View Full Version : Attention Repulsive Monkey!

black and blue
05-31-2002, 02:01 AM
You haven't enabled email through your tag!

Does your Sifu have a website? Where do you train?

I'm interested in taking a look.



05-31-2002, 02:11 AM
I would venture a guess but that would be rude :p
hehe jk RM :D

I think he is Chen Man Ching linage though?

05-31-2002, 02:54 AM
I really would not bother guy.

What you will learn is this:

Poor hand form with poor posture....because they have no need of good postures as they will never use their stuff in a practical situation.

Poor pushing hands that will do nothing.

Half rememberd applications that will be done no a infrequent basis and then done very slowley.

All this is because Repulsive Monkey is not practicing a martial art he is practicing a half rememberd form of exercisse.

If you want good Tai Chi go look for a student of Dan Docherty (i belive their are some in your area) who will know the whole art of tai chi.

P.S. I expect a lot of flameing for this post but i challange black and blue to go along and tell me in wrong.

05-31-2002, 03:12 AM
*Settles down with smokes, beer and a packet of Doritos to watch the show*

black and blue
05-31-2002, 06:50 AM
Repulsive Monkey - You're online... I can see ya! :)

Get those typing fingers going. ;)

Where do you train?!

05-31-2002, 07:32 AM
I'm being naive here i feel, but who is Dan Docherty?


05-31-2002, 07:37 AM
Can open...................worms everywhere. Have a look at the 'Chi' thread on this forum.

But HKP Is it not in your 'Hong Kong Book of Kung Fu' ???? Suggest you return it and get it updated if not !!!

:D :D :D

05-31-2002, 07:38 AM
The bloody cat ate it.

Repulsive Monkey
05-31-2002, 07:43 AM
I do get enthused by your presumptions, whoever it was a fellow friend of mine who whipped a few of the practical Taiji students asses in Birmingham about 2 years ago, but then I would not dare to to slight the art of your school!!!

05-31-2002, 10:55 AM
Ah were you in Birmingham?

At the zong ding event?

I won the grand championship 2 years ago and came second the year before that to one of Dans students Kamel Lock.

If I remember rightly I lost the pushing hands to a nice Yang style guy (whos name I sadly forget) who was about 2 stone heaver than me ...but he was quite good as well. I then beat on his face in the full contact section for the full 2 rounds that he lasted.

(I may have gotten the years wrong but i was at the first 2 that zong ding held)

05-31-2002, 11:04 AM
Any one interested about Dan docherty and empty force should go read this.


05-31-2002, 11:42 AM
I have just been to the zhong ding web site and it looks to my that many many of Dans students took first places in lots of differant types of events. More so than the zhong ding guys.

Not that it matters to me as only beginers in wudang really compete in pushing hands now.

06-01-2002, 03:48 AM
Hey repulsive. No answer hey?