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View Full Version : Samurai 1, 2 and 3

05-30-2002, 11:16 PM
The old black and white films about the life of Musashi Miyamoto (or the other way around, not sure) I saw recentley and found the movies to be excellent. i was wondering if anyone could recommend any older films that are as good as these ones.

05-31-2002, 06:54 AM
Miyamoto Musashi is a Japanese legend and those movies tell about his life. I think you cannot really compare many films with this series, because it's more like a biography.

Then my recommendations:

Some of Kurosawa Akira's movies are very good although he's nearly unkown to the audience. Movies like Shichinin No Samurai, Kumonosujo and Yojimbo are very good imo.

Another very good movie is Zatoichi, who is a blind swordsman who slays people that shouldn't belong to this world.

Then there are some quite violent movies, such as Kozure Okami (Lone Wolf and the Cub). There are roughly around seven episodes to this series.

05-31-2002, 07:08 AM
Lone wolf and cub is cool. And by cool, I mean totally sweet.