View Full Version : Let's hear your opinions on THIS supposed Chi kung demo

KC Elbows
05-08-2002, 09:53 AM
From another forum:

"I have...seen demonstrations of the use of chi... An older chinese man told us at a chinese new years celebration in NYC that he can move his chi to different parts of his body to make that part strong. His words 'inpenetrable'. We smiled and he began to move his neck around and breath very heavily. When he was done his neck was twice the size...I nearly wet my pants."


05-08-2002, 09:58 AM
wa sit the neck being twice the size or wetting the pants part u were referring to as qigong? :D


KC Elbows
05-08-2002, 10:06 AM
The guy went on to tell me that this was such a great defensive and offensive thing to do. I couldn't figure out how making the target area bigger was a good defensive idea, especially in the neck, but hey, I'm no chi kung master.

BTW, that was the SECOND time in that post that he almost peed. I recommended depends, but he didn't seem to appreciate that.

05-08-2002, 10:08 AM
must be a very high level skill to be able to make someone do THAT. kinda like lin kong jin - make someone wet themselves as a defense when they're mid-attack :D


KC Elbows
05-08-2002, 10:15 AM
if that's lin kong jin, I'm sticking with beating my opponent like a sack of potatoes. Less urine that way.

05-08-2002, 10:18 AM
depends if ur in the firing line or not i guess...
interesting quote u picked though - i'm sure it was edited for maximum effect :D


Golden Arms
05-08-2002, 12:21 PM
To get back on topic here....I dont know a whole lot about this stuff, but I do know and have seen in person my sifu do a couple really crazy Qi-Gong demos, and he usually starts them off by doing some stuff that makes his whole body swell up so his muscles and everything look HUGE! its really noticable..sorry I couldnt be more help

05-08-2002, 02:35 PM
i heard there was this one sifu that was able to make his ego bigger by making morons believe his bullsh!t.

05-08-2002, 02:37 PM
take no offence if you have seen his stories brought to life first hand.

second hand nonsense has got to be one of the biggest sources of amunition for the raleks of the world.

05-08-2002, 02:38 PM
And one time--at band camp--I stuck a chi gong up my *****!

05-08-2002, 02:41 PM
huh huh . .. actually that was muh peter boy.

05-08-2002, 02:57 PM
I dont know about the incrising size part.

But the moving chi to make strong body parts and all, from the limited knowledge i might have, sounds like Golden Bell wich is very real.

Golden Arms
05-08-2002, 03:44 PM
ROFL, I dont personally care if you guys believe me or not, as I was just giving the guy a response that was actually on topic :) I suppose though that if you do want to shoot down what I said you should be able to explain to me why then both iron jacket and golden bell DONT work, and why then someone would spend the ~ 8-10 years of work day after day to develop those skills if they dont. Dont be critical of things you havent seen..I am not trying to win any supporters or anything..heck, I didnt even say my sifus name...heheh

Royal Dragon
05-08-2002, 06:22 PM
I think I have seen body builder make parts of thier bodys bigger. It's called a FELX!!!

Generally guys wth lots of muscle mass can flex more than us average joes, so it looks more impressive, that's all.

So KC, where do you find this gem? Sounds like some of the sillyness from the Dungeon forum.

05-09-2002, 02:39 AM
The differences between Iron jacket/Golden bell and common body building is that after 3-5 years of training in the CMA one, the body actaully stays tough even if you stop training every day. Once every month will be able to maintain that "armour".
However, for body building, although the results are much more impressive visually, the muscles will start to get flubbery after 2 weeks of not training. And it may take several months to get back those lack of 2 weeks.

Royal Dragon
05-09-2002, 04:31 AM
I've never seen a muscle bound guy go flaby in two weeks, that's rediculioussssssssssss!!!!!

Repulsive Monkey
05-09-2002, 06:12 AM
I think it was a mere comparison. However I have seen bodybuilders in a very short period of time lose their frame by not doing any Iron-shirt. Iron-shirt deveopls up the muscle in a different way to pumping iron like body builders. Iron-shirt is a defensive measure, and its not meant to build up muscle mass in the same way that body duilders are, its meant to consolidate muscle mass and concentrate it by the Qi infusing conditioning.

KC Elbows
05-09-2002, 06:23 AM
Its from table talk.

Golden Arms,

As for the Golden Bell comparison, I've never heard referrence to golden bell enlarging portions of the body, and in every example I've read of this "enlarging process", the person takes a couple minutes to prepare for it, which is next to useless in a fight.

I'm not referring to golden bell being useless, I'm referring to taking a couple minutes to enlarge the neck.

Remember, enlarging the neck equates to making it easier to hit the carotid. This is supposed to be good?

I'm not attacking your sifu. It doesn't sound like he made any claims to the martial efficacy of this enlargement, he just demonstrated it.

I'm also not saying such an enlargement is bad in any way, I'm just saying that no one I've heard of who did this ever explained the use of it, and left it to the viewer to be amazed and attribute more to it than it warrants as far as martial application.

Royal Dragon
05-09-2002, 07:21 AM
Table Talk, Dungeon, whatever they are both the same group of guys providing me with countless hours of free entertainment:D

As for the Chi Kung stunt, I'm sure it's made up. That conversation was Just a Chung Moo National instructor pretending to be a normal guy by siteing a fake example to support the claim John C Kim can make his one arm grow bigger through the sheer power of his Ki.

05-09-2002, 07:27 AM
I went to a seminar in 1994 by Hung Ga Sifu Y.C. Wong, he doesn't speak english very well, or at least didn't want to, with my sihing translating, he asked me to grip his side with my hand, I grabbed his side, where the obliques are and squeezed hard thinking in my mind this is a good chance to test him but not overtly or disrespectfuly, Sifu Wong then made a funny noise, curved his body slightly and his torso became very firm causing my grip to open, ( not pop off but open ). He explained that he sunk his innards and compressed his body, he explained some other things that I didn't understand from the translation. Still I was amazed at how he did that. Thats a seminar i won't forget. I don't know if it's the same kinda thing as the guy with the big neck but I was impressed just the same

Felipe Bido
05-09-2002, 09:19 AM
I never heard or seen that kind of Chi Kung. I'll have to ask.

norther practitioner
05-09-2002, 09:43 AM
Oh yeah, well I can make people fly across the room with powerful chi blasts, oh wait, no I can't......but I can make people fall over without even touching them....wait no thats mooney. I love real chi demos....I think I am starting to love fake ones even more now. Unfortunately, more and more of these posers are coming about, whether this is real, well I think 2x is prob. an exageration, but it could be real, never seen this one before.