View Full Version : Do you Advertise or Brag that you know Kung Fu??

05-10-2002, 08:16 PM
What I'm sayin is.
Do you go just a little out of your way to let people around you know that you know Martial Arts.

Like always wearing a martial arts T-shirt
Always mentioning something about Martial Arts to your friends?
Practicing forms in the most Unapproprate places (like your FRIENDS parents 25th wedding anerversey)

I didn't do that

I left my 3 sectional staff at my moms house because she has this Huge back yard where I practice.

I must admit that at Thanks Giveings, It was at my parents house and the whole family was there and my 3 sectional staff was Layin out in the foyer, People would ask "Whats that"
My mom would reply "Oohhh, it's just some (jitsu ku jow) type of Thing.

I would say "yeah, thats it" and act all cool until someone would ask more about it (being Kung Fu)and someone always does.

Anyway, I will admit that I enjoy sayin I know Kung Fu, But I even enjoy more discussing Kung Fu with someone who knows it.

YEAH, I'm a show off to a certain extent
BUT I don't Brag straight out to people about it.
In fact, if it doesn't come up,I'll never say anything.

SO, do you wear T-shirts saying your Kung Fu school?
Or go out of your way to let people know that you know Kung Fu?

Do you see anything wrong with this??

05-10-2002, 08:54 PM
If it comes up , it comes up. If someone asks why my arms are 50% brused, I'll answer "kung fu". I don't belive in hiding it, but I'm not really a show-off ether.

I always tell the truth as much as I can also , I'll tell them I do KF, but I always add that I am much better at Fencing, as it is my main art.

I have a KF hooded sweatshirt, but only becuase I liked the design, not out of some real need to be recognized.

Disscussion with someone who knows their stuff is really a lot of fun, since sometimes you feel like you're the only one crazy enough to do this.

BTW : www.Superaction.com , has some cool stuff.

05-10-2002, 09:10 PM
well, i see nothing wrong with bragging about the fact that you know kung fu. i don't do it, but my friends are always doing it! i told a select few of my friends that i take kung fu (about a yr and a half ago) and now EVERYBODY knows and they are ALWAYS bragging about it! it's freakin weird lol.

and this morning, my female friend who practices shaolin at a different school from me in the city made me practice w/ her before school AT the school, right in front of it where the buses pull in, and we were basically "comparing notes" (doing forms and different basics and whatnot) and EVERYBODY was watching, it was mad funny. people in suburbs have no clue about kung fu! they're all like "are you dancing or something?" and 50 people must've come up to me that day and asked me about it...oh my...well it was fun...and we unintentionally got a massive crowd, we just wanted to friggin practice!

i definitely don't show off though, it was strictly practice and not performance, and i try to stay as "humble" as a 16 year old in highschool who takes kung fu can be (which isn't THAT much, but i try, i swear, d*mn friends!!!!)

05-10-2002, 09:53 PM

Then you have to hold back from smashing their throat.

You're not living up to the name begby, because of course he'd never hold back. ;)

That's definitely one of my favorite movies.

David Jamieson
05-10-2002, 09:58 PM
I only brag about it in crowded lines at the grocery store.


05-10-2002, 11:19 PM
I joke about it with my friends at work and all, but I wont go out of my way to say I practice. I usually say it more if something happens, say a guy walks into my resturaunt in a Gi, or kid (and yes I've seen kids wearing there karate outfits), I'd joke with my coworkers saying I could take them. Then they ask why and I'd tell them.

Then after that I joke around, doing the Karate Kid references. I dont show off or anything though doing forms. I think the only time I showed off at work was doing some chain punches and I threw maybe 10 at most. Some dude asked how fast I could punch so I threw 5 punches in a second. Then another 5 a few weeks later when another coworker wanted to see it.

The first time it actually came up was when someone asked why I never work Monday or Wednesday and I said thats when I go to my Kung Fu classes.

05-11-2002, 12:26 AM
When you're 16 and male you can't possibly help bragging the bragging horomone is running full-force in your blood.

Brag on dude. Just don't expect to keep it up to your 30s.

05-11-2002, 02:04 AM
No, not too many people know that I'm learning KF. My parents, KF school mates, some "real" school mates, and some close friends. I hang out in many areas where macho guys tend to feel threated by everything and I do mean everything. Seeing how I'm 5'11" and 368Lbs, those guys tend to just give me hard looks and hide in the corner.

05-11-2002, 03:15 AM
Actually, i don't really care if ppl know i train Kung Fu and Qigong or not... if it comes up though, then of course i won't hide it.

