View Full Version : Are All Kung Fu Guys This Way?

05-17-2002, 06:11 PM
I'm quite proud of my boyfriend's Kung Fu. He has the best Kung Fu in town. However, it seems to be all that he's interested in. It's Friday night and I'm all alone again...Suggestions?

wushu chik
05-17-2002, 06:16 PM
Kill him. Get a new boyfriend that isn't interested in MA, and you will never be alone again!!!!! Oh yeah, and hide the body of your MA boyfriend so nobody ever finds him. I think the interior of your walls is a good place! This way, you can never be linked, and all his MA friends will never come looking for you for vengence!!! I think it would work!

OK OK, in all seriousness. Talk to him. Tell him how you feel, and if that still doesn't work, look at my first suggestion!


05-17-2002, 06:16 PM
Yeah, come into the chatroom! Hing, Hang, Hung, and Hong are in there right now!

05-17-2002, 06:17 PM
Sorry, here's the link. http://www.kungfuonline.com/chat.html

Water Dragon
05-17-2002, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by FlyingSleeves
It's Friday night and I'm all alone again...Suggestions?

Yeah, come put me in your guard and triangle me baby :D

Martial Joe
05-17-2002, 06:48 PM
"I'm quite proud of my boyfriend's Kung Fu. He has the best Kung Fu in town."

How do you know?

yu shan
05-17-2002, 07:40 PM
Your boyfriend "should" have the kung fu curse, I mean testosterone overload! A kf man needs to set his priorities, train hard as ****, but there is time to play and take the edge off...hours of sex. It goes with the lifestyle. Flying, take it easy, but take it!!!

05-17-2002, 10:26 PM
When you spar with your boyfriend, wear your CUP.

05-17-2002, 10:51 PM
I have seen many cases like these. And to solution is a compromise. Firstly, you must determine how fanatic about MA is he. If there is room for him to be saved from this curse, try and get him to go out with you on alternate weeks. Or make sure he saves the saterdays for you. Some how get him to choose to be with you more often.
If he is completely devowed by the dark side........ er........ I mean kf, then the only solution would be for you to join him in it. I am afriad that you might have to train with him. Develop a passion for MA yourself. And then build your relationship upon this passion. He is going to love you even more if you share this passion with him. Of course, you have to conceal the fact that you are better than him. Never ever let his ego get bruised. Anyway, during training, no one can completely train non-stop. IN the times of rest, take the time to catch up with each other. Talk while you two are having a drink. Or perhaps get a little more intimate and physical when sparring. There are thousands of ways to enhance training in which makes it fun and not tough for both of you as a couple. Not just as MAist

Hope this helped

05-18-2002, 01:31 AM
just start doing kung fu with him

cuz grrls who do kung fu are not only cool and sexy, but have real ultimate power :)


05-18-2002, 03:23 AM
Maybe you should talk to him. Tell him that he is not spending enough time with you.

05-18-2002, 05:32 AM
Breast implants.

Kidding - Sho said it best :) Talk to the guy. If he still won't be reasonable find some guy who does appreciate you. Or, try and talk more of an interest in his Kung Fu.

05-18-2002, 08:55 AM
By the way, FlyingSleeves is a guy.

05-18-2002, 08:59 AM
Martial art students are great boyfriends, remember that! ;) Don't let go of him, just talk some sense to him, about what you think. Maybe you might want to get involved with MA yourself (in case you are not yet)?

05-18-2002, 07:41 PM
Make yourself more interesting than the kung-fu? Get his aattention and keep it, mentally or physically. If something intrigues him enough, then you should have no problem.

New Jersey: Where the weak are killed and eaten.

05-18-2002, 07:46 PM
budokan is correct.

beat me to it this time wh0re.

05-19-2002, 06:11 AM
You have to call ME "wh0re" too, GunnedDownAtrocity.

I beat Budokan to the punch on this one.

05-19-2002, 07:36 AM
Crack me up! You all concluded incorrectly about the sexual nature of the thread writer.

...which is a HUGE mistake as KFers.

..and how funny the advice stops......
FlyingSleeves....go out and get a life. Why sit around and whine about it?

peace all.

05-19-2002, 12:36 PM
No surprise to me that a KF high practioner don't have much of sexual life. I have zero of that myself all my life time. In the old days, KF and sexual life is competing against each other for a practioner's life spending(both energy and time). Jin is like engine oil to a car as to KF practioners and KF focus can lost it unity with too much sexual life.

Maybe you can try to pretending that you need a personal trainner for self-defend very badly. And if your boyfriend can't be the coach, as you will considered in priority, then you let him know you are going to find another one, one on one private training. If he don't care about that, he is not worthy of your boyfriend.

yu shan
05-19-2002, 04:12 PM
Un maricon??? Growing up in the city, I should know better. Oh well to each his own, explains why I couldn`t give further advice...this being said. What you see is what you get, in the city. Not used to smucks pulling off some kind of false sexual identity...people I hang with are up front! If the guys a maricon, so be it, they throw great party`s. Flying, get over it, move on, too bad you prefer sausage, chocha is umm good!!!

Royal Dragon
05-19-2002, 06:37 PM
Men, need attention from our female companions, that's why we have them. But, for some reason after things settle down the femals often start to ignor the man's needs. Example, instead of showing an intrest and attraction to her man, she watches "Buffy" the vampire slayer and other relly stupid TV shows untill it's to late in the evening for any romance, and then must just go to bed because she is now too "tired" to do anything else, often acting annoyed at the man who she had given the impression romance was comming after her show.

