View Full Version : Street-fight self-defense form by No_Know

06-04-2002, 05:50 PM
After reading one of the posts here~ I thought to come-up with a street-fight self-defense type of form for many situations. I would have to make it Fun. Hopefully someone would find it useful. One can hope.~ :-)

06-07-2002, 08:43 AM
I was in a three person gauntlet done two at a time. I made a form from this. I'm figuring that this would be added with other forms I come-up with~ (for street-fight self-defense that are particular situation based.

Muay Thai double hand grab behind the neck; pull down to rising knee response is the last one I came-up-with.

Next would be knife perhaps. There are several types of attacks by knife wielders. This form would have to address the different methods that occure to me at the moment.

When I have several, I would look at the beginnings and the ends of the forms and coordinate them to be sensible as far as from one position or movement to the other.

06-07-2002, 01:22 PM
Not a bad idea! Are you saying that you're developing the form out of your own experience? If so, you would have a powerful visualization potential.

06-08-2002, 04:37 AM
The gauntlet form is based on my experience one night. They were three people of seemingly different fighting training, different strengths, different power out-puts--higher, average, lower and different styles of attack. This form is relevant to my realization that night that I was doing very similarly the same techniques. The results were hitting attacking limbs; finding or making openings (and exploiting those); and moving to a spot beyond both of them, to await further attacks (as their function was to attack me, in this situation I could afford to rest--catch my timing and theirs and asses their oncomming endevours, between attacks due to their imminant return To me). A different gauntlet configuration would merit a different gauntlet form. The lower the experience level (my call), the faster they went. But they all were trying to land without hurting me (gloves and headgear~ were worn).

While this particular guantlet form is taken from an actual, a gauntlet of higher scale configuration... A faster paced situation with harder hitting would Still use the same moves as in the gaunlet form I came-up with. But they might get used less. Because more damageing techniques would be prefered in a faster greater damage-receiving situation. I was thinking that the form would be no good for versus higher higher higher. But if the attack methods matches any of those on the night from which the form was gotten, it should still be good. The techniques to look at it are two--general punches and a kick or two. These two techniques are ordered for practical and likely use. So (needle-and-thread), if you learned the form or didn't you might end up doing segments of the gauntlet form merely out of order.

The Muay Thai hands behind the neck pull-down to the rising knee respones comes from my looking at the move and is my getting out of the move from within my mind. It follows a series of nearly effortless alterations going to an end that I favor based on my consideration of Nice (not a city) and Practical referencing my complete database throughout my existence.

06-10-2002, 05:47 AM
LOL @ "rising knee response"


06-10-2002, 10:15 AM
What's laughable about it? :-)

06-10-2002, 12:05 PM
I don't know about fighting 3 opponents, but when you fight two others, you try to keep circling around one of them so the other has his man between him and you. So I was told.


06-10-2002, 12:18 PM
On the one night relevant to the gaunlet form, they tried to come at me from differing sides. I found that going between them worked satisfactorily.

07-28-2002, 10:28 AM
...rising knee response form done. On to Knife attack response...other than run-away.

07-30-2002, 09:32 PM
The first two forms go together. The knife response form seems as though it would be able to continue where the Muay Thai rising knee while double hand grab to the back of the neck pull down to the rising knee resopnse form ended~.

08-08-2002, 09:25 AM

You're referring to the night that we did the gauntlet, yeah?

I'd be interested in seeing this some time.

Stuart B.

08-09-2002, 09:18 AM
That night? I am.

Interested? Great.

See sometime? Sure thing.

08-16-2002, 11:51 AM
I can put how I am comming along with the form but most of you couldn't see it that way. I'll have to video cassette record it and get it available to be viewed.

Still on responding to knife attack. That should include attacked by multiple knife users. And of course different methods of knife used to kill or maim, type thing.

08-20-2002, 06:33 AM
I am on to something. Response to slashes, with low risk disarm/disable attempt technique.

The best part about this is theoretically getting a better understanding of how a knife can be used so that I can make a form on using a knife, to give to someone who was interested.

08-20-2002, 06:45 AM
Someone indicated that fighting with a thighs paralle Horse-riding stance was not practical~ Someone else said that a Horse-riding stance is how to deal with a take down attempt (tackle-ish). I just noticed a cute method for addressing such a takedown attempt.

This is No_Know, keeping you informed. :-)

08-23-2002, 07:41 PM
I had a good technique, but I didn't write it down and I am not recalling. But after reading a post by KC Elbows I had to come-up with a form for a person with around equal or smaller frame from the attacker, defending against an aggressive strong older teen male Thuggish, angry attack (lashing out--rage).

I have the general techniques, but need to arrange them to be memorable without thinking about it once learned. Like learning a song in a language you don't speak. Because you don't know the words meaning you sing it like you hear it. It's quick learning with simple effective-ish moves, hopefully. It's design is to fix the head and face and upper body.

08-25-2002, 06:57 AM
Basically it's simple-ish, but looks really cute on movie-like form.

