View Full Version : Do you dream about Wing Chun?

05-27-2002, 09:46 AM
I do.:)

All sorts of wierd stuff like center lines, perfectly straight lines, totally perfect movements. Nothing fight related, just movements ....

I'm working a lot on percision, so maybe that has something to do with it. I think it helps your training when you can visualise in the off-hours. Sometimes I can even correct bad habits just by subconsience thought.

... or maybe I'm just the obsessive compulsive type;)

05-27-2002, 12:12 PM
I sometimes have dreams of fight situations where I apply wing chun, but they aren't realistic for very long. Five minutes into the fight something strange will happen, like hundreds of rats start flooding the streets and then I have to hover above the ground (I usually fly in dreams) to stay safe....but I know what you mean though.:)

05-27-2002, 12:14 PM
I had a dream I could do the splits. The closest I've ever come is about 2 inches away, though.


05-27-2002, 04:35 PM
In the last year I think I've had about 5 fighting dreams, and in every one I get my ass kicked. Not like im getting hurt or knocked down, it's just im getting fed punches and I can't do anything, just watching them, and wondering why I can't do anything. I must have some psychological problems...

05-27-2002, 05:08 PM
Ras-Tanu"I have to hover above the ground (I usually fly in dreams) " you sure you dont have some closet green tights tendencys?:)

05-27-2002, 05:35 PM
HELLS NO! :mad: (you're talkin about peter pan right?:confused: )

black and blue
05-28-2002, 03:22 AM
Last week's dream: My girlfriend went crazy and used Karate to beat me up!

This week's dream: I woke up one day to find my feet where those of a sheep.

I'm not sure which of the two is the scariest.

Iron Fist - So you're saying only two inches seperate your groin from the floor, eh? And that you dream about this? :D

05-28-2002, 01:31 PM
Yeah, cuz for like a week I was trying really hard to do the splits, so I guess it was on my mind and I dreamed about it. I never got all the way down in real life though. Not yet. Maybe I will eventually.


Martial Joe
05-28-2002, 10:42 PM
I tend to have dreams of myself getting the **** pounded out of me...

But just about WC...Yes, I dream about forms and what not...

05-29-2002, 04:42 AM
i have the tendancy when falling asleep to start dreaming about wing chun - and my reflexes make my arms punch or whatever, and my legs go flying

unfortunately this can be a problem every now and then with my girlfriend laying next to me :)

if i ever get into a fight im sure those reflexes will save my ass, but my woman definately doesnt like them hehehe

and im like 50-0 in dream fights, i dont think ive lost one yet.... mabye im just arrogant? :confused:

i usually find people grabbing my hands and keeping me from moving in my dream-fights (probably because im tangled in the blanket or something) - but then i just kick em :)


05-29-2002, 08:12 AM
Michelle Yeoh- sometimes.

sticky fingers
05-29-2002, 08:47 AM
Wing Chun the woman or the martial art?

I dream of sexy fighting women all the time, usually the Valkyries from Xena...ok better shut up now.

05-30-2002, 03:21 PM
this is a **** silly topic... but hey, its the first one ive replied to in ages....

i just woke up and had a dream where my whole kungfu school was trying to beat up satan (in the form of al pacnio) for trying to drill a hole into the earth to make a tunnel to hell ... :) hmmm...

anyways, i then saw him going into the wing chun stance and crossing his arms in front of his centreline... so i jumped at him and we did some chi sao and i whipped his sorry ass and blew up the tunnel :) yeah!

i also once dreamed that my friend was ****ing me off so i started strangeling him, and then woke up and noticed i was lightly (thank god) strangeling my girlfriend...

I ALSO HAVE THOSE **** JUST ABOUT TO GO TO SLEEP SHAKES... anyone know how to get rid of them....??? like where your feeling like your about to fall so your whole body goes into spasm..???

05-30-2002, 03:28 PM
I once dreamed I was in a video game, punching my way through a level .... and I punched my wife LOL!

Luckily dream punches don't seem to hurt that much;)

05-31-2002, 08:02 AM
Sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night and notice that I'm guarding my centerline without even thinking about it....wierd...

06-04-2002, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by nickle
I ALSO HAVE THOSE **** JUST ABOUT TO GO TO SLEEP SHAKES... anyone know how to get rid of them....??? like where your feeling like your about to fall so your whole body goes into spasm..???

Yes. Usually they're accompanied by a short dream like I stepped in a hole or I'm falling or being shocked or something.

I have no clue how to get rid of them, but if there's people around me I usually look around afterward like "I hope no one saw that." Hehe :)
