View Full Version : What would Ryu do?

KC Elbows
05-10-2002, 04:51 AM
In these dark days, when bjj practitioners covort openly with kung fu stylists, it can be difficult to know what is right. What does the great Gene Ching up in the sky want for us to do?

Ask yourself this question: What would Ryu do?

When the backsliders and fornicators openly post about triangle chokes, when the philistine krav magaist lays into the choy li futer for a dependence on forms; yay, when even the disciple of bjj videos appears to denounce all that is good and right and clean about kung fu, how can the innocent mantis stylist stand by, how can the sifu-to-be continue on and not stand up against these heretics?

Remember this: that Ryu, our kung fu brother who yet knew no kung fu, did practice the ways of rolling on the floor, and arm barred next to the unclean and sometimes unwashed wearers of spandex, and lifted weights next to the longfister, and yet he saw no difference between the two, but saw into their souls, and saw the light placed there by the Gene Ching who could not be named, the great moderator in the sky.

And when, on those occassions, when, in brotherhood, the Japanese Jiu Jitsuist and the Hung Garian took a breath from their discussions of theory, and spoke instead of wool and toothpaste and politics, did Ryu stand in judgement, and say "No! All of life must be clinches and ground and pound"?

I say to you, no, he did not.

Ryu is gone now, but his twelve hot asian disciples have spread to the four corners of the world to spread his word. They have told the word to me, and I listened, for they were hot, and though no chance did I have, I held out hope. And the word is this:

If the great moderator in the sky had wanted there to be an off topic forum, he would have made one. Had he really meant for us all to only discuss tiger claws and jings, he would not have provided so many attractive members of the opposite sex to try to entertain. No, Ryu gave to us the lesson that, to be a good martial artist, one must also be a good person, a person with a broad range of interests and knowledge, and one who is a good person and a mediocre fighter can still be seen to be a kung fu brother.

When we all can achieve this, then we too can have twelve hot asians and not be tired.

Those who accept Ryu into their hearts will have the forum they desire. And those who don't, to the Great Gene Ching in heaven, are punk a$$ B1tches, and for them will be unmoderated forums and Ashida Kim threads, and much gnashing of teeth.


05-10-2002, 04:56 AM
all hail ryu and his 12 asain hotties

KC Elbows
05-10-2002, 05:58 AM
Beware of false Ryu's, for they will badger you and try to convince you to follow in their wicked forum ways.;)

05-10-2002, 06:12 AM
Dude--I'm not sure what Ryu would do...but if I see ANYONE with a WWRD bracelet, I'm kicking their ass.

05-10-2002, 06:43 AM
… in the name of the Gene… the Ryu… and the Holy OE Simon…



WWRD bracelets… get em here $3… get em while they hot…

05-10-2002, 06:54 AM

Any word from that kid that wants to get his ass kicked? ;)

05-10-2002, 07:21 AM
he actin all skurred… he rather beat up on me… plus he's brainwashed by the politics of KF… he on some 'what if sifu find out…' and ' I might get in trouble with sifu'… like he gonna get the death penalty or something… excuses…I don’t think he really wanna be a fighter… but I'm still trying to check yall out myself… I'm on 'tour' right now… just visited Goh's place(thanx to any of Goh's people that's online for the workout)…I'm supposed to to check out a school in Linthicum(sp?) next week...

my bad for puttin the kids biz out there like that…but he's pretty good and needs to see more than what he's seeing IF he really wants to be a fighter…

*end thread corruption*

KC Elbows
05-10-2002, 07:46 AM
Don't hijack the holy thread of Ryu!

05-10-2002, 07:50 AM
what's all this WWRD business?

care to share?

everyone else continue talking around us...:)

05-10-2002, 07:52 AM
dude etc...... i'm not sure if you're thinking what i'm thinking. if you're not, or you are, or what-****ing-ever, this thread is the funniest i've read in a while. so kudos to you all, take care, ryu please don't strike me down where i stand, and howdy.

05-10-2002, 07:58 AM
*looks up fearing lightining striking*

KC Elbows
05-10-2002, 08:01 AM
Actually, Its my response to yesterday's posts about "This forum is evil, everyone's off topic, it used to be better, it must be on topic all the time". I like the community here, I like Cyberkwoon, but it would be dumb for Gene to turn this into a Cyberkwoon clone, as its a different sort of forum.

Anyway, someone commented on the absence of Ryu, and they attributed it to the forum. I seemed to recall Ryu dealing with other stuff last I saw him on here, and I didn't think he'd want anyone slamming the forum for him.

That's when the inspiration struck me. I mean, Ryu is Captain nice guy of KFO, so it wasn't a big stretch. Sure, he wouldn't want me to start a religion around him either, but he can't stop me unless he shows up, in which case I just attribute it to the second coming of Ryu.

Anyway, me and my kung fu brothers out here practice hard together, and outside of the class, we're total goofballs. Why should those I know on the internet be any different?

Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox.

KC Elbows
05-10-2002, 08:03 AM
Follow the word of Ryu, or face eternity in the pit of unmoderated hell!!!!!


05-10-2002, 08:03 AM
Round of applause for KC!!

The voice of reason. :D

KC Elbows
05-10-2002, 08:06 AM
Reason's fallen on hard times if I'm its spokesman.

I tore poor Water Dragon a new orifice yesterday for no real reason. He seemed cool about it, but this was my more reasonable response.


Sinners, repent-a! Salvation awaits you in the hot asian forum in the sky!!!

05-10-2002, 08:49 AM
WWJD= What would Jesus do? As if you needed a reminder on your arm!

So, WWRD---you figure it out :)

05-10-2002, 09:25 AM
KC you can do anything you want except rhyme. For some unexplained reason it irritates me. Kind of like the Hyundai Tiberon. I just get ****ed when I see those cars. I really don't know why.

05-10-2002, 09:30 AM
Everytime I see one of those commercials, I just want to go into a fit of violence. What the hell is a Tiberon anyway. It's like Dasani bottled water, you just know a bunch of industry guys got together and wanted to come up with a meaningless word that sounds vaguely exotic.

05-10-2002, 09:32 AM
Tiberon is a shark.

05-10-2002, 09:34 AM
Of course, that begs the question of what resemblance a badly built car has to a cartilaginous fish, but I digress...

KC Elbows
05-10-2002, 09:37 AM

By the end of it, rhyming irritated ME.

Now stop hijacking the Sacred Thread, before the mighty Gene Ching in the Sky deletes your prostate!


Let go the trappings of style!

Prepare yourself by the holy phone for the call of the prophet Bruce!



05-10-2002, 09:37 AM
correction: It is spelled Tiburon. It's an island 34 miles (55 kilometers) long NW Mexico in Gulf of California off coast of Sonora.

What would Ryu do if he saw a Tiburon?

05-10-2002, 09:39 AM
before the mighty Gene Ching in the Sky deletes your prostate!
That would be quite nice. It is quite hot and humid hear today and it is really a nuisance when getting in my car.

05-10-2002, 09:40 AM
Gene Damit… I thot it was spanish for shark???

05-10-2002, 10:06 AM
TTT - I don't want this dropping past 5 on the list, until this generation of KFO members shall pass!

KC Elbows
05-10-2002, 10:07 AM
Amen, brother.

There is no Ryu but Ryu.

05-10-2002, 10:48 AM
Ryu. must be erased!

Though shall not worship false Ryu's!

05-10-2002, 11:41 AM
watch out, we'll put a towelly ban on you.

05-10-2002, 02:29 PM
TTT we must not displease, or the great RYU may start laying the smack down!