09-14-2002, 04:45 AM
"...after reading a post by KC Elbows I had to come-up with a form for a person with around equal or smaller frame from the attacker, defending against an aggressive strong older teen male Thuggish, angry attack (lashing out--rage)."

I have the general techniques, but need to arrange them to be memorable without thinking about it once learned."

Cutting out the symmetry, there's not much to remember. If you can put your palm to the middletop of your forehead with one hand and rest the other hand on your forearm near the elbow or on the bicep and bring one up and rest the other, then that's enough.

09-14-2002, 04:53 AM
Hopefully when I'm done I'll have a very encompassing form containing generalities (such as for attacked by a group) and specifics (such as Muay Thai two hands behind your neck, pull down your head to their rising knee).

Something to give to a friend type person who is practical minded-fight useful.

09-20-2002, 09:39 AM
I was resently prompted to cope with a particular situation. Some neat moves resulted.

Also, I wasmotivated to make a form tailored to the particular interests of an individual. He has a lack of experience, an interst inpracticality and particular taste. This would be similar to the Gauntlet night form in that it would be vague-ish. The form is to deal with three to six attackers, so (needle-and-thread) the moements should be transitory-ish. Each position~ should be multi-functional since the reaction or move would be based on the actions against, at the moment.

This form is based on a particuar style within which function can be gotten. Theoretically there are several styles which can be tailored to the moment effectively. Given this, any form I make would merely be one of more than one possibilities of Correctness.

I can incorporate the form for this person into the Street Self-defense form.

While the three to six person form could be used in a attacked by tow form such as the Gauntlet Night form. The methods would vary in that the practitioner has to be ready or anticipate attack from possiblly two or more other attackers. The focused direction of The Gaunlet Nigh form make it more practical for that situation. It seems that while forms can be used in situations for which they were not specifically designed It might be likely better to use a form or techniques from a form specifically designed for that situation. Perhaps hence, so many forms.

My earlier form-making was based on my understanding of Kung-Fu Forms. A collection of sound techniques coupled to deal with multiple assailants in a logical (reasonable)~ manner. The techniques were practicle when applied to the situation. This was all there was. However, I realize that it is not set for a random encounter. The techniques Are applicable out of order of the form from which they were/are gotten. It was not noticed to question this. (but only because Of my experience negating the pure educational aspect, as it was my source for funtion). But I'm thinking now-ish (doing the three to six attacker form) that having a package of concepts of the likeliest uses of movement and stillness...Hmmm?

What I'm doing now seems to make the techniques more readily available sooner. Yet, I think that they are the same. The concept of anticipatorial transitory form condenses the use of techniques. I would be standing there then go through the six or so possibilities (or merely be aware of the possibilities).n Then execute one of the more likely techniques. The rest is a progression of likeliest occurances. Perhaps the biggest if not the only difference is the opening (posture).

Kempo Guy
09-20-2002, 12:25 PM

I'm curious, what's the purpose of this form exactly? Did I miss something here...? :confused:

FWIW, if you were to create 'a' form, I'd suggest using 'universal' principles that could be applied in fighting whether it's evading, striking or throwing. Using set 'techniques' i.e. responses to a specific attack is futile as an altercation is never static.

BTW, if you are looking for examples of self-defense forms (that may teach some practical ability) you may want to check out "Enshin Karate" or "Ashihara Karate".


09-20-2002, 03:26 PM
Thank you for the by the way.

There is feeling good about what one can do. Self acceptance. There is also a need for approval. I have only Kung-Fued for quite more than half my Life~. I don't think I would get world reknownship from the Martial community as a whole. I was interested in my own Kung-Fu. Something with which I could be Happy. I came-up with it. And it still grows.

The purpose of ths form is relevant to There must be a line or point of techniques fromwhich all others can be gotten Self- defense-wise. I thought it would be nice to look at how that collection might look. People do a lot of things yet have a lot of questions. And have similar thoughts.

This form should have many of every basic techniqe that a person would use in a being attacked self-defense situation.

It's worth a lot to have people care or have concern.

I feel I have a Great comprehension of things Movement and Design. So I would mostly use Me as a source-ish for forms. I think that things can be used on which forms can be based or designed. Professios (pizza delivery person, Businessman, truck driver...); Nature (Wind, Water, Summer, Moon...).

When responding to an altercation are you claimming things like contact, escape, release do not occure? These things are found in training stuffs also. They are hit, block, grab breaks, pain from being struck by nuckles, elbows, foot heel, using the ground to press the opponent against...

"FWIW, if you were to create 'a' form, I'd suggest using 'universal' principles that could be applied in fighting whether it's evading, striking or throwing."

That seems reasonable.

"Using set 'techniques' i.e. responses to a specific attack is futile as an altercation is never static."

The altercations are not static, yet what goes on during those altercations has been studied. This study allows for better dealing (a selection of actions based on even the results of a non static altercation).

If you don't understand yet, then I hope that someday you do. That we learn techniques as drills , exercises or forms to be used interconnectively based on perception of sponteity. They are altered to match the uniqueness of the moment. The Art or Skill comes from choosing appropriately.

