View Full Version : Very good site on fighting and self defense.

05-15-2002, 09:16 PM
Several of us have been tossing this site around in various threads, check it out, there is a lot of information to be found.

No Nonsense Self Defense (http://www.nononsenseselfdefense.com)

05-16-2002, 10:44 PM
Wow, I just spent like an hour reading a bunch of stuff there on streetfighting and knife fighting and other stuff. Very interesting.


05-17-2002, 06:14 AM
Animal is great, and I believe the only "reality" guy to write a book on how to run away. That should tell you something about him.;)

05-17-2002, 06:14 AM
i read the dude's whole site i think

Black Jack
05-17-2002, 09:18 AM
I have always thought Animal had one of the best, no frills, self defense websites on the net, its just chalked full of great info.

If a person should have a list of top websites for self defense information, that one is a real good start.

Midnight Oil
05-17-2002, 01:28 PM
Great page. Hours of good reading. Anybody ever met/trained with this guy?

old jong
05-17-2002, 04:52 PM
This guy is talking about the true reality's street confrontations.And why,they should be avoided. He is also not buying the pseudo-reality of MMA/NHB sport fighting.Self-defense as nothing to do with
"making some guy tap" (http://www.nononsenseselfdefense.com/grappling.html)

05-17-2002, 07:17 PM
The one bad thing about the site is if you go through it all you'll be laughing until you find your category. Ouch!;)

One of my favorite sections is this one on fantasy. (http://www.nononsenseselfdefense.com/fantasy.html)

And this quote

Begin by accepting the fact that all training
is based on the simulation of reality.
The operative word here is simulation.
Bob Orlando
Martial Arts America

African Tiger
05-17-2002, 08:53 PM
It would be great if he could get past his philosophizing and show some concrete examples...

Mr Punch
05-17-2002, 09:25 PM
thanks for the link. this site is immense, in size and scope.

it has just summed up many niggling doubts that i couldn't quite express, and has just helped me to crystallize my thoughts on the couple of encounters i've had.

African Tiger, what concrete examples do you want? his philosophizing seems to me to be full of concrete examples, namely of hitting the concrete/steel/bone etc. the only better eg you'll get is by lurking in dark parking lots, and winding up 'holding your guts in'! or did you want techniques!?

anyway, back to my training... as MP said, for fun!!;)

05-18-2002, 07:05 AM
His books offer techniques, along with some physics lessons and stories. I think he's trying to stay away from the "do this technique when this happens" on his site, keeps what he's saying easier to apply to a Mantis guy as well as the "reality" crowd.

05-18-2002, 08:10 AM
I always like to think that my Judo would work in a self-defence situation. It has in the past. Problem is that this guy puts forward such a convincing argument against it, it makes me wonder.....

Bey yes Rogue - nice link. After I posted my last thread on this I was going to link the whole page, but you beat me to it... Darn!


05-18-2002, 09:14 AM
Thanks for the link to the website, guys.

This is one of the most thought-provoking sites I've seen in a long time. Frankly, it's a breath of fresh air compared to so many of the hyped-sites that are more MA fantasy that MA fact. I plan on reading more of it this weekend...

05-18-2002, 04:02 PM
I've always liked what this guy had to say. It's encouraging to see so many others find value in it.

Tae Li
05-19-2002, 06:24 AM
Interesting...good site, but some of what he says is really based on commonsense.

Like the section he has on rape, pretty logical stuff to me, maybe its because im female and already possess a natural instincst but also a fighting confidence, but I still think that particular section is common sense.

Good site overall tho.:)
Worth lookinf at.

Tae Li;)

05-19-2002, 08:28 PM
You are correct, but often times common sense is the first thing to go in martial artists.

Tae Li
05-19-2002, 10:28 PM
yes, commonsense first thing common to a martial artists mind, but that doesnot mean that you have to REPEAT coomonsense in text when its not neccessary.. Commonsense is commonsense on its own, repeating commonsense is a waste of energy because IT IS commonsense. understand? hmm, yeah, im a bit baffled as well.

Tae Li;)

KC Elbows
05-20-2002, 09:28 AM
Common sense is not as common as its cracked up to be.

I love this site. Having had experience with stalkers, I found that section great. Exactly matches my experiences. These sort of sites are very important. For instance, there is no common sense when dealing with a stalker. What SEEMS the way to go is generally not the way to go. I felt the rape section was good as well. I can understand your point, Tae Li, but common sense is OK. This site seems to be a lot about the stuff that gets used many many times, as opposed to martial arts, which will only see use outside of sparring if common sense fails.

I haven't read the whole thing, but I think a lot of what he was saying in regards to martial artists was cool:

1) Competition martial artists can become caught up in the idea that street confrontations will follow the rules.

2) Traditional martial artists will get caught up in "deadly techniques" that may or may not work.

3) Both groups will be in a world of trouble if they are caught fighting, and not simply using self defense.

Good stuff. I'll have to read more of it today.

Tae Li:

You'd be amazed at how many women lack that common sense when it comes to men. Even highly intelligent women. My sister went out with one dude that turned psycho on her, and she was about to meet with him to talk it over(basically, tell him for the ninetieth time to leave her alone). I was pretty mad. She didn't seem to understand that by giving him her time, she was giving the opposite message, that he was getting time with her.
She did listen to me, and didn't meet him, which was a close thing, as I'm the younger brother, and its hard for her to think of me having better judgement than her on some things.

He was particularly scary to her, said some weird stuff, made threatening comments regarding my nephews. The state she lives in had pretty weak stalking laws, so I was on the verge of crippling the guy, and let him know as much.

Fortunately, that was appparently enough, which is just dumb luck

Enough rant for now. Later.

Tae Li
05-20-2002, 05:37 PM
KC.....sorry to hear your sis was stalked by an arsehole, ive had a few like that myself, but i guess being a martial arts i have a deeper instinct perhaps, because i have set my mind and body up to counter attack any thing...u know what I mean, like as afighter you have to prepare yourself for anything...

So I think that to me its common sense but to your average female who although does think about the impact or likelybility of being attacked she doesnt neccessarily have the that I dont know 'deeper instinct' which is the equivalent of my commonsense.

Tae Li