View Full Version : Anyone know Mark Saito in Hawaii?

06-04-2002, 02:11 PM

A coworker goes to a 'Personal Mastery' seminar and meets someone from Mark Saito's Ninjutsu in Hawaii. They decide to plan to move out there in August to go study at this place.

1. Yeah, I know how stupid this person is being, but I am trying to find concrete details as to why they shouldn't go. Besides my normal, "No, anyone can assign themselves a 10th degree blackbelt if they want" which I have already used. This person knows nothing of the martial arts, and therefore is more easily scammed by charlatans of this nature.

2. Do you know anything about Mark Saito and his Shorinjin Ninjutsu? Is it fake, and if so, how badly? Is it a cult?

3. Is there any sort of list of wacko martial arts schools anywhere? Sort of a cult list like what they have with ww.rickross.com.