Kempo Guy
09-20-2002, 05:31 PM

"The altercations are not static, yet what goes on during those altercations has been studied. This study allows for better dealing (a selection of actions based on even the results of a non static altercation)".

You are quite right. I am not arguing the fact that altercations have not been studied. I personally believe that there's definitely a 'best' or a 'most efficient' way to strike, kick, throw, grapple etc. i.e. becoming biomechanically more efficient in dealing with altercations. It's not the techniques that are important it's the principles of proper structural alignment, power generation etc.

"If you don't understand yet, then I hope that someday you do. That we learn techniques as drills , exercises or forms to be used interconnectively based on perception of sponteity. They are altered to match the uniqueness of the moment. The Art or Skill comes from choosing appropriately."

Perhaps I don't understand much in terms of martial arts. However, I do understand what most of my teachers are/were trying to impart. If you are trying to say that the skill/art is in 'choosing' the right technique for a specific altercation I completely DISagree. Learning forms may be good for some things but it defintely does not teach spontaneity. It also lacks one very important aspect of dealing with an altercation, TIMING. Without timing you will not decrease response times against an oncoming attack. Only way to develop these are by working against resistance.

In any event, I'm not against drills or exercises. There is a time and a place to introduce these things... It is impossible to do martial arts without any type of drills or movement exercises.
As I've said in another post on this board: "It comes down to how these drills are trained. If they are always prearranged then imho they would be of no use. They need to be done against progressively more resistance in a 'sparring' environment".

These are some of the reasons why imho forms are of little value. (Just note, I didn't say no value).

Please don't take what I say too seriously. This is obviously my uneducated opinion after training in 'traditional' martial arts for some years. :D I still train in some 'traditional' arts, but we do very little forms...

BTW, I think this particular thread probably belongs in another forum... ;)


09-21-2002, 12:00 AM
...This thread belongs to another forum? Doing the form might develop qi. Perhaps the qigong and Meditation section. The form might be relevant to Self-defense and Reality forum. But then, it Is a form--Kung-Fu Training. Doing the form, even without intent might be healthy. Perhaps Kung-Fu training and Health is also a correct forum for this thread.

"It also lacks one very important aspect of dealing with an altercation, TIMING. Without timing you will not decrease response times against an oncoming attack. Only way to develop these are by working against resistance."

The "technique" already has timimg incorporated. It takes so long to do a technique. Getting the timimg is a reference to Speed!. Techniques can be trained to be faster or slowed and a mix. Whatever is appropriate to effect the appropriate use of the technique. "They are altered to match the uniqueness of the moment."

This can be developed with shadow boxing or versus an imaginary opponent. Resistance perhaps, merely fine tunes such development.

"If they are always prearranged then imho they would be of no use. They need to be done against progressively more resistance in a 'sparring' environment". "

It seems that in a "sparring environment" one would do a maneuver over and over against progressively more resistance. This repeating what you think works in that situation might be considered to be a Pre-arrangement. So by your thinking isn'tsparring against progressively increasing resistance useless? Technically?

...In doing the drills and forms you go over the techniques you might do in sparring. They could be very exaggerated in the form or drill. But repeating this static action you go over what different moments of sparring does so that when sparring/fighting you have experienced in your brain the situation enacted on you by the sparring partner~ Recognizing the familiar movement/attack you have a pre-designed response/ pre arranged for that type of attack/move (the static technique, but altered to suit the moment. This includes Timming and body positioning and set-up for next move (on your part or your partner's).

Kempo Guy
09-23-2002, 12:38 PM
“The "technique" already has timimg incorporated. It takes so long to do a technique. Getting the timimg is a reference to Speed!. Techniques can be trained to be faster or slowed and a mix. Whatever is appropriate to effect the appropriate use of the technique. "They are altered to match the uniqueness of the moment."”

You are correct in that timing is a reference to speed. However, what I am referring to is the timing required against a moving/changing opponent, not the timing of a sequence of techniques.
Don’t get me wrong I’ve learned a lot of techniques over the last 10 years doing Kempo Karate. However, being able to pull one off in a combat situation against a fully resisting opponent is a totally different matter. If you already know what the attack is, it doesn’t matter how much resistance your partner provides as it’s already prearranged. There’s no real ‘timing’ involved.

“This can be developed with shadow boxing or versus an imaginary opponent. Resistance perhaps, merely fine tunes such development.”

Shadow boxing can be very helpful. One of the things to watch out for is that you don’t repeat the same movements over and over again. As this will carry over to your ‘sparring’, which will translate into predictability… As for resistance, without impact training you will never know if your alignments are correct and may develop bad habits…

”It seems that in a "sparring environment" one would do a maneuver over and over against progressively more resistance. This repeating what you think works in that situation might be considered to be a Pre-arrangement. So by your thinking isn'tsparring against progressively increasing resistance useless? Technically?”

Technically, no it would not be useless as it’s never against a pre-determined pattern. You may use ‘feeders’ when working on certain parts of your game, but it’s never a “you throw a right, then I counter with this technique” type of training. That would not be what I would call a ‘sparring environment’.