You ALWAYS get someone who wants to 'test' you or whatever, no matter what you do... and when someone who doesn't train sees you or is near you it tends to bring out violent tendencies in them. It's like they totally flip out and want to kick someone in the head :D
Actually, when someone keeps wanting to 'test' then i usually let them and don't really do anything. The number of people who have hurt themselves just trying to punch, kick me or whatever is actually very frightening! lol
With that attitude it's obvious that they don't actually train, so after a minute or so it's all done and over with.

I have met some really cool people who do train though, and also some real arseholes. I think theres no point in trying to hide what you do. It doesn't make you in to an invincible killing machine or a psycho, so the more ppl who can see that, the better imo :)


05-11-2002, 04:02 AM
No I don't brag about it. But if the subject comes up I just can't seem to shut up about it. However i feel it's a little frustrating discussion with someone who never trained martial art. Or is plain stupid about it. It's good to impress people with but I never show off when people are around. Only descrete stuff or stuff I do without reallt thinking about it. Guess that's not bragging or showing off. I would wanna wear a cool hoody sweather with my shools logo on the left side of the chest. It's very discrete and doesn't draw that much attention, I just want it cause I love the design and I need more sweathers. It's not for showing that I train Kung fu. Those people are rediculous. I'm sad to say I know alot of these kind of people. :rolleyes:

05-11-2002, 05:01 AM
My problem is that I study KF, have regular school, work, plus I was a musician for seven years, and brew. Not too many of my friends are involed in more then one area ...

05-11-2002, 07:30 AM
It sounds to me Mr. Logic that you take pride in yourself and a big part of your self is your Gong fu. I wish I could see more people taking pride in them selves but there are those whom seem to have self-esteem issues and they cope with them by excessive drink or sexual activity or drug use or self mutilation or whatever negative outlet they can find. The martial arts seem to be a postive in your life right now, so continue to wear the martial art t-shirt or practice in what seems to be odd places and talk to any one and everyone who will endulge you in the conversation.:D

05-11-2002, 07:34 AM
I sent a letter on Jan 1st to everyone on my ****list. Telling them I know kung fu and that Im coming to get them. Other then that no bragging or advertizing.

05-11-2002, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by Shaolin
It sounds to me Mr. Logic that you take pride in yourself and a big part of your self is your Gong fu. I wish I could see more people taking pride in them selves but there are those whom seem to have self-esteem issues and they cope with them by excessive drink or sexual activity or drug use or self mutilation or whatever negative outlet they can find. The martial arts seem to be a postive in your life right now, so continue to wear the martial art t-shirt D

while having drunken, violent sex with a crack ***** in a tatoo parlor.

05-11-2002, 07:35 PM
O.K. we have some really cool responses.

It sounds like
Have a VERY misconception of me.

When I said, I didn't do that, I ment everything I mentioned

I do not show off in front of anyone
I don't wear clothing with Kung Fu logos.
I don't talk about it at all!!!

I ACCIDENTLY left my 3 secional staff at my moms house and when company came over and saw it,well, I just went with it and it kinda felt good to brag just a little bit.

I'm just trying to figure out whats going on with the M.A. attitude that some people have.

Kung Lek
Groceris are a misconceptional flaw from Kung Fu. Just beat your way to the God dammm front of the line and don't take no sh!t from that old grand ma cashier(give her a taste of Kung Fu also)
Yeah, nothing will ever beat me.
It sounds very simular to the reality of what is going on around us.
:D :D :D :D

05-11-2002, 07:40 PM
good reply!!!

05-11-2002, 10:52 PM
No. I hate mentioning it because it is always taken wrong.

05-11-2002, 11:25 PM
Every time I see some little kid play fighting I go up and tell them I know kung fu and they look at me like I'm on crack. Then I explain about Bruce Lee being a kung fu master and the look dosen't change. Then I say Jet Li and nothing happens. Then I say Jackie Chan and they mention something about Chris Tucker or saturday morning cartoons and I have to kick the **** out of them.
Every time I meet somebody I say: "Hello, my names tri2bmt and I know kung fu. I can kick your ass."
I wear my clubs t-shirt, sweater, jacket, headband, embroidered pants and shoes, symbolized socks, headband and I have a collection of pamphlets I hand out to anyone I meet including the people I sit next to on the bus. I also have three tattoos of my clubs symbol.
Did I mention I practice kung fu and can kick your ass?
Well then, I practice kung fu and I can kick your ass!

05-12-2002, 12:49 AM
that was the best response yet. i addmit it now, i show off so much. this one kid gave me this eye like you wouldn't believe, so i did a 27 hit combo and then followed up by a tiger belly fireball. ahhh, the power of bs.

