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05-18-2002, 06:54 AM
.......... I'm thinking of taking up Judo again. :D

Yep - for some reason I'm drawn back to it. Don't ask why - I just like it. I've been to-ing and fro-ing for a while now, but I just watched an MPEC of a Neil Adams Uchimata, and I fliped out and kicked my Mom in the head.

The thing is, my plan WAS to start Wing Chun practise at Uni. However, as I can't for the life of me see Wing Chun and Judo inhabiting the same body without some conflict [Judo will probably hide WC's centreline under a spare O-soto-gari] I'm left with a dilemma?

What art should I crosstrain in to improve my striking skills?

MPS, Ryu, all other grapplers [except Rolls] any advice is VERY welcome. And from the rest of you guys too :D

Much appreciated :)

Mr Punch
05-18-2002, 07:02 AM
Aren't you the geezer who's going to go to uni in the Midlands? Where? There is some excellent aikido in Birmingham and some (different style) excellent aikido in Coventry. There's also some really really top-notch wing-chun in Brum, so don't abandon that idea yet. If you want any further info pm me.

Personally I think aiki and wc compliment each other very very well, though I know some folks disagree.

Don't know so much about judo, but someone will! Did used to wonder how western boxing would compliment it.

What's O a t?

05-18-2002, 08:16 AM
Aren't you the geezer who's going to go to uni in the Midlands? Where? There is some excellent aikido in Birmingham and some (different style) excellent aikido in Coventry. There's also some really really top-notch wing-chun in Brum, so don't abandon that idea yet. If you want any further info pm me.

Birmingham's where I'm heading! :D I'm thinking of Wing Chun - with Sifu Shawn Rawcliff. I'm just not 100% on how effective it is, for blocking the Saturday Night special. As for Aikido - I don't know that much. You know of any good websites?

What's O a t?

Oatnoun1:Cereal plant grown as food. 2: (in plural) grain of this. £: tall plant resembling this.

Also the main ingredient in the humble Oatcake. Not the "thin oatmeal biscuit" - the other type. Like a pancake. :)

05-18-2002, 08:52 AM
There is absolutely nothing wrong with judo. It's a well-respected art (among people who know anything *about* martial arts) and has a long history. Why would you be upset that you're going back to something you obviously love and enjoy...?

Mr Punch
05-18-2002, 09:02 AM
Cool. I've crossed hands with a couple of Shawn's boys... well, I shared a house with one at uni and we trained just about every day for 18 mths. They seem to be very good. He's the guy I was going to suggest.

If you are ever 100% sure you're deranged! But the best way to avoid the saturday night/sunday morning special is not to chug doubles between your pints. Stick to singles, and avoid those pollutant cola things.

Seriously though, any system you do has its flaws. Just train hard for the experience, and don't go drinking on Broad Street.

Don't know if my school actually has a website... I'll find out. My sensei was (as you can see I'm now in Japan) / is (he's good: I still regard him as my sensei) Dave Packer of Colmers Farm Aikido. With the aikikai (regarded by some as slightly tougher - but really just train in a different way - I don't think as flexible) there is Chris Mooney, who I think has a dojo near the city centre. He's also very good. Like I said, I can give you more details privately.

Mr Punch
05-18-2002, 09:08 AM
oops. there are scores of sites explaining aiki stuff. don't know which are good, haven't really checked. the only reason i'm posting so often with you good people is because i can't train as often as i'd like: i'm not a g33k, honest!!;)

yep. judo is good. but as you said, dunno how it would go with wc.

still dunno bout the oat connection either! do like the thin oatmeal biscuit one meself tho... lost the plot agin!:confused:

Former castleva
05-18-2002, 09:19 AM
Excellent aikido sites:
www.aikidojournal.com (lots of information and a message board)
www.stevenseagal.com (go for the message board)
www.aikidofaq.com (site dedicated to teach what is possible on theory)

Not to say these are the only ones,but they are what I found unique.