”...In doing the drills and forms you go over the techniques you might do in sparring. They could be very exaggerated in the form or drill. But repeating this static action you go over what different moments of sparring does so that when sparring/fighting you have experienced in your brain the situation enacted on you by the sparring partner~ Recognizing the familiar movement/attack you have a pre-designed response/ pre arranged for that type of attack/move (the static technique, but altered to suit the moment. This includes Timming and body positioning and set-up for next move (on your part or your partner's)”

Sorry, I don’t agree with what you are saying here. Doing a ‘form’ or a set technique in the air to make it more accessible in the course of a confrontation is imho useless, except for the potential benefit of ‘exercising’ and for basic coordination. I think in many ways it can be counter-intuitive to work endlessly on techniques and forms (for the reasons I described in my previous post and above). Your final statement is what I’m getting at, how can you learn timing and body positioning without a resisting partner??? It is impossible to find timing, body positioning and the spatial relationship with your partner.

I don’t have as much experience as many of the people who frequent this board, but feel I have some insight into this particular subject as it’s something I’ve been ‘learning’ over the past few years from different teachers. I don't expect anyone to agree with me as it took me a while to understand this as well...

Just some thoughts from the cheapseats…


P.S. fwiw, I train in Neijia, JKD and Grappling.

09-23-2002, 05:49 PM
Again, it's worth a lot. Fresh/young/new eyes see a different perspective sometimes a forgotten perspective. So (needle-and-thread) your input has signifigance. Your understanding has value.

Things make sense to different people certain ways. When people talk they tend to be correct. They also tend to talk from their perspectives-ish. What they say, though an actual Aspect of actual, is not necessarily every time the same understanding of everyone else.

So (needle-and-thread) in this form it uses my idealistic perspective. I hopefully will look for the worst outcome of a bad situation to get at least descent techniques, useable by those who Can extract techniques from a form. And appy them appropriately. Hopefully, they, like me, don't try to finish a technique just because they start it or would like to. Hopefully I evaluate much of what I do. And if the opponent (not particularly cooperative) is not fitting a significant model for that technique, apply appropriate techniques from where the previous starts to fail.~

So-far I have a technique for protecting the head and face, the pull-down rising knee (Muay Thai), and two people attacking (punches/kicks from front left and front right simultaneously.

10-04-2002, 03:08 PM
Head/Face defense minimal execution. Hand stays on head to pad. To reduce damage taken to head. Angle of forearm, automatic interferance when directed by waist (driven at the feet (controlled by the breath~))--deflects strikes to head/face. The hand on bicep or elbow can guard side of head--ear, jaw, cheek, eye, neck. Raising shoulder can increase defense to neck. Head up, maximum keeping-out (distance). Head lower guards from stomach shots. And hinders uppercuts...

When KCElbows mentioned friend attacked by Father and seventeen year old son. I thought about that type of situation. Not wanting to hurt attacker, but wanting to not get very hurt, self. Came-up with this.

There are longer versions of this movie, that shows strikes but for the situation type for which it came about, no strikes! Striking increases vulnerability. And for untrained at least, maximum defense is recommended.

"Offense is the best defense" has it's place. That place is not here.~

Perhaps some such some might say.

10-09-2002, 03:41 PM
Any mention of fighting situations to defend against could be helpfiul.

10-11-2002, 03:45 PM
Part of the form, is described on thread linked by this. (http://budogeeks.tzo.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=332#332)

10-15-2002, 09:18 PM
The double hand choke responses seem useful for single punches also.

10-16-2002, 02:17 PM
Here's the Hand on head to guard that side of face/head of the head selfdefense for domestic abuse.~

10-19-2002, 11:46 AM
Here's Hand on Bicep.

10-25-2002, 06:21 AM
That's quite the task! It'd be really hard to make one form for all street situations, though isn't that essentially where the classic forms came from (as well as from war)? So your updating them, 'bout time someone did. Most forms I see are fun, and have there moments, but usually have some serious flaws as far as modern self defense goes.
I'm sure they have there reasons, but anyway, my advice to you is, keep it simple. The more complicated you make this form the harder it will be for your form to adapt to the various situations that occur on the street. Or you could make a series of forms for perticular types of situations, there are alot though! One of my favorite moves is dubbed "The Minila Bus Ride", because its actually based on defending against a robber on a Minila Bus! Anyway, good luck1`

10-25-2002, 07:56 AM
There is a form from which many streetfighting situationcan be addressed. It's called standing. Motion continues or comes out of stillness. The concept is to take responses for particular situations and string them together end to end.

The form seems likely to not be completeable because it is unlikely that I could Know All street fighting situations. But I can look at how my body works. Presunme the intent is to hurt me at most costs. And to play on my sympathies for me to be mentally surprised.

While I might add to the form for a long time~ I would have enough of it that the overlap points are kept to merely one time use. Destroying the patches for individual situations and eventually leaving all the techniques for the areas I had included in the full string no longer joined. With some of the pieces form each patch removed and those patches no longer complete, a quilt of the tattered patches would should be made.

You would not see the application for the specific situations because the completions are throughout and not in order for a specific situation, even though the applications for the situations originally addressed would be there for the person who could see where to take or put the pieces together for the moment at hand.

And people will look at the final Street-Fight Self-defense form and say it's in complete. They might say it starts or that's a nice end move but the stuff before it doesn't go with it. So they will think it has holes or is missing stuff. Perhaps it is the way of forms, that people without vision or understanding enough won't know how to use them or see the usefullness.

There's a thought to perform the string or the quilt even repeating responses in no particular order except to avoid preferred order. Hopefully, doing it differently order-wise, almost everytime.

Except to pass it on, the string and quilt pattern are not used. The person by the the when is doing the random of the quilt techniques is near a place of accessing and utilizing Any of the techniques, perhaps even cynergetically.

Thank you for the hope of good luck!

10-26-2002, 03:56 AM
Response for e doublehand throat grab (someone choking you), has two one step; one (four or)five step and one two step move.

That was a fun detraction. Back to responses to attacked with knife.

10-28-2002, 09:22 AM
how do you apply the hand/face guard (that is could you give a simple example like "attacker throws straight punch, hand holdes elbow, other hand rises to head" or something simple-ish?

It looks like a difficult defense to apply, but I just may not be thinking of a practical application for it.

10-29-2002, 10:22 AM
Straight punch:

-turn waist to deflect punch with the forearm of hand on forehead

-bring hand on fore head towards other shoulder (deflect)

-bring hand on elbow up (pivoting at shoulder)

-hand on bicep, lift elbow (brings underside of forearm up to block a straight punch ~ (perhaps, also drop hand on forehead to increase area of the block)

-turn wiast to have the punch run into your elbow

-turn waist to have their straight punch run into your forearm

-upper body bow (look at their shoes); outside elbow tugged (torso and guard (hands-on...) to between shoulders (stomach level), to have straight punch hit the back of your hand which is on your forehead.

10-29-2002, 10:38 AM
Anyone willing to meet me in the Frederick area to allow me to test my responses to double hand neck grabs, inform me. E-mail, private message, telephone call, snail mail...make contact. Details can be worked out after that.

Thank you.

10-29-2002, 11:12 AM
I misread your post and was thinking hand/face defense just against the straight punch for an easy example. I hope to name different punces an application of head/face self defense (I No_Know or No_Know :-) because it looks lok someone confused or trying to figure something out...actually call it whatever. I just thought it would be cute to mention that it kind of looks like the name by which that I am most known here (kungfuonline.com forums).


- hand on elbow (hol); slide hand on forehead (ho4)'s elbow from hol's hand to hol's elbow. Somewhere in that range it should block the uppercut.

-hol, slips the under elbow (to the/along the tricep) the top of the forarm becomes the blocking surface.

-hol shifting the No_Know, up and out with the torso, the elbow or the back of the elbow or tricep area becomes the blocking surface.

-ho2; glide hand to shoulder, blocks uppercut.

No_Know in place, drop No_Know and bend upper upper back, forearm blocks uppercut.

Outside to inside punches get caught blocked or deflected by design of the No_Know with a shift by the abdominals.


Some-such perhaps

10-31-2002, 03:40 AM
Originally posted by No_Know
Anyone willing to meet me in the Frederick area to allow me to test my responses to double hand neck grabs, inform me. E-mail, private message, telephone call, snail mail...make contact. Details can be worked out after that.

Thank you.

Ok, u want people to just jump you in the street without warning?

10-31-2002, 05:57 PM
I was thinking of a less variable learning environment.

Whoever would be interested would say. Then we would talk. Then get together. Then hopefully try a doublehand grab choke so that I could see flaws in my responses to that action.

What you mention does have value as an occasional validator. But such Real experiences wouldn't be helpful-ish. I would gear my reactions to just the way the partner attacked. The partner has more than one method of attack mentality possible. But an attack by someone not a partner might have a difference. I might develop alax attitude when attackedif that is what my partner does. Also, I might be anticipating attacks and become paranoid or react inappropriately to well meanersif I mistake them for partner attacker.

If attacked for real, I will feel how the attack seems and hopefully I will have felt that from some form or technique I've practiced. Not enough time to choose. I would have to take in as many factors as possible for that moment and without concious thought assess correctly enough.

Wonder: How would these people know me to attack me on the street?

11-12-2002, 12:04 PM
I got onto a response to a double hand choke from the front and recently came to a finishing place. Next is to finish-up a form for someone at Fighter's Chat. Then back to knife response.

I came across someone interested to spar with me--testing ground on a uniform stance /guard or to test where my thining is lacking...ish..Head defense wasfor KCElbow's friend was insightful.

01-07-2003, 10:33 PM
I finally got to the Knife section of the form. It addresses slashing and poking.

01-20-2003, 08:45 PM
I met-up with some people and came-up with a gauntlet form-ie. I met some others and I'd like to add to the Street-fight self-defense form techniques reguarding Muay Thai thigh kick (kick to the knee to the armpit;choke from behind face down on hands and knees;~ And the head to head arm weaving of grapplers facing off at start.

01-22-2003, 02:15 AM
The first part of this form is relevant to medium speed attacks by people trying to hit~ but not hurt.

Whatever the value of this form towards street-fighting self-defense, it has been very nice for my breathing at least.

03-12-2003, 02:36 PM
Street fight self defense? It seems standing and awareness can be helpful.

03-12-2003, 04:20 PM
Street fight self defense? It seems standing and awareness can be helpful.

08-02-2003, 06:34 AM
Break a salt packet in your pocket. Lick/suck/wet your fingertip segments. Strike to hit the eyes.

08-10-2003, 12:35 PM
There seem to be several ways to fight. Ifeel I am slow. I would dissolve attacks to me. I would deflect to not get touched-ish.

When I got together with someone recently, I asked for them to resist me doing this form (Ernie Moore Jr.'s, Squirrel's Six Bust Strikes). They all work but with them attacking too, I didn't get to continue the strikes in order with out compromising me.

I wasn't landing in sensitve areas hard. The person might have been distracted with attacking-ish if the strickes landed and hurt~? But I look at those encounters and am seeing that the strikes can be used. Even if not in order although I think that they can be used in the same order but the timing might vary as per the situation.

Ernie Moore Jr.'s, Squirrel's Six Bust Strikes was useful and might get added to Street-fight self-defense form by No_Know.

Also, prayer hands blocking seemed again remarkably successful. It seems very versitile.

Very good.

08-02-2004, 09:35 AM
In a post by Mister Lee Aldridge of a Reality Based Fighting Combat, it was my understanding that what I was told about Street survival (related to attack) was sought. This is my copy of an E-mail I sent Mister Aldridge...I had been given notice not to post for a month, so (needle-and-thread) to be respectful to Mister Aldridges inquiry I replied to and wrote:

""In an effort to discover where you got such strong opinions about self-protection, I'll ask you what you were told about street survival. Have you had conversations with someone who "steered" you to look at self-defense this way?"

Not sure I can answer that...not anything Told to me, per se, except by just living and interpreting: observations and normal hear-say.

When you say, looking at self-defense this way, I presume you mean thinking that there are rest periods or breaks or places for exchange of a few hits then break and go back in...

My view, self-defense/protection related, is that attack can happen by sneak attack when I'm supposedly unaware; by attack from a distance--someone goes on a shooting spree, or stray bullet or ricochet; a knife or gun to my head or throat and a pulled trigger or slit throat by accident or the person just wanted to; I read that there are people who rest your head on the curb and stomp your face (perhaps to break the jaw); getting surrounded, jumped, they take turns beating you; they take turns having sexual intercoursse in your face and butt; kill you after rape, torture you for pleasure or they are off in the head; lie about quitting if they lose and hit/stab you from behind; find out where you live or about you and hurt, torture, kill your family, wreck your house steal your stuff; be waiting in your home; take family members...are some of the things to be aware can happen every day.

My view, related to self-defense/protection, is to be mindful or aware of the aforementioned and not get trapped or in position that increases the likeliness of that. Remember the house/apartment as you left it; know where your family members are or usually go and on which days and at which times (check up if they are unusually late for their sense of timing); check the area around the car as you approach it; look in through the windows for if the car seems to have more people in it than you were expecting; someone you do not know being friendly or making smalltalk; someone slowly closing the distance between you two; someone keeping your attention (flirting/smalltalk/probing questions) and someone else watching you as they get closer stop, get closer stop, get closer...; the drawl or slur or extension of a sound or word accompanied by a move of the hand out of sight or body shift that brings a hidden hand into sight; give everyone distance when you are walking after dark; hands up like whoah or verbally point to anyone closing in such as hello, can help you, what do you want, back off, stand clear...this interruption might slow/stop the momentum of someone wanting to rush/attack you.

My view, related to self-defense/protection, is that people do not strike the same spot with the same limb twice; if you've been hit with a left, you'll next be hit with a right; if you get bowed over, something is comming up with follow-through or from above to knock me all the way down; people who sneak you will not fight with honor; they might be pushing me to an area they have prepared for a victim; they'll busy me up top so I'll stumble or get tripped; they'll take out my legs to tackle me or get me on the ground to kick stomp, limit my movement; they'll bait me to attack and off balanceme or cut me when I go for them; every attack I make, makes me more vulnerable; use their reaction to help me tell if someone is behind me or if I should be expecting others; take out the leader/biggest first;go from person to person; keep your back clear of opponents if you can; get everyone where you can see them; attack the person you can't see; use sound to generally locate people; four hits at once is a usual most you'll have at one time;when an attack leaves another one's comming; use distance and timing to throw off attacks; use weightshift/balance (shoulders, hips, left/right, forward/back, bent knee, bent elbow, palm-up/palmdown (rotation of limb)) to read from where attacks are comming;where they look tells me where they are attacking; they might lie with their eyes to decieveme where they will be attacking so I'll defend it and get hit elsewhere.

