View Full Version : Tibetan Forum

06-04-2002, 04:00 AM


The forum linked to this site is private, if any one wishes to apply please refer to the 'FORUM RULES' link on the site itself first and then if you wish to proceed follow the instructions.


06-04-2002, 06:07 AM
Sir, I took the opportunity to look through the web link posted. I must say, there is a simply awesome amount of substantive material available to the general public.

I am curious about one thing and that is the Private Forum. Do you have any opinion, one way or the other, as to whether the Private Forum would be of real value to someone not familiar with this system? I suppose my question is two fold. Is the content of the Private Forum of such a specific nature as to be beyond those of us not Tibetan martial artists? Does the content of the Private Forum apply to those of us not Tibetan martial artists?

In light of the continual posturing and nonsense that plagues open forums I do have an interest in a forum that takes full advantage of Internet capabilities. Please allow me to thank you in advance for any information you wish to provide regarding the matters stated above.

Cannibalism is unequivocally a valid dynamic for all societies. I am, Hideous.

06-04-2002, 06:26 AM
That forum is mainly for 'Fai-Jong-Pai' stylists, but then only if they are open about their identity and background, non-political, non-trolls and self-reflective. Fai-Jong (Tibetan) martial arts are as diversified now as 'Shaolin' with many different lineages and traditions, some are very close to Indian Kalari, others to Western & Northern China, Mongolia, others Kwangtung.
'Shaolin' is no longer one system, neither is Fai-Jong, but all are welcome in the spirit of the forum rules as displayed on that site.


06-04-2002, 07:14 AM
Sir, thank you most kindly for your prompt and courteous response. A very encouraging response as well I might add. I shall proceed accordingly.

A most excellent provision regarding the prohibition in place against politics, and trolls. The requirement for an open mind is also a step up and should weed out those seeking a means to further their own personal agenda.

Cannibalism is unequivocally a valid dynamic for all societies. I am, Hideous.

06-12-2002, 03:54 AM
real lama kung fu can only be found in tibet,what we have here in the states is just a whole bunch of whitecrane mixed with other stuff.

Ming Fai
06-12-2002, 05:36 AM

Could you please tell me what "Fai-Jong" means? Which Chinese characters are used to write "Fai-Jong"?

Ming Fai

06-12-2002, 08:15 AM

'Fai-Jong' Tibet in Cantonese 'Fai-Jong-Yun' Tibetan Peple in Cantonese.

Please accept the different anglicizations that will occur.

The Chinese characters are as for Tibet.

I tried to mail, PM them to you but you have no contacts available.
You can contact the admin of the site on the e-mail address on the site header.


Ming Fai
06-12-2002, 08:31 AM
Do you mean "SAI-Jong"? In Cantonese, Tibet is Sai-Jong, or Xizang in Mandarin Chinese. I am not familiar with the term FAI-Jong...

Could you please clarify this? Maybe there's a mistake or typo?


Ming Fai

06-12-2002, 09:46 AM

There is no mistake, that's how my Si-Fu who is Chinese and fluent in many dialects has pronounced it these 30 years that I've known him. He is mainland China educated (University).

I note that you like to correct peoples pronounciation of Chinese on other threads.

Thank you for your observance.


Ming Fai
06-12-2002, 11:19 AM
Well, I am a Chinese translator/interpreter, maybe therefore I am a bit more sensitive to these things. It's not that I LIKE to correct other people's Chinese... I just do, not only on the Internet but in real life as well. I can be pretty annoying sometimes... :D

No offense, but could you ask your sifu in which dialect Tibet is pronounced as "Fai-Jong"?

06-12-2002, 12:36 PM
Thank you for the clarification. If it helps he pronounces Siu-Lum as Siu-Ling. I've asked other Chinese seniors of mine since your post and the reply was/is that "Sai-Jong/Fai-Jong is the same thing - no different".

Thank you.