But before you start any training you better settle things out with your mom.:o ;)

05-18-2002, 09:25 AM
Hey, man...I trained judo and wing chun side by side for a while, and maybe it's just due to the flavor each club taught, but they actually existed quite nicely together and really complemented each other very well.

Neither meets force with force, both require some sensitivity to the opponent's weight and balance, both stress fluid motion...and quite often in wing chun I found myself set up pretty nice for osotogari...

Me, I think they work together just fine.

Rev. Tim

05-18-2002, 01:43 PM
Why would you be upset that you're going back to something you obviously love and enjoy...?

I'm not upset - just confused. I "thought" I was progressing onto a more street-orientated style. Now I'm drawn back at Judo. Don't get me wrong I love it, but I feel like I'm in circles, and that my "time off" could have been spent improving....

still dunno bout the oat connection either

A pile of Oatcakes:


Like I said, I can give you more details privately.

Do I need ICQ or anything to PM you? If so - e-mail me instead [if that's OK :)] It is:


[split to prevent page-scanning]

Me, I think they work together just fine

I do see your point. I guess I'll have to see them together. I agree about the nonresistance element. Hell - Wing Chun Grappling! :D I'm not sure what Ip Man would think of all that but I guess it's best to try and see. Did you encounter any problems in stance etc?

Thanks to all of you! :)

05-18-2002, 03:25 PM
Shotokan Man, Shotokan.

05-19-2002, 02:47 AM
You think it'd fit well?

No offense to Karate guys but what I've seen had been a bit lame. I'm sure there IS good Karate out there, but how to find it is the question.

05-19-2002, 05:08 AM
"The thing is, my plan WAS to start Wing Chun practise at Uni. However, as I can't for the life of me see Wing Chun and Judo inhabiting the same body without some conflict [Judo will probably hide WC's centreline under a spare O-soto-gari] I'm left with a dilemma? "

You shoulkd be shot for your use of the (non) word Uni.

05-19-2002, 05:21 AM
Why so. It's so much easier than University.

Also, as from the Oxford English Dictionary of 1998, it is a recognised English Language Idiom.

At least I don't spell "should" with a "k"! :p


05-19-2002, 05:31 AM
"At least I don't spell "should" with a "k"! "

Yes i was typing real fast.......got to go training soon.

05-19-2002, 06:33 AM
Don't be all high and might "got to train" with me. That post was 1/2 an hour ago! :D

05-20-2002, 10:21 AM

I think you'll find that WC and Judo are different enough that you aren't going to have a problem.

Besides, I think you'll be doing quite well with being able to close the gap from WC and then launching somebody with your Judo. Shouldn't be a problem, really.

Just don't do your WC in Judo and vice versa--but when you spar in a more open format, feel free to figure out how you can combine the two--Jab jab, Slip, shot is boxing and wrestling--I'm sure that WC and Judo will afford you some good opportunities.

KC Elbows
05-20-2002, 10:50 AM
Tae bo. I think you'll even find it will improve your judo.

Has anyone come up with a step aerobic judo class yet? If so, could you PLEASE post some clips.

05-20-2002, 10:51 AM
DS: do what you feel is right for you. I know u like ur judo a lot and i'm sure if you train WC it can only help you understand ur body more. The Midlands is very good for aikido (if ur interested) AND wing chun. The BAB (British Aikido Board) has a good presence around there.

Also who said wing chun didn't have a technique similar to osoto gari? :p

the main thing is to train each one at the correct time and not get mixed up in your own mind. Hard to do (i know from experience).

Mat: Aikido and WC are both very nice. I did aikido for a while and now only do WC, but the aikido is still a part of me. Actually for all the ppl who said it's not combat effective, it's saved my ass every time since i started training it :)


05-20-2002, 10:52 AM
Cheers fpr the boost MPS. I did think they'd work good together, but the obvious differences in training, philosophy ETC had me thinking.

Basically I'm out to crosstrain my Judo. I realise it's the art I love most, but I also realise it's not enough on its own.

I think closing the gap is a thing I really need to learn. In the past it's just "happened", but I think against a good fighter I'd be buggered. I need to learn it really.