View Full Version : Attn Ryu and anyone else: two day instructorships?

06-03-2002, 09:43 AM
Has anyone here taken these? If so what was taught, what did you get from it and was it worth it?

Forum Link (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=13269)

Lamars Link (http://www.hardcorejkd.com/jkd/academy/hit.php) Vunaks (http://www.fighting.net/training.html)

CDT (http://www.cdt-training.com/)

06-03-2002, 12:03 PM
I dunno. I got one from Vunak, but I had been training PFS and with other instructors way before I met him. I had at least a couple years under my belt with his system. So when I got there, he was just basically looking over what I knew, and what he wanted to take me through. Since I had a lot of experience with it, we trained harder then usual I guess. Lots of sparring, full contact drills, stick fighting, etc. My shoulder was black for a week after catching a stick with it at about 80 miles an hour. Vunak stated that he might give out an apprentice instructorship during these things, but an apprentice instructor is NOT qualified to teach. He explains it more on his site. The phase 1 is the first real instructorship, and then it goes to full instructor after that.

I'm not sure why he awarded me a phase 1. I guess he had more confidence in me then I did. :D But bottom line is you have to work to be any kind of "teacher".


06-03-2002, 02:20 PM
That's what I thought Ryu. Demi s comment was interesting, hopefully he'll expound a little.