View Full Version : tri-grams

wild child
05-09-2002, 01:44 AM
My teacher recently made reference to tri-grams and their relevance and meaning from a martial perspective.

does any one know of any sites that may have this info?

any help would be appreciated


wild child

Repulsive Monkey
05-09-2002, 02:48 AM
Get a good book on the I-Ching (Pronounced Yee-Jing) this is the very seat of Tri Grams and their importance/meaning.

05-09-2002, 08:08 AM
The trigrams simply are the linear version of Yin and Yang. Broken lines are yin and solid lines are yang. The three lines represent where you are, the direction you are going and where you wind up. I don't think reading the I-Ching will give you any insight into the relationship of the trigrams in martial arts. In the near future we will be presenting an article at our website on the topic.