View Full Version : Martial Arts Defense Mechanisms

Sharp Phil
05-13-2002, 07:05 AM
Since I wrote the articles How To Spot a Virtual Tough Guy (http://home.att.net/~philelmore/mafraud.html) and How To Spot a Virtual Sensei (http://home.att.net/~philelmore/virtualsensei.html), I've been fascinated by some of the feedback posted in public discussion forums or sent to me privately. I've also received mail in response to the list of questionable schools, arts, systems, and individuals appended to the article Endless Rivalry (http://home.att.net/~philelmore/mapolitics.html). While most of the feedback has been very positive, the negative responses have all shared certain elements. These elements are characteristic of martial arts defense mechanisms, which are the psychological ploys and logical fallacies used by Virtual Tough Guys (VTGs) and Virtual Senseis (VSs) to shield them from the unease generated by contact with reality.

When criticized or questioned, martial arts frauds will resort to a variety of argumentative tactics that comprise the defense mechanisms. These tactics are easily identifiable, and the following list is by no means inclusive. When you learn to spot a few of these defense mechanisms, however, you will quickly be able to spot others not listed.


A VS or VTG often will accuse his or her detractors of being "sheep." Faced with overwhelmingly negative feedback, the fraud in question often feels persecuted and misunderstood. As a result, it is everyone else who is wrong -- and since they comprise such a large group, the critics simply must possess a herd mentality from which they cannot escape. The ridicule the VS or VTG then faces is a result of this groupthink, and he or she may feel smugly insulated from derision. This defense mechanism is normally closely associated with feelings of great superiority. The VS or VTG believes he or she is the subject of scorn for the mere fact of being superior. His or her detractors are thus motivated by jealousy and fear (or by personal discomfort caused by the piercing insights and overwhelming greatness of the Virtual Sensei/Tough Guy).


Closely related to the "Baa, Baa, Bad Sheep" defense mechanism, this defense consists of accusing one's detractors of lacking "open minds." To the VS or VTG, it is inconceivable that rational, reasonable people would fail to agree or to defer to his or her superior wisdom and skill. Therefore, any criticism must be the result of closed minds -- minds unwilling or unprepared or unworthy of the great insights offered. (One great response to this defense mechanism is the fact that one really ought not keep an "open mind." Rather, as Rand (http://home.att.net/~philelmore/objectivism.html) said, one should keep an active mind. Not all opinions are equally valid.)


As I wrote in How To Spot a Virtual Sensei (http://home.att.net/~philelmore/virtualsensei.html), VTGs and VSs are bullies who believe force is the appropriate solution to every disagreement. Part of the psychology behind this attitude is the logically flawed notion that no criticism is valid unless voiced by someone of higher rank or longer experience. When called on their claims or questioned on their opinions, VTGs and VSs often will demand to know the rank, style, and years of experience possessed by the critic. If this information is provided, the VS or VTG will then dismiss the criticism as coming from someone who is his or her "junior" in the arts. This does not invalidate the criticism, of course -- you need not be able to beat someone up, nor need you possess a belt one shade darker, for your opinion to be logically and factually valid -- but in the minds of the VS and VTG it is all the rebuttal necessary. Anyone who has ever attended a commercial McDojo has seen this attitude displayed, too, by the small percentage of students strutting about condescending to those whose belts are at least one shade lighter.


Closely related to the "Who are you to challenge me?" mechanism is the demand for a face-to-face meeting. The VS or VTG is forever demanding that his or her critics either put up or shut up. No one who cannot beat him in the ring may question his wisdom, the VS thinks. No one incapable of kicking her behind on the street may dare inquire regarding the veracity of her claims, the VTG believes. Ultimately, however, this is simply a defense mechanism like any other -- for since most rational people do not go out of their way to get into physical fights with obnoxious online personalities, the VTG or VS can rest assured that he or she will not be taken up on the offer.


Some VSs and VTGs will affect an attitude of sorrow on hearing criticism of their claims. "I'm sorry you don't believe me," they will say -- and they will express their heartfelt pity that you will miss out on the chance to associate with greatness if you question the claims of the self-proclaimed grandmasters. Alternatively, many VTGs will tell you that they are glad you've had the good fortune not to grow up on the Mean Streets, fighting off ninja and street gangs and Mafia hordes. They did not have such advantages, however. Thus their tales of their street fighting days may seem fanciful to you, but that's only because you have neither been there, nor done that, nor bought the t-shirt.


Perhaps the first rule of verbal self-defense, in the absence of legitimate and logically grounded opinion, is to accuse the accuser. Cornered, the VS or VTG will be quick to point out that it is the critic(s) who display(s) the warning signs of martial arts fraudulence.


While the VS and VTG usually display monumental childishness, they often resort to this tactic in attempting to deflect criticism. Anyone who does not believe them or agree with them must be "immature." Any attempt to expose absurd assertions for what they are is similarly puerile -- for what mature adult would dare question such superior skill and knowledge? Blanket labeling of deserved scorn as "immature" has a preemptive benefit, too, in that any future criticism may be presumed by the VTG or VS to be equally childish in nature.


