View Full Version : Weapon Laws in Israel????

05-28-2002, 01:06 PM
A friend of mine is moving to Israel for graduate studies this week, and I was going to outfit her with two tiny weapons before she left... A Spyderco Delica and a Chizukenbo (similar to the JSP Bladerigger Koppo Stick. Basically, a Yawara/Kubaton with a fingerloop)

The reason for such was that should she ever have the need to fight her way out of a crowd, she would have two things less likely to be confiscated. The Chizukenbo, made of wood and the size of a pencil, would only be noticed in a pat-down. Strikes are pretty nasty when you're holding it in your hand, too. I will tell her to carry a sturdy pen in areas where she thinks a pat-down will result in confiscation. The Delica might be overboard, because I don't know the knife laws for the area.

Anyone have better insights? Please contact me ASAP in this thread or via AOLIM (TomMrkr) I really should have posted this earlier, but I just found out how limited my time frame is..

BTW, I'm giving them to her anyway, but I want her to be aware of any restrictions. I'm posting to General so as many eyes as possible catch this message.

05-29-2002, 12:25 AM
So your telling your friend to use a knife in an area where lots of people are armed with guns or submachine guns.

Good call, im sure she will live to tell the story if she will ever be in a situation where she uses her weapons

05-29-2002, 12:41 AM
"The reason for such was that should she ever have the need to fight her way out of a crowd,"

A crowd of what? Israelis?

You're giving her knives to fight her way through a crowd of panicking Israelis, do I have this right?

Shadow Dragon
05-29-2002, 12:57 AM

For info like that contact the Israel Embassy or Consulate.

Not sure how the rules have changed, will she be able to board a Plane in the USA carrying those goods?

As a rule of thumb she should use what she is using now for Self Defense.
Most countries share very similar weapon laws, with about the same things being allowed. Guns are a different topic.


05-29-2002, 06:22 AM
Originally posted by jesper
So your telling your friend to use a knife in an area where lots of people are armed with guns or submachine guns.

Good call, im sure she will live to tell the story if she will ever be in a situation where she uses her weapons

Not many visiting graduate students get an OK from the Israeli government to carry UZIs, but I really should have applied on her behalf.. thanks for reminding me. Luckily we went over the techniques from American Ninja, adapting a Delica for a Katana... boy can she deflect those bullets. I'm sure she'll be kicking some major ass. :rolleyes:

For a woman who is uncomfortable around weapons, I decided these were:

a. the two weapons she would be most comfortable carrying.
b. the two that she would most likely carry.

For those of you turning around my intentions, stick your head back in the sand and stay out of grown-up conversations.

05-29-2002, 11:06 AM
I just know that Israeli plane security is really tight. They check diapers. And there are IDF people on every plane - they got burnt by hijackers back in the 70's, and learned from it.


05-29-2002, 11:58 AM
wu de
Cyberkwoon has a couple of regular posters who are Isreali. They can probably get your info within 24hrs, and tell you where she can buy them in Isreal if they won't get through customs there.

05-29-2002, 02:01 PM
I've been through Israeli security and they will ask point blank whether you are carying a weapon or not.

05-29-2002, 11:59 PM
I'm sorry but I really don't understand why she needs the weapons in the first place. I don't get the "fighting her way out of crowds."

What do you want her to do with the weapons? Defend herself? From what? Exactly put Jesper...machine guns, a bomb? If there is panic, is she going to start whacking her way out to make a path? Why put her at risk with Isreali security? What kind of friend are you?

I'm confused. Don't give her a weapon, but a kiss on the cheek and a big GOOD LUCK.

Royal Dragon
05-30-2002, 05:03 AM
So let me get this striaght, This friend of yours is going to ISRAEL???? WHY??? for school????? What is she NUTS!!!!

There is no way in hell she is going to be able to protect herself there. Especially with the little toys you gave her.

Your best bet is to Laugh at her stupidity, and hope she realises the complete and utter foolishness of her plans.

Those guys are momments away from getting dirty Nukes detonated by some psyco suicide bomber, and she wants to go right in the middel of THAT? What, there are no good schools here in the US for her?

You'd better be telling her those silly toys you gave her are going to get her in trouble, or that if she finds herself in a situation that requires the use of a weapon, she will be dead before she has time to even think about it.

If you already live there, I can see staying and fighting for your home, but to just go there for School? That's pure stupidity, and neither you nor your freind has a clue as to how dangerous it is right now.

For her to put herself in such a dangerous situation, for something that could be achived here (and probually better too), is sheer stupidity or out right insanity.

Darwins going to love this girl for sure. :mad:

05-30-2002, 08:07 AM

Someone sure had an extra bowl of ***** flakes this morning, didn't they?