05-12-2002, 04:34 AM
I once flipped out and killed everyone around me screaming: I KNOW KUNG FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU *mad grin*

05-12-2002, 04:46 AM
That old lady cashier I was talkin about could kick the sh!t out of your a$$ any day of the week,without a dought.
Old women like beating up on wimps.
Even the bus driver would put your a$$ in it's place.
You should stop wearing kung fu logos,doesn't your a$$ get sore from getting it kicked all the time??

Mr Nunchaku
05-12-2002, 01:26 PM
I have a huge family (aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews) and it's great because they all appreciate the martial arts. I have a cousin and uncle in kickboxing and another cousin who taught TKD. Me and my brother do TKD and have several more cousins and uncles who have been in some kind of martial art at least for a little while. So it's nice when family really understands that you take martial arts and not like it's ballet or something.

As for friends, my friend takes kung fu and we have intelligent conversations about the martial arts but beyond that I don't usually bring up that I take a martial art to anyone else unless it just comes up. Then I'll talk about it if they care to listen.

05-12-2002, 03:31 PM
My favorite thing to do is to take logic and whoop it's ass while branding it with my Temple Kung Fu cow brander. Then me and ol simon get together and write books about places we never been to, martial arts we've never done and people we could never beat up. Then we practice that martial art for ho mosexuals... um... what's it called.

Oh yead...Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Now I got it.

05-12-2002, 04:41 PM
I don't hide it, but I don't advertise it either. If people ask me about it, I say I train but am not very good. Otherwise I don't say anything really.

And I hate demoing for people who know nothing about MA.

Once I was in Tokyo and I met a lady whose family was like a Okinawan Karate family (kinda like lineage holders I think) and she could pick that I trained in MA just by watching the way I stood. That was kinda gratifying and embarrassing at the same time :)

05-12-2002, 05:58 PM
no matter how hard i try ,
somehow the truth always comes out.
people like to introduce me ,then on a side note tell people that i do karate or taekwondo...(kungfu if they actually remember what i really do). here meet my freind he can flip you...
whats up with that ?
feel really embarassed when that happens in the clubs or at parties... sometimes, sometimes its cool.

05-12-2002, 07:03 PM
:D :D :D :D :D

05-12-2002, 07:10 PM
I'm sorry,
I still LOVE you.

Forgive me????

05-12-2002, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by Starchaser107
no matter how hard i try ,
somehow the truth always comes out.
people like to introduce me ,then on a side note tell people that i do karate or taekwondo...(kungfu if they actually remember what i really do). here meet my freind he can flip you...
whats up with that ?
feel really embarassed when that happens in the clubs or at parties... sometimes, sometimes its cool.

'no matter how hard you try'? give it a rest, boy. you brag. which doesn't speak too highly of you

05-13-2002, 06:04 AM
If it comes up it comes up, but I never say too much about my skill level, which is not very high anyway so I just tell the truth.

I would certainly never brag about it though, because if there's one thing I've learnt its that the majority of people have done some kind of fighting in their lives, and a lot of those people could kick my ass.

No point asking for it.

05-13-2002, 06:09 AM
I mention it under the context of "so, what do you do?". Most people in NYC have a job and then some major project that they are doing that constitutes their real life's goals....mine happens to be studying the martial arts.

Thre's nothing so special about training that you shouldn't talk about it.

05-13-2002, 06:18 AM
if there's one thing I've learnt its that the majority of people have done some kind of fighting in their lives, and a lot of those people could kick my ass.

Scotty: can i use that for my signature? - i think it sounds mint :D


05-13-2002, 06:27 AM
I definitely don't brag about it because I am nowhere near being good enough to brag. I keep saying that I am going to start keeping it a secret but that is kind of impossible when you have two ceramic Bruce Lee statues, a Bruce Lee calender and a Jet Li poster at your desk at work. So someone usually walks past and ask "hey are you into that stuff?" Then my cover is blown. I feel sorry for people who ask me in depth questions about martial arts because I usually talk their ears off about it. I can't help it. I guess you can call it an addiction. The only times I wish no one knew that I studied Kung Fu is when some jerk at work comes up to me and makes stupid Bruce Lee noises (I'm sure everyone on this forum has been subjected to such mockery). Those are the people that you want to kick the crap out of. Or when someone asks, "Hey are you gonna' see Kung Pow?". I have found that martial arts are a big joke to a lot of people who know nothing about it. They actually think that the stuff they see on t.v and at the movies is real. Ok, I have vented enough. Peace!

