View Full Version : Let me inside you mind!

05-17-2002, 05:57 AM
I've just been getting back into sparring recently, now I've got a competition before I can blink and I think I've realised what's wrong with my sparring.

When you guys and girl spar what is in your head? What do you think of your opponent? Are you benign and passive or do you want to take their ****ing head off?

I ask becuase I am always (recently, bearing in mind I'm getting back into the swing after a fairly long absence) beaten to the punch, and I think it's because my relaxed, passive demeanour carries over to sparring in a negative way.

Do you visualise your victory?

I don't think I want it enough.I don't think to myself "right mfr you're going down" I think to myself "stay relaxed, stay calm", but I think I stay calm at the expense of being aggressive enough to win.

See what I mean?

What do you think?

Last night I got a little frustrated at being hit repeatedly, got more aggressive and ended up being faster and kind of more pro-active in my sparring. I scored some good shots, and it felt like the old flow coming back again. :)

However, I blatantly don't have enough time to harness it before the comp. Although I'm hoping that the pressure of competition will bring it out.

So tell me how you think when you're sparring. I know the old Bruce Lee 'no mind' business and that is what I have been striving for, but I think I've taken it the wrong way. Rather than not concentrating on technique, I think I've been not concentrating on winning.

05-17-2002, 06:08 AM
It depends on the person.

Working with somebody you are better than is a chance to work your new stuff.

Working with somebody your level is a chance to go all out and try to win, using all the stuff in your arsenal.

Working with somebody who is clearly better than you is a chance to measure your abilities

Every time you spar, you win, if you think of it in these terms.

05-17-2002, 06:18 AM
i usually think "i'm holding back now, if i wanted to i could kill you with one dim mak motion" and smile while i get the crap beaten out of me.

05-17-2002, 06:21 AM
i tell people things like that qeysus.

05-17-2002, 07:34 AM
A calm mind in the long run will make you a better sparring partner. An agressive mind will win you some early victories, but will prevent you from learning certain things.

I think the best state of mind for sparrring is distilled from both of these states of mind...not to much agression, not to much passivity. Just like in your body, the mind must be flexible.

05-17-2002, 11:37 AM
I just stay calm, focussed and tactical, thinking ahead.

05-17-2002, 11:51 AM

05-17-2002, 12:00 PM
My mind is a total blank when I spar (even more so then the rest of the time)

05-17-2002, 02:35 PM
Just like LioKaault said my mind is blank except untill any action is taken then I think. After trading blows and being at a safe distance my mind goes blank again (or at least I try to make it blank).

Remember to stay relaxed. If the mind is frustrated then your body will pick up on that and become frustrated too.