View Full Version : He that hath ears let him hear

05-10-2002, 08:39 AM
My Bretheren, I return to you from the presence of the Gene in the sky. I have come not to destroy this world, but to save it.
Be not afraid, bretheren of KFO it is I. Here, feel my feet and hands. I am before you in real body. I bring thee words of wisdom... :D Use your noggins, and make only judgments of education and understanding. ;)

(PS, no offense to any Christian people on the forum. Christ, in reality, is one of my favorite people in history. So nothing disrespectful intended.)

Hi guys.
KC, after reading your thead I tried to leave the room, but my head wouldn't fit in the door! LOL, that was great!

About my absence from the forum. Well yes, as KC mentioned I am dealing with a little bit of my own stuff these days. I'll be back to posting when I get things cleared up. It's a mixture of emotional things, friendships, romance, etc. Lately, I haven't been too secure about things, but that's nothing to discuss here. So instead, I'd like to say that I do enjoy the forum quite a bit actually. For the most part, everyone here is friendly, understanding and I think sincerely cares about each other which is funny considereing many have never met.
This forum is probably the best I've been on. Everyone knows I try to live with certain convictions in mind, but none of those convictions are threatened by the forum LOL ;) Don't worry.

I'll be back of course, but I just need to get some things worked out.

Take care,. ............ and be good! :D


05-10-2002, 08:43 AM
Who cares, where the **** is seven star?

KC Elbows
05-10-2002, 08:50 AM
Take up your grappling dummies!

With true hearts, take your asian cuties to the market!

Let lapse your Phase 1 Instructorships!!



Don't know if its any help, and I couldn't tell you where the heck the quote comes from, but one thought that has always helped me through my own inner struggles is "In the heart of doubt lies enlightenment"


Make strong the ruffied mai tais, for you are SAAAAAVED-A!!!!

Sinners, Ryu will return again!

05-10-2002, 08:53 AM
******… must find asian cutie to grapple wit so that mine soul be saved…:D

(it must br Friday):cool:

05-10-2002, 09:00 AM
Good to have the update. I have recently thought -- Things have a way of working out, but does that mean that they work? So, I hope that the working out goes as smoothly as is possible (though roughness is part of the journey), and that they work for you.

Gene is in the sky ("with diamonds" ? -- darned if I can remember what that Beatles song was all about, but this is fun). Can he do horse stance in the clouds? You were there? You saw?

very best,
Cody (in a silly moment)

05-10-2002, 09:02 AM
Awesoem to hear you havent left forever, look forward to hearing from you! Meanwhile, do what you gotta do and roll on brother!

KC Elbows
05-10-2002, 09:10 AM
Down with the Branch Ryuidians!(ROTFLMAO):D

Follow not the Southern Baptist Ryuidians, no matter the zestfulness of their music!

There is only one Church of Ryu, until, of course, it becomes the Reformed Church of Ryu, in which case there will be only one Reformed Church of Ryu, unless, of course, the need arrises to become the Reformed Church of Ryu, Scientist, Maitaiyana vehicle.

KC Elbows
05-10-2002, 09:11 AM
And you can be sure there'll only be one of those, too!

05-10-2002, 09:15 AM
glad to see ryu's alive, but where is my big cuddley black man?

05-10-2002, 11:22 AM
Good to hear that the Gene head shaving incident didn't really happen.

05-10-2002, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by KC Elbows

With true hearts, take your asian cuties to the market!

My asian cutie dumped me about a week ago (for the second time):(

Is this a sign?

05-11-2002, 08:02 PM
Hey does that mean I don't get the "." ?