View Full Version : Peace is better than controversy

05-09-2002, 01:49 PM
Hello Everyone,

Just a quick note to remind everyone that contention does us no good. Respect is something which is earned and yet it also does us no injury to show respect. This is true whether the other is worthy of that respect or not.

It seems that many of us are quick to leap and make assumptions regarding the intentions of others. Remember that in this medium it is sometime easy to misjudge someone. In person there are other factors that play into things and a more accurate conclusion may be reached.

We have an opportunity to build bridges here. To make friends outside of our limited circle and outside of our lineage. I would call on each one of you to try to put aside our petty differences and work to unite our art. The future really rests in our hands, we have representatives of different generations on this board, let us work to set an example for both our elders and those younger than us. Together we can prove to the world and ourselves that not all Wing Chun people need to argue and fight with one another. Instead, let us work to unify our art and share the system with one another and the world. If you are concerned about the quality of training available then work to improve that quality instead of simply griping about it. Recognize that there is merit in each persons approach and that none of us holds the "ultimate" method or approach to doing things. Rather than point out the "mistakes" of others why not help them to improve. In some cases, we may realize that we need to open our eyes to the other "truths" available.

I am calling for us to work together for a common goal. This forum is here for all Wing Chun practicioners regardless of lineage. We can use this forum to build up the system or to continue the petty arguing. The choice is truly ours.