Closely linked to the name-dropping warning sign exhibited by Virtual Senseis, this defense mechanism relies heavily on the reputations of acknowledged greats within the martial arts and self-defense industry. When criticized, the VS or VTG loves to mention respected and accomplished personalities with whom he or she has worked (however briefly), particularly if some claim to training lineage can be established. If those big names ever had anything positive to say about the suspected fraud you are now questioning, you can bet you'll hear about it in great detail (and repeatedly). Thus, criticism of the VS/VTG can be (falsely) shunted to criticism of the respected personality -- something the critic never intended and something easily dismissed on the basis of reputation alone.

...continued below...

Sharp Phil
05-13-2002, 07:05 AM
...continued from above...


Many VSs and VTGs may become -- suddenly and ardently -- very concerned with what relatively new students in the Arts may think in reading criticism directed at the suspected frauds in question. Why, all this negativity turns off the newbies, they'll say. What's worse, they'll tell you, is that any attempt to identify and expose martial arts fraudulence may prompt those with less experience to dismiss legitimate teachers and fellow seekers of budo, when in fact those legitimate individuals could have much to offer. This, the VS and VTG will argue, is unthinkable. (Quite often, this same defense mechanism will be made as an argument by earnest discussion participants who believe very strongly in maintaining a positive attitude. There's nothing wrong with wanting things to stay positive, but in avoiding negative ideas when such negativity is warranted, these well-meaning individuals run the risk of allowing the frauds to do more harm. It is better to err on the side of caution.)


It is very important to the average VS or VTG that he or she project the illusion of great wisdom. Often this is accomplished by being cryptic for its own sake. When others cannot understand you -- or when you decide that individual words have no meaning -- then anything and everything one says can be considered profound. A Virtual Sensei/Tough Guy can use this trait as a defense mechanism by meeting criticism with more impenetrable pseudo-wisdom. Those who respond to say the rebuttal is meaningless will be met with the smug proclamation that they simply do not understand. "Say what?" is thus a very versatile and self-perpetuating character trait that both identifies and defends martial arts frauds.


Because what they say and do is generally not supportable by logic, VSs and VTGs display any number of formal logical fallacies in their reasoning. Some of the defense mechanisms I've listed here are obviously interpretations of these, such as the Appeal to Authority (in the case of name-dropping) or the implied argumentum ad hominem typical of dismissing criticism from those of lesser rank. Other popular fallacies include the "No True Scotsman" fallacy, in which the VTG or VS asserts that no true student of the arts would dare disagree. Then there is the non sequitur, frequently used in conjunction with the "Say What?" defense. A Web search for the term logical fallacies will turn up a number of lists and definitions, and I encourage all readers to familiarize themselves with these.

Not included in these profiles is the most common defense mechanism of all: profanity. A vulgar tirade is neither an argument nor a defense mechanism explicitly, but it can form some measure of defense by providing the VTG or VS with an outlet to vent his or her frustration and distress. Those who resort to coarse temper tantrums should be immediately suspect, for mature, rational, earnest students of the martial arts rarely lose their composure in this fashion.


Virtual Tough Guys and Virtual Senseis live in worlds of fantasy guarded by walls of delusion. When you question or otherwise criticize people like this, you are threatening the ways in which they view the world -- and in turn threatening how they view themselves. This would make anyone uncomfortable, for we all have pictures of who we are and we respond negatively to seeing those pictures challenged. Skilled at defending their ultimately unsupportable but endlessly sustainable fantasies, Virtual Tough Guys and Virtual Senseis often are quite adept at meeting these challenges. Understanding the defense mechanisms they use will help you dodge the obstacles they place in your path -- and propel you that much further towards honest understanding in the martial arts.

Royal Dragon
05-13-2002, 07:26 AM
Hello, I have a forum called the Dragon's Dungeon. It has become a host for the never ending Chung Moo Quan wars. An chance I could get you to post this there?? What you describe above is Chung Moo's supperting defence stratagy to a "T"!!!

The Dungeon is not linked from my home page, but can be found at this URL http://pub4.bravenet.com/forum/show.php?usernum=281840285

Thank you

Royal Dragon
05-13-2002, 07:42 AM
I was perusing your essays, and I noticed you had the TMAN forum listed. Just to let you know, that forum was spammed to DEATH by the frauds being debated on that forum. I originally opened the Dungeon so members of that forum would be able to speak thier minds without the hassle of detractors spamming the forum so bad that conversations could not be held.

Eventually, the Spamming got so bad that the TMAN forum administraitors closed it down. Now, the former members of that forum are on the Dragon's Dungeon forum listed above.

I do plan to eventually expand the Dungeon to handle more traffic, but right now it's set to auto delte all post after they drop down 150 positions on the page (Keeps my costs down)

The Dungeon hosts a very volitile topic, and filles up quickly. At times, I have had as much a 500 posts in a single day.

Since TMAN is now dead, and I have taken over thier discussions by way of all thier forum members following me to my forum, you may want to update the links in your essays.

Royal Dragon

Sharp Phil
05-13-2002, 07:54 AM
I posted the article, but the format came out all messed up because that forum software doesn't accept standard [] -type coding. Sorry about that. I posted links to the original article.

Royal Dragon
05-13-2002, 09:18 AM
There are just alot of guys that either post, or just view my forum that could really use a look at your essay's:cool: