View Full Version : Kung-fu/martial arts beyond self-protection

Former castleva
06-02-2002, 12:03 PM
This is for everyone.:D
When talking about combat arts,we often discuss many different areas of "fighting",how to kick,how to throw etc.
One very important thing one should remember is the one of common daily life,martial arts in daily basis,in "real world" (this time not to mean crisis situations)
How arts can be used for normal living,how to make it look like an "art".
So what do ya think?
Besides many physical and mental benefits,I´m thinking about social "confrontations",moving,doing basic stuff you are supposed to.
I think that there are principles that can be very well put into "life",respecting one´s circumstances and friendly manners and high sense of moral which shines trough one´s heart.
But I guess this is how it was created to be like.
Ancient arts suit the modern world? ;)

The Willow Sword
06-02-2002, 12:39 PM
Well You know i ALWAYS do back flips to the phone to answer it whenever it rings. when ridding my house of flies i use shuriken.

when taking a shower i stand on one finger upside down.

and when the jehovas witnesses come to my door peddling thier religion to me i do a series of dragon sweeps and knock those beeootches right off thier feet.

Many Respects,,,The willow sword:p

06-02-2002, 12:53 PM
Martial Arts will only help you spiritually, if you allow them to.

Absorb their principles and apply them to life.

But not BJJ. Or when a problem comes along you'll lie on the floor and try to touch it up.

06-02-2002, 12:57 PM
Martial Arts will only help you spiritually, if you allow them to.

Absorb their principles and apply them to life.

But not Judo. Or when a problem throws you you'll turtle up and pray.

06-02-2002, 01:17 PM

06-02-2002, 01:31 PM
For me the greatest application in real life is mental sanity, patience and dedication. Sometime life can be very stressing and we need a time to relax. Also I show up to my friends whenever I can:D

06-02-2002, 03:59 PM
How arts can be used for normal living,how to make it look like an "art". Besides many physical and mental benefits,I´m thinking about social "confrontations",moving,doing basic stuff you are supposed to.

A better physical and mental sense of self that simply improves daily interactions.

To make normal living into an art? And how MAs may influence that? This is up to the will and interest of the individual. Life to me isn't an art. You can perhpas engage your daily interactions in a similar fashion/philosophy as that of your style's- aggressive, no-nonsense; hold back, assess, then go forward; run away; put what you will into it and get the sam eback..etc

If all else fails, we can always go to our sensei/sifu (read: Mom) and get a free lunch and a feel good meal:D


06-02-2002, 04:03 PM
My favorite feel good meal is Macaroni and Cheese!!! YUM!

Of course, I make it--I love my mom, but not much of a cook....

Former castleva
06-03-2002, 12:52 AM
Thanks for the reps.