View Full Version : Southern Kung Food

Shaolin Punk
06-04-2002, 10:14 AM
What is the ideal diet for practitioners of Southern CMA?
Is it any different from Northern, or for that matter, athletes in general?


06-06-2002, 07:36 PM
this month June 15th, all southern practitioners will be eating johng-sticky rice steamed in lotus leaves stuffed with various goodies, such as lap yuk, lap cheung, chestnut,peanuts, egg, etc. My fiance's mom makes them great, and all my Chinese student's moms know I love them, so I suspect I will be putting on a few pounds this month. It's worth it. It is a holiday called, Duen Ng Jeet. The story goes, Wat Yuen was a chinese official, and finding the corrupt government too much to bear, flung himself into the river. The people who all loved him threw johngs into the river so the fish would not eat him-or something like that.
good for training-glutenous rice is high in thiamine, and fiber,and the filling is high in protien..um, I guess;-)