View Full Version : Saw two guys practicing Tai Chi in the park

05-15-2002, 12:31 PM
the other day. I was jogging around the park near my house with 5 pound dumbells. I saw them, they were going through the form, looked like Yang style. Breaking down some of the moves. One of the guys looked like the instructor, he was pretty good and wore a Chinese suit. I thought about stopping and talking to them, but I didn't want to interupt this guy's lesson, if that was what it was. Plus, if I'd have seen them doing push hands or contact drills, I'd know that they were into MA for real and would have gone over, but since they were just doing the form, they might have been some of those "tai chi for health" people. I was tempted, though. I did another lap around the park and they were still there. The instructor guy could see I was checking them out, I could just imagine him going "look at this guy, thinks he's all great with his scrunched shoulders, running and those weights are going to f' up his chi flow." I finished my run back to my apartment, completing my workout was more important than checking these guys out. Should I have busted a Ralek on them?

Seriously, the guy looked like he really knew his sh!t, if they're there regularly I'll see them again and ask if I can watch from closer.



05-15-2002, 01:50 PM
re: "...he was pretty good and wore a Chinese suit..." ???

a "chinese suit"?!? ... in the park??? bwahahahaha!!!

that guy is clown shoes!

re: "...if I'd have seen them doing push hands or contact drills, I'd know that they were into MA for real..."

push hands = MA for real ?!?!

you are clown shoes!

* what would ralek do?

05-15-2002, 01:54 PM
Easy...he'd make up a story about KO'ing them both with one punch and then saying that BJJ won the fight. Then he'd open his scrapbook of Gracies in tighty Bad Boy shorts and go to town.