View Full Version : new master li siu hung videotapes

05-22-2002, 08:12 AM
sow choy

i'd recibed your letter the past week and i want to congratulation you for your work . thank you for the presentacion card , is really nice how are printed .
i got a question : the form ng lun ma inside lee koon hung system is che kuen or is a arms condition form like 3 star exercice ?

i'll make my order before you staff sold out !!!

Sow Choy
05-23-2002, 09:27 AM
Hi Rain,

Ng Lun Kuen is a small pattern of hand drills, the same one demonstrated in the book "Dynamic Art of Fighting" by Grandmaster Lee Koon Hung.

Thanks for the kind words, hope to see you soon. I will be attending Master Tat Mau Wongs tournament in Brazil this August, will you be going there?


05-27-2002, 10:29 AM
thank you for the info , joe . i'd don't heard about the brazil's tournament , but i'll going to search for info . the activity of my school point in another direction but maybe i'll can make a trip for myself . do you know if i can show choy lay fut forms without belong to no one choy lay fut schools ?
i'd never partiocipate in a international tournament , maybe have differents rules than here .

05-27-2002, 10:58 AM
I think this is almost on topic... =)

What are the forms presented in Lee Koon Hung's other books, whirling staff, spinning spear etc?

Sow Choy
05-27-2002, 03:14 PM

I think anyone can enter, I believe Tat Wong is putting on the tournament. I don't think it would be a problem for you to compete with Choy Lay Fut and not belong to a Choy Lay Fut school. Once I saw a girl perform Plum Flower from our lineage, she later said she learnt it from our poster. She wasn't too bad considering she learned from a poster!


Whirling Staff is known as Loong Hang Kwun (Walking Dragon Staff), Spinning Spear is known as either Jo Cheung (Left Spear) or Tang Loong Cheung (Dragon Spear), Dradon Fan - Fay Loong Sin (Flying Dragon Fan) and Fundamental Fist is called Che Kuen.

Take care,


05-28-2002, 09:26 AM
Hey can you guys give me abit of lineage on TatMauWongs CLF tapes, i have two the basic one with the warmups, kicks and hand combos, and i have his other tape with 5animal set and titjinkuen? the power/fighting set...Would you guys tell me about these sets, i have had these vids for a few years recently became interested in clf fighting applications so i pulled these out last night.

Some history on these particular sets, specifically the 5animal, it is a long set, maybe how your lineages set is differant?, i also have docfaiwongs book and they are differant sets i would guess similar FAHTS?!>
the tapes i think are 1997Panther prod!.

05-29-2002, 04:54 PM
Tat Mau Wong studied under Lee Koon Hung, hence, he and Joe (Sow Choy) have the same roots.

The forms between the schools have very minor differences.

Sow Choy
05-29-2002, 07:37 PM

Hiram is right Tat Wong is my sihing/sisuk, and there are minor differences just like everything else us humans do, we make things work for us in our own way.

I haven't seen the videos so I don't have any info about them. History wise I am not familiar with exactly where the form came from, etc...

Most of our forms are from So Kam Fook, the late Poon Dik's sihing dai, So Kam Fook trained Lee Koon Hung after Poon Dik passed away, and after he had about 10 years training with Chow Bing and Leung Sai. Not sure about where 5 Animals is from, but forms like our wooden dummy are from So Kam Fook.

In the form there are movements based on each of the 5 animals. The book Doc Fai Wong I have never seen, but have heard it is a Shaolin Form and not a CLF set, not sure on that one.


05-29-2002, 09:07 PM
Sow Choy,
Nice job on the latest tapes! The Sub Ji Kau Da is tape is especially awesome b/c Tat Mau's tape doesn't break it down as clearly as yours.

Do you have a timeline for the Lee Koon Hung Association history tape?

BTW, I think it is safe to say that the Siu Mui Fah posters are a big hit. ANy plans to make other posters?


05-30-2002, 01:43 AM
Thanks for Your Replys!.
I Also have a Wooden Dummy Tape With Tat Mau Wong, the dummy looks like wing chuns!, I Read at clfma.com thier is many differant dummy devices in CLF, How many in LKH Lineage, and any idea what set is in the tape i have?.:)

05-30-2002, 08:11 PM
Hey Joe,
You plan on going to the PAWF's 4th Annual Pan Am Wushu Championships?

I'm planning on attending. It'd be nice to meet up with other CLF brothers.

Sow Choy
05-31-2002, 07:53 AM
Hey CLF Brothers,

The wooden dummy video by us and I believe by Tat Wong is the Ching Jong, again I haven't seen Tat Wong's but I am sure they are good.

As far as I know, we only have the Ching Jong wooden dummy in our lineage, but I could be wrong, Lee Koon Hung had many students and some know more, some less. It seems all of the students of Lee Koon Hung that still teach today enjoy sparring more than forms, so when asking one of them about a form the answer usually gets into sparring effectiveness and not a history lesson, lol.


As far as I know, I will be at the Taji Legacy in Texas, Tat Wongs tournament in Sao Paulo Brazil and the 10 Year Anniversary of Kung Fu magazine in San Francisco. I hope you will attend one of those.

Thanks to all for the compliments on the videos!


05-31-2002, 11:02 AM
Where in Texas will the Taiji Legacy tournament be held?

Sow Choy
05-31-2002, 12:32 PM

Here is the link:


2002 7th World Chin Woo Championships & Cultural Festival
in conjunction with
2002 Taiji Legacy International Chinese Martial Arts Championships
July 12-14 at the Arlington Convention Center, Dallas, Texas USA
