View Full Version : Attn: Eddie

05-14-2002, 05:03 PM
Hello Eddie,

I sent you an e-mail a couple of days ago, I was wondering if you've received it. If you did, can you please contact me via e-mail?

Ng Family Chinese Martial Arts Association (http://www.ngfamilymartialarts.com)

05-15-2002, 03:24 AM
Hi Straigtblast,
sorry today was the first time I could access the net. I replied to your mail.
Looking forward to the trip. Still so bussy with some planning etc. but it is not as easy job as one would think.
there is some world conference on some development in Johannesburg during July (the time we will leave). Everyone is comming to SA, and that caused some problems with the airlines. Suddenly they jacked the prices, but we managed to get some secure rates.
will chat again soon