View Full Version : Tibetan White Crane

05-14-2002, 07:04 PM
I'm looking for a place to train. I have several choices in town, but I want more info. on the styles. One of my choices is Tibetan White Crane? Anyone know anything about this style? I'm hurtin' for advice.

wushu chik
05-14-2002, 07:40 PM
Where are you located at?

05-14-2002, 07:41 PM

05-14-2002, 08:04 PM
Ive had a little experience with Tibetan white crane, and i think its a really good system to learn, its one of the only systems where i have felt after one hour of training that i have learned something that i immediatly would be able to use if i was attacked.
Plus its a very nice looking system with a lot of things to lean within it.
I would definatly advise you to check it out.

05-15-2002, 12:17 AM
You sure it looks like Karate, pretty ironic since its technically Karate's Grand-Pappy. Atleast Shorin Ryu

05-15-2002, 03:33 AM
lol yep I know 'something' about Whitecrane...
Dont make the same mistake i did and get whipped into one of there uppercuts :p

norther practitioner
05-15-2002, 07:45 AM
Yeah, search Diego's threads on Hop Gar, Lama Fist, and Tibetan White Crane (I think it may mostly be under hop gar, but I may be wrong). I studied a little, don't know too much about it other than it was a nicely flowing art, that I only learned two forms of. If it is the real stuff, then go for it.

05-15-2002, 08:24 AM
like to help u with more information on white crane but...
i had this thread i posted ages ago that seems to have totally disappeared. i think that one would have given u a bit of information on tibetan white crane. sigh...if i'd known it would be erased i would have made a copy of it.

anyway pm me if u have any questions. i'll be happy to help out with anything i know.


05-15-2002, 08:46 AM
I practise a family system of White crane that is quite similar to the Tibetan Style. If you can find out information about the school, possibly a web site, it would be interesting to see what they actually teach. As stumblefist mentioned, there are alot of schools that advertise styles that they really do not teach. Its hard to find a good Crane school but there are a couple that I know of, including my own.

By the way, is the school name called "Whitehorse....." or something like that? Just wondering as I believe there may be a school out west that was opened by a former student of my Sifu that had Whitehorse in the name. I'm just not sure if it was in Edmonton or B.C. I'll ask my Sifu for information on that, but feel free to send me an email to perpetual3am@hotmail.com and I can hopefully answer some questions for you. i would also urge you to check out Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming's books on Crane as they are an excellent resource on Crane.