After quite a wile of this routine rejection, the male complains. In the course of sharing his feelings (which for the male is difficult to begin with) the female usually dismisses his needs, and typically says some sort of guilt inducing thing like "What, you only want me for SEX?" and makes him feel dirty. Then, if he persists, she says Well, I'm not 22 anymore you know, I'm older now" He will respond with something like 'But I still need you like that" to which she responds a Tough, deal with it", and repeats the guilt trip line.

The Male, being hurt and rejected one too many times by his un carring and insensitive mate realises he's in a major predicament. On one hand he needs love and affection, but can't get it from his loved one, and on the other hand has too much moral fortiude to cheat, so he starts to fill his life with as many things as possible to distract himself from his mate so as not to feel the pull and desire her company generates. In normal males, this is usually accomplished by building old cars, or setting up a wood shop in the garage or something of that nature. Many go bowling or shoot pool, anything to "Get away from the old lady" as they say.

Kung Fu is also a perfect way to forget about her, as it takes much time and energy and is something the male can obsess himself utterly with and is actually fun to boot. After a wile, he looses intrest in the femal as she is now classifed as a tease in his mind so she no longer really turns him on anymore.

By the time the female realises she has hurt him by ignoring him, he has sunk into his new life style of constant distraction, and is no longer feeling the routine sting of rejection, and really does not want to go back to the way things were before, and if the femal voices concern or complains about being ignored, he is often apt to be cold and insensitive, especially when he remembers how she told him "Tough, deal with it" when *He* was hurting.

So, he persues martial arts as much as possible. and the female is home alone and neglected as she desreves to be, never smart enough to realise if she had given 2 S h i t s when it counted things would not be like this.

Oh, and don't forget the less vertuios of us just find 22 year old girl freinds to fill our needs.

It's better to act like you don't care and aren't interested, than get all worked up for nothing all the time, only to be dissapointd over and over again.

05-19-2002, 07:12 PM
Royal Dragon is right on target. If your mate can't satisfy your needs then you find another 22 yr old who can. --There are lots of them out there who want a man who will/can satisfy 'em sexually. You don't need to put up with some pig-fat wh*re who won't come across with the goods just because she's too busy watching Oprah...

Life's too f*cking short for that malarkey.

Chang Style Novice
05-19-2002, 07:23 PM
Paul Lin -

You are now officially the most dedicated practitioner of kungfu I have ever known of.

05-20-2002, 01:56 AM
You know, my sexual energy has fizzled since I've been training like a madman. I should be slamming my sheets....instead of just sleeping on them.
There was an article some time ago about KF and sex. I wonder if anyone can get a copy.

And Uhhh Yu Shan....
Good intentions but....
avoid telling someone to
....try chocha and give up sausage because he's a "maricon"...
Bad taste man on a public forum.


05-20-2002, 12:40 PM
There are prenatal Qi and cells in your body. If you have emotions or rising with certain minds, they will be given a signal, a hormon, and turned into mature Qi and cells. The prenatals has no specific function and will not die. The matures has grown into specific functions and must die. In kung fu, the storage of one's prenatal--Jin--is very important for further improvements.

Let say a guy has never had any sexual experiences, set that rate of improvement in kungfu to be 100%. After inconter and involved sexual experiences, it will cut at least 50%, for the shortage of prenatals that was used in sexual actions, emotions, and minds. To catch that 50% back, the partner must help to do that. In a very fine corperated practicing togeter, a couple can improve kung fu just as 100%.

So if a person really practicing kungfu seriously, it is very important that his/her family members also join, at least some degree.

Chang Style Novice,

Not exactly maybe the kind of KungFu maniac as you might think I am. First of all, I focus mostly on the Internal aspect. Second, I only love once in my life and has already loved some one I was supposed not to 14 years ago. I have also learned that I must value God and Tao more than any other aspect like this. I have never touched any women and will never not just for a single simple reason.

05-20-2002, 01:39 PM
If the guys a maricon, so be it, they throw great party`s

Uhh yu shan what are you doing at parties with maricones?:D :confused:

Paul Lin -

Well I didn't know any better I'd say we we were twins. I agree with you tottaly axecept the part about the tao.

05-20-2002, 03:04 PM
Very interesting what you say PaulLin, but how about those that do touch and practice and everything else?

Does anyone know any exercises that raise internal sexual energy...or am I just grasping at straws and need an energy/protein shake?....and a partner for that matter? Ugh.

ps...NorthernMantis...Welcome to 2002.



05-22-2002, 04:31 PM
Jin is a must needed element in kung fu to build the internal strengh. And sexual activaties compete the same resources. For example, the strength of tendon. It needs a lot of jin to increase the length and strength. The person who has not plan this well will have lost both the length and strength of tendon. You could try to find resorces that will give you extras, but they are good for temporary cases, not good for daily basese.

It is better to plan your budget on your jin resources rather than looking for big resources out side body, they always have side affects.

Jin is not just as sample as protien.

To make any activaties more enjoyable, simply respected it more and plan it well as when, where, who, how, how many, etc. Abuse and disrespect will never make any activaties enjoyable, nomatter what magical foods/medicine is there.