View Full Version : Re: wat an ****hole!!!

05-14-2002, 03:02 AM
hi everyone sorry about this totally off the topic thing. but
i just spoke to a japanese friend of mine who has recently returned to japan.
apparently when she was in Australia and going out with a policeman in Queensland (gold COast), he asked her to borrow some money, she ended up lending him over $10,000 AUD. he promised he would pay her back. thinking that this guy is a law enforcement officer and someone expected to know wat is right or wrong she believed him. sigh...
anyway, after they split up and she asked him for the money back he refused to pay her back. and even sent her an email when she went to his police station telling her that if she needs to see the police she should go to another police station.

i mean i know this has nothing to do with kung fu but god !! does this **** u off??? i am really ashamed that this guy is in the australian police force. he ought to get his butt kicked. wat a *****.

sigh...just some frustration i needed to vent out


05-14-2002, 03:54 AM
Why dont u pour sugar into his gas tank and or slash his tires? Get even!

05-14-2002, 06:47 AM
Stumblefist, like your sig. Sounds like were "sometimes the good is the enemy of the best" originated.
Friday, your friend should talk to the little cretins father or brothers. I bet they'd tighten his sorry arse up.

Water Dragon
05-14-2002, 06:50 AM
This sounds like a job for Ryu.

05-14-2002, 07:08 AM
A job for me?

She was Japanese...she probably deserved it.

Oh sorry.....did that come out of me? What was I thinking.


05-14-2002, 07:44 AM
ryu is correct.

05-14-2002, 08:42 AM
what a jerk. :mad: where did the $10k go? someone in his family, or his friends should have noticed he had extra money, then they should know she ain't lying. unless they're jerks as well and would cover for him... she was a bit silly to lend him so much money though, how long did they date?? yes she should definately go to the police, obviously not at his station though. hmmm but do you think the cops would protect one of their own? sue the b@stard! don't need cops for that, just a good lawyer. :D

05-14-2002, 08:44 AM
"ryu is correct"

awww, no I'm not.... "Ryu is a jerk" would be more truthful today. :)

I obviously don't mean what I said. Just a little peeved lately. :D