My view, related to self-defense/protection, is that a fluid attack is made-up of parts; parts are disruptable;divide the parts; attack the parts; let the moment dictate what you do--be appropriate.

My view, related to self-defense/protection, is that whoever I cripple cannot provide for their people (sibling, family, group) get sued; whoever I kill because their so called attempt to so called merely hurt me or steal if I cooperated I understand culd have gotten me killed, I cause mourning in someone's family, I get revenge/hate/grief focused at me. No one cares that they started it when they get hurt. People lie to look good or make you look bad. Associates back-up lies. My family and friends wouldn't want me dead. I shouldn't do that to another's family friend's social circles intentionally. I should not stop a kill when the person is just going to comeup and sneak me as I go away. If I leabe anyone alive I have to watch out for retribution all the days of my life. There is no even to someone with a bad attitude.

These are the ways in which I look at self-defense/ self-protection, in general. It includes the concepts from the interpretation of the observations and hear-say."

Getting a glimpse of what I think are situations, dangers, opponents, occurances related to street seemed relevant-ish to this thread.

Very good

08-02-2004, 09:50 AM
It seems that there are people who teach/study "attack, attack..."

They seem to regardcontinuous attack as one cation, instead of a series of coordinated actions. They seem to disregard the attacker's response, claiming to not give the attacker time or Will to respond, it seemed.

I had been told that the inside of the arm against any part of knife wielding arm would/could be cut. While it might ne not easiest, it seemed to me that a hooking sweep behind the knife handle on the outside of the forearm, with a leaning of the defender's forearm to keep the arm in the nook/crook as with mantis hand or crane beak seemed to be safe from cutting for at least a moment.

12-30-2004, 01:12 PM
Seeing clips of supposed real fights kids, in backyards, parks...olderteens...It seems there are three methods: blindswing, scoop and pray they go down, poundand pound and pound again. Also the wild foot throw (kick). Basically The way is no way. Atttack attack attack. That might have been the way for a while, but some started using clean technique.

Praying hands I think is good for this. Please be aware that as you did not want to get hurt consider not hurting-ish them. They can sue you and if you cripple them they might claim they cannot work and you owe them the money they cannot earn.

You don't worry about lawyers when you're dead...one might think. Think about the end and how you would like it handled ahead of the situation. And decide before. It might help you decide how the fight goes (as much as you can).

Finding the few techniques you might need can be helped by understanding the great variety.

09-19-2007, 04:39 PM
Iwas reviewing this thread to see what I had put. I hope tobring this together.


Attacked by two or three; grab behind head pulled down to rising knee; bring that person down; address the downed person; from what had been put next goes addressing knife attacks one and more than one, then adressing attacked by three to six people (no s unless they are wooden); then I can put the Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel's Head T.I.E.E.--head defending using angled forearms with support at forehead, elbows and biceps~.; and recently realized addressing the charge.


10-09-2007, 08:30 PM
Addressing the charge (http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.showvids&friendID=138360653&n=138360653&MyToken=92f8bfcf-8ded-4807-83f2-f6d0eb57a0d3)

10-10-2007, 04:58 AM
Thats cool.

Your shoot defense is missing the element of level change. You need to lower your level at the start of his shoot using your knees so you can maintain good posture. You would have to do this to pull off your technique correctly- for the backfist/crossface thing to work you would have to bend your knees just for targeting. You should also look into another option for when this crossface/pivot fails, like squirrel sprawling.


10-11-2007, 10:08 PM
Good mention yenhoi, there is a level change to this. though not shown in that clip.

Seperation and diversion of center wins to the defender.

Fist down (below elbow)addresses a lower level shoot.

One pivot averts. Second pivot might can throw (with appropriate hand-arm positionings and maintenance).

Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel's Bullfighter~.


10-13-2007, 07:17 AM
Addressing waist level shoot.

I use the abdominals to move yenhoi. I see a near need to ;ower but my legs should keep the same bend.


10-13-2007, 07:32 AM
high address to standard shoot then low address with continuation (http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=19981790)

10-13-2007, 07:35 AM
Addressing a shoot minimal effort-ish (http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=19982541)

10-14-2007, 08:42 AM
General No_Know's Street Fighting Self-Defense form-ish (http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=20050129)

10-14-2007, 11:50 AM
General No_Know's Street Fighting Self-Defense form-ish (http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=20050129)

Any feedback on this?

10-16-2007, 04:26 PM
There's a two on one, a response to Muay Thai like back of the neck pulled-head to rising knee, six knife defenses/responses, charge response, two being choked responses, head defense desiged in response to domestic violence, and redirects--glances-deflections At the end of that clip's form.

Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel's Three Times Pivot Walk-Out
Horse Riding stance (low as you can go).
Sleepy Time Kung-Fu
Night of the Gauntlet Form
Rhino's horn
Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel's Gust of Wind and a Breeze
Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel's Sun, Moon, Star Beam Stepping
Knife response slash and thrust
Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel's Bullfighter
Response to choked from the side-front
Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel's Response to choked from the front
Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel's Head T.I.E.E.
One of my favorite guarding position lock-downs--moves that strengthen-ish the following move

I No_Know

03-30-2008, 08:10 AM
Head defense update (http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=31319681)

04-03-2008, 06:43 PM
I showed this to someone. I realised that I had experience with it. and that sort of thing in general. This has to be trained or at least the person have some training to get the moves even simplistic.

Reaction was also a thing. Yet while first time shown, reaction is in question; I found that I got strangely quick with it after weeks of intermittent use.

There was a concern of freezing. Thing is a person can freeze and get hit without this. If you trained it, the simplicity at its base might allow it to be a reaction associated to the panic fear thereby making it automatic.


04-04-2008, 04:22 AM
Head defense update (http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=31319681)

MT has a similar guard, but the lead hand is extended somewhat and angles in and the rear hand covers the side of the head ( same side) and the chin is tucked in giving only the "top" of the head as a very small target.
Rodney King teaches a similar "guard".

04-04-2008, 07:59 PM
I first saw the Muay Thai block to the head on the show Human Weapon. Not ever before was I aware it existed. As I recall itis great toi protect the ear and side of face. And they were fast with it. Perhaps as fast as need be. I think the front of face is vulnerable--top to chin. With Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel's Head T.I.E.E., there is efficient interferrance with on-comming straight to the face, at the cheek and a slip to check the side.


04-08-2008, 05:09 PM
"General No_Know's Street Fighting Self-Defense form-ish"

Is more at this is a general showing/version of No_Know's Street Fighting Self-Defense form-ish.

As to the Muay Thai Head guard just mentioned--covering the side of the head. I thought it looked great. I think one could hit them in the face with theirown arms potentially. At it's worst one should not ever get hit in their own face with their own arms using Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel's Head T.I.E.E.

But the version I show most is fun and perhaps developmental. It might also address coordination some-what. But for practicalness there is the version with one arm in place--hand palm~ on forehead; other palm on forearm near elbow(to start). This at elbow should slide, with elbow high. this is quicker and less thought.

More less thought though is a burying the face between forearm and bicep(hand/fingers touching shoulder) and spread hand under--toi guard from uppercut. It cannot stop the uppercut from comming, yet it might interfere with the uppercut.

What started out as Head T.I.E.E. I might refer to as Right angle Defense. Because wheter it is the more active zone creater of Head T.I.E.E., sanctuary of Squirrel's Web~(just made-up the name here) or the pensive Choke Guard--"I-Thought..." (just made-up the name here), I came-up with while going over grabs and getting grabbed with a maneuver to choke you from behind you, it seems to be right angles.


05-05-2008, 02:24 PM
Several things got addressed in the Street-Fight Self-Defense form by No_Know. I am adding an isolated series of movements/breathings to the end of this form. I hope to use this new set individually from any other form or techniques.


05-15-2008, 11:52 AM
This addition to the Street-Fight Self-Defense form of No_Know has five aspects right now. The addition … no addition It is a nice thing but the Street-Fight Self-Defense Form by No_Know has a good ending. And this now former addition should go in a series of forms. A form can be too long. If the purpose is gotten away-from, perhaps. There’s a take-down, dealing with pulled to a rising knee, face/head shots; addressing a charge and a knife, dealing with more than one opponent simultaneously and getting two hand choked or grabbed near the neck. It should; however include getting your head stomped on a curb, getting kicked in the back, chest, guts or groin, while you are on the ground. This with a guard I like should make a descent (in theory) street fight self Defense Form.one should take the professional or licensed training they receive over No_Know’s say. And No_Know’s say should not be considered a sensible substitute if a substitute at all for licensed certified training sort of thing. This should be considered as for entertainment purposes only.


05-17-2008, 05:53 AM
a Breathing form parts of Squirrel (http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=34294927)


05-24-2008, 06:01 AM
That makes sense. It could be a geginning. Captured the parts to view. Arrangement later. At least final arrangements.

05-27-2008, 12:34 PM
A focus of some breathings of Squirrel (http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=34794626)

10-14-2009, 12:10 PM
The prior two forms about Squirrel Breathings are here in Street-Fight Self Defense form relating to their nature. The forms I think can be good for berathing but that's not so much Street fight. The moves in this form attempt are based from my thinking about Gun pistol draws. the hand goes to a place a gun might be holstered above the hips. The move hints at chambering a bullet. Ant the last forearm moves is a thing I realized.

I prefer to do other than harm. And do not like guns in that If I manage with no guns I'm better. But guns and gunplay is reasonable street-fight possibility. To be real I should include/address guns. This form addressesa handgun that you normally use two hands to use. One to hold the other to start the bullets so that shooting can occure.

About me not wanting to hurt and realizing something, I realized that the casings are hot and release from a fored or shot gun. This forearm breathing technique points the gun upward to point the casiing discharge to the face of an opponent--over the shoulders and to the front. If I used a gun I might like this close-range attack form.
