View Full Version : someone punching you to different parts of the face

05-10-2002, 08:07 AM
alright, basically this is the question: does anyone here react subconsciously to punches thrown to different parts of the head? i thought about this in response to people biasing punches the other night at training (eg, someone thinks 'right, i don't want to hit this guy so i'll aim to miss, thus ****ing up his parry'.)

ill explain... someone throws a right punch.... halfway between a cross and a roundhouse. right? a punch with a bit of curve on it. he aims to hit your right cheek. by the time it reaches you, it's simple to move a tad to your left, hold up your left palm to the outside of his wrist to make sure he misses/to gain contact with him, and slam his nose with a right palm.

right, now imagine he throws a right punch to your left cheek. he's aiming to a different part of your face - does your response differ? do you aim to, this time, cut inside of him onto his right wrist, deflecting/cutting outwards? once again, slamming his nose with your right palm?

this example was a bit open... after all, your response would change depending on the time that you respond - his punch ends up in almost exactly the same place, while the mid-point of it may alter/or not, depending on his style/target.

but please, feel free to abuse my lack of knowledge/tell me what you think, or merely let this thread slip into page 2, then page 3, and so on. take care.

05-10-2002, 08:48 AM
I think in terms of centerline. So though I havent ever asked myself your exact question (to the left side/right side of face) - I do see attacks as being on the center, off the center to the outside, or off the center to the inside, and the response can and usually will vary.