View Full Version : The Impotence of Jing

KC Elbows
05-10-2002, 03:11 PM
Do you guys think that excessive sexual activity can detract from your ability to do kung fu?

05-10-2002, 03:17 PM
excessive anything can detract from your kung fu in it's own way. even water. drink too much, and you're peeing all day instead of practicing.

think of everything that sex requires of you -- nutrients, energy, water, time, etc. too much loss of either of these and you're on the bench.

05-10-2002, 03:19 PM
I'll tell you in the morning.:D

Oh Mrs Rogue, time for an experiment....

05-10-2002, 03:46 PM
Yes, but blow jobs are okay.

05-10-2002, 03:50 PM
Sex is best after training...ADRENALINE pumping!:D


African Tiger
05-10-2002, 03:54 PM
Only if you don't have a "sparring partner". Then you have to perform the 5 Fingers of Death...:D

05-10-2002, 04:05 PM
don't forget the mighty buddha palm

05-10-2002, 06:39 PM
elbows sex does drain chi from a man, some people say that women actually absorbe the excess energy

its a small change in the abdominal energy field but its noticeable

..i think there are taoist legends about "magicians" who tried to steal energy from females, to gain immortality..but thats not what taoisim..or taoist immortality is about

there are also some techniques for women to "block" out the energy so the effects are minimal on the man

but unless your training in advanced levels of meditation or chi kung, sex shouldnt effect your gung fu training..

gl with whatever inspired you to write this though..

05-11-2002, 02:54 AM
lol guys! :D

why not just read the whole "Sex and Chi" thread on the Internal forum? It has all the answers there... kinda

As far as i know in TCM theory, men do lose Jing when they have sex, but i think as long as it's not like 7 times a day or anything, shouldn't really be a problem :p

Dunno about all the stuff Maestro said though..? Maybe Repulsive Monkey or Nexus can explain things better? :)


05-11-2002, 04:15 AM
I don't think so. Unless you stay up all night and no sleep. Then you might be to tired to train? This is stupid :rolleyes:

Royal Dragon
05-11-2002, 05:52 AM
It's a proven thing, 24-48 hours after a good romp, your testoterone levels are elevated. All these guys trying to boost thier testosterone levels with steriods that shrink's thier wee wee's got it all wrong, they need to find a good woman to play with, it does the same thing.

I say, get laid 3 times a week, that way your testosterone levels are always elevated.

From personal experiance, I'm always noticably stronger if I have a little nooky before I train hard.

The best pre practice routine I have ever done

1 Eat rice with raw veggies - LOT's of it. I mean STUFF UR self
2. Snuggle up with your special someone, and let the Lovi'n flow
3 take a deep power nap

When I do this before I train, I can push myself the hardest, and I get the most out of it. If I'm sparring, I'm usually right on and difficult to beat.

The myth that sex drains your Chi is an old Chinese Wife's tale!!!!!

So, to recap.................If you want to be good at Kung Fu, make sure you get laid 3-4 times a week.

This is the Tao of the Royal Dragon

05-11-2002, 06:58 PM
so many variables

1. age
2. time of year
3. health

bottom line, don't force anything..when you do it...make her cum seven times, relax out of it seven times...its a good work out, shapes the legs, you get enlightened. If you will regret it in the morning its bad...make things positive for everyone..don't use them. It should be about mutual respect and love....or just animal monkey sex. Just be happy.

it takes about a week to restore...taoist classics say 100 days.

and don't pull an all nighter...sleep is very important.

Royal Dragon
05-11-2002, 07:46 PM
All Nighters are too hard, we usually snuggle to sleep, and boink first thing in the morning.:D :p

05-11-2002, 08:05 PM
ahhh! now I have it in print! Honey!! Royal Dragon says we should be doing it 3-4 times a week again! No, we're not getting old. Finish dancing and let's get busy!:D :p