I'm more concerned with a one-on-one situation where she might need to defend herself. As for her decision to go there, it's not my decision to make, nor yours. That doesn't mean I shouldn't do as much as I can to at least help her out.

Yea, bombs happen in Israel, and what I gave her won't do **** to help her. I know that, and she knows that. There are still plenty of reasons for a white girl who can't speak hebrew or arabic to be able to defend herself quietly and subtly. Israel is a rough place, but its not Bosnia (yet) and I don't think she's going to hop on the first bus to the Strip to get in an m-16 versus rock fight.

Is a tiny stick with a fingerloop the best tool for the job? NO.
Can she legally aquire the best tools for the job? NO.
Should she just go with nothing? (hint... the answer here is NO also)

I guess what I'm saying, in short, is to go f u c k yourself if you don't have any real answer to the question I'm asking.

You talk like someone at a pro-life "family planning center" talking about the importance of abstinence to a girl 3 months pregnant.

05-30-2002, 08:46 AM
stun gun? pepper spray?

i don't know if your friend has any training to use the items you have acquired for her, but those two items do not require a whole lot of proficiency to use from my understanding, and would at least afford her (hopefully!) the opportunity to get away from any unpleasant situations. also they would more likely be looked upon as 'defensive' type tools, IMHO.

05-30-2002, 08:47 AM
Royal Dragon
Watch it buddy. Thats my homeland you're talkin' about. Sure its dangerous, but if you use your head its not as dangerous as you think. Don't give me no crap about how its too dangerous - I spent last summer there and was perfectly fine, thank G-d.

By the way, did ya know that the IDF is oneof the best armies in the world and they are not using even 1/2 their military strength on the suicide bombers so they do not kill civilians? I bet not.

I'm not gonna start a flame war about israel and all of that jazz, but please watch what you say.

Royal Dragon
05-30-2002, 08:58 AM
I haven't had much sleep, and was kept up by noisy neighbors. The suxy part, is by the time I decided enough was enough and was going to call the cops, the idiots left. I on the other hand was up for 3 more hours tossing and turning trying to get to sleep again.

So, if you please disregaurd and over zelious remarks, and understand I'm quite the bear with out my shut eye.

05-30-2002, 09:40 AM
Hop Gar, you did try to start the flame war by speaking about the military and Palestinian civilians and your experience LAST YEAR. You watch it. This is a kung fu forum...and that goes for everyone.

And wu-de36, don't give her weapons but perhaps addresses of some MA schools she can go to for training or advice for single women. AND DON'T CURSE.

Nuff said.

05-30-2002, 04:54 PM
um NYer, thats out of context now but whatever. We all were ticked off over the WTC bombings and so we let the emotions fly out of control. And that was not a flame war, that defending the jewish people from liberals who think that the Palestinians are justified. I'm not jumping down royal dragons throat. I have finals, and have gotten no sleep in the past three days so I reacted over zealously as well. And one more thing - you ain't the moderator.

Wu De, call the israeli consulate in your area, they'll tell you everything you need to know.

Peace Y'all and apologies to everyone

PS - If you wanna argue email me and we'll argue. This will be an arguement you can not win.:mad: :D :D

05-30-2002, 08:15 PM
I have a question. What is she going to study? I agree with RD when he wrote that she should study in the States. It is not a good time for an American or Brit or Canadian to go to that area.

I also think that you shouldn't give her any weapons. Maybe, you should research where the dangerous areas are and when and were big events are held and if there are any history of rioting or what have you. You should also find out where the police are located (the one which is closest to where she will stay).

I just find it strange that a "white" girl who can't speak the language is going out there to study.

05-30-2002, 11:58 PM
Oh Hop,
You're right, you don't want to know what I, a big freakin' liberal (a term which is used incorrectly in the US), have to say...

But you don't have to be the moderator to tell everyone to avoid a very touchy topic.


05-31-2002, 04:45 AM
Dude, don't give her flimsy weapons..just teach her the ancient and deadly

Old man carries fish on back technique! This will make your erstwhile young lady friend invincible in battle! :D

Seriously though. Without proper training, a weapon can hurt the weilder. Do you plan on teaching her how to use these weapons, or are you handing them to her and saying Hi ho silver?

Also, I could be blowing out my a$$ here, but as I've come to understand, there are police armed to the teeth everywhere in Israel. As a result, regular crime is not so high. What your friend would have to worry about is terrorism. And, truthfully, what good would any blade, or short range weapon have against a gun or a bomb? Just my take on it..


05-31-2002, 10:52 AM
drop it, k?:mad: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :mad::confused::mad:

05-31-2002, 01:25 PM
You could give her a suicide pill and save some trouble

05-31-2002, 11:53 PM
Now who's being the moderator? You can tell people what is just in your eyes, but others need to drop it. Very very mature....