05-13-2002, 06:40 AM
What do you think about prejudicing knowledge of martial arts due to nationality? If you are Brazilian, people come up to you and ask "do you know that bjj stuff?" and if you are Asian then same applies but just that their question is "can you do karate?". I think it's disgusting and would say it's like racism, eventhough they don't intend to be rude. Even my PE teacher did that. Ignorant people do this - dunno whether they wanna start a conversation or are they just being curious.

KC Elbows
05-13-2002, 11:06 AM
I have the same problem. I'm german, and everyone is always asking me, "Hey, are you in a two front war right now?", and "How's the slave camps?" and "Hey, look, there's a French guy. Go make him surrender."

For the last time, though I am of German descent, I have no idea how to use an enigma device.

I'm sick of it. Not ALL of us germans have sunk our own navies.

05-13-2002, 11:39 AM
Anyone who knows me, knows I train. I am always trying to recruit people into it. I love it so much its hard for me not to talk about it.
I am 30 and have more stamina and coordination in everything I do, than I ever had in my life. Funny thing is, knowbody ever wanted to fight me because of knowing it. I think it makes people think twice. Even if they won't admit it.
Yes I do bust out kicks just about whenever I feel like it.

05-13-2002, 12:11 PM
This thread reminds me of when I was in high school, 16 years old. I was taking TKD with my dad at the time, and being the man he is, he decided to get us matching tacky trashy TKD jackets, bright blue with stitched names, insignias, and a big old fist, knuckles out that dominated the back of the jacket. Cost 75 dollars each, so he expected me to wear the thing. Not thinking at the time, I thought it was great. Then I remembered that I went to high school in the city, at a magnet school that was located in a fairly bad neighborhood, plenty of tough kids hanging around and trying to provoke you at times on the way to the bus. Plus, where I caught the bus was at a depot, with a subway entrance there were fights all the time there, once I even saw a bunch of guys beating on this other guy's back with a baseball bat.
So, since I'm here typing to you now, you know that I was not stupid enough to wear a provoking garment in the midst of such a rumble-prone atmosphere.

Of course, if I had known ninjitsu, I would have gadly worn the jacket, flipping out and kicking anyone in the head that stood in my path or dared to jeer at my jacket.


05-13-2002, 12:29 PM
I have the name of my Wing Chun lineage tattoed across my chest and the name of my school tattooed across my shoulders so no matter which way I land you will see I am in kungfu! Does that count?

05-13-2002, 01:24 PM
hehe, funny stories..

05-13-2002, 05:24 PM
My car has our club logo on it and i have contacts wiht the name on them. I also have our clubs soundtrack and14 Volume book by the grandmaster Simon.

Tae Li
05-13-2002, 06:42 PM
*ahrm ahrm*..Tae Li's in the house...sorry need a grand entrance;)

yes, well, bragging about that fact that your a martial artist...Kung Lek had the best answer for that, only when your standing in the grocery store and there a really long line....

I dont like telling people that i do TaeKwondo or studied abit of TaI cHI, mainly due to the fact that Im female and then your sort of labelled a 'buffy' or a kick ass tomboy...well thats the way it was back at school, but now at uni, if its broughtup, or if i happen to mention i cant hang out with you lot later cos i have training, then its possible:rolleyes: that they will ask :"oh? what are you training in", but then all the questions start rolling in:

- what belt are you...thats my fav. esp, when i answer white belt
- how long have u been in it? my answer, oh two weeks, heehee.:rolleyes:
- (or when you are honest with them) so can you kick arse? my reply: "dunno now, what me to try it out on you?" hehehe
- if five guys approached you could you take them on even tho. your a girl? my reply" why take them on? if there goodlookin enuf, ill wink instead and take em' home..."lol

So, u can see, why i sometimes do like to avoid it, but other than that I am very very proud that I have skills in MA (yes i do) and if its ever neccesary to be used that I wont hesitate.

peace people.

Tae Li;)

05-13-2002, 07:28 PM
Have you ever trained at uni? I remember seeing people do this and think it was kinda wierd. But then again that is because I don't like training in public (I hate people watching me while I train).

05-13-2002, 08:30 PM
I never bring it up. My boss keeps telling clients that I'm some sort of deadly weapon, which really annoys me. I'd rather be respected at work for my professional skills rather than my outside interests.

I never wear club T shirts or similar in public places. Too many wackos. About the closest I've come is wearing my wrestling boots on the train coming home from training.

05-13-2002, 09:06 PM
Yeah, I hate it when people introduce me like that too. Makes you sound like a monster. Puts you in a very embarrassing place.

Tae Li
05-13-2002, 10:40 PM
nope never trained at uni Joe, although i had this chinese mate who used to beg me to go and be his training partner cos he knew i wes exp., but i n ever lived up to the idea. oh well.

Tae Li;)