 10am and lasting about 3-4 hours.

I would like to suggest a type of picnic lunch where everyone provides there own food and we could all eat together. I would also like to suggest allowing our famlies to attend. I am sure that different people could bring various games for children and loved ones to utilize. This way our families could feel a part of the bigger Wing Chun family and not be left out.

Anyhow, please feel free to e-mail me regarding this. Let me know what date works for you as well as any suggestions for activities or an agenda, if desired. Maybe if we could have different lineages present and so a little demo from each group. Or, we could just fellowship and make friends, no pressure to do anything. ;)

You can reach me at: sihing73@juno.com

