View Full Version : Test for Tae Li

urban tea
05-26-2002, 12:25 AM
Hi Tae Li,

I"m a huge fan of Jet Li too. In my opinion you have to train in northern shaolin to fully understand Jet's martial skill.

The question is... do you know what one of Jet Li's favorite hand forms is?

I have a really good guess but I'll wait for yours first. :D

05-26-2002, 07:35 AM
I also have a fair idea, but think we should wait on Mrs. Li to have her say...


Felipe Bido
05-26-2002, 07:37 AM
Ok, I'll mess this civility up:


05-26-2002, 07:39 AM
LMAO Felipe :D Now we REALLY have something to ask Tae :p


05-26-2002, 09:19 AM
tongbei and liuhe?

05-26-2002, 11:52 AM
"Little Stupid Preppy Hands" :D

*runs quickly to evade Tae Li's wrath*

05-27-2002, 02:15 AM
hey - tae li was meant to answer before we did :mad: lol
I think theres a few different styles that Jet likes: tong bei quan being one of them...


urban tea
06-01-2002, 09:03 PM
How come Tae Li never responded?

Well I belive that Jet's favorite form is Tong Bei Kuen.

He has bee doing this form for a long time!!!

1. Jet Li Documentary with him in the blue robe uniform
2. Once Upon A Time in China part 3.

When the girl wants to tryout that little camera she made. Jet went up there and did a few moves from the form.

3. Jay Leno show for Lethal Weapon.

He does a few moves and then some tai chi.

4. Romeo Must Die

On the part where Jet fights with Russel wong on the pier. Before Jet goes out there , the film shows Wong doing a few moves from TONG BEI KUEN! And I suspect Jet showed him those moves on the set! I learned this form too but it looks nothing like Jet's. haha.

What do you guys think? Interesting huh?

06-02-2002, 06:23 AM
His form?

06-02-2002, 06:25 AM
I remember from an interview in an old magazine that he likes to do Tong Bei Quan, Fan Zi Quan and Pigua also... as those seem to be the main things he demonstrates. I think also now he does a lot of Taijiquan and other 'internals' :)

Tae: :p
