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06-05-2002, 09:21 AM
I got Lewis in 3 or 4. The fight is even, then Tyson gets frustrated and spazzes out, going for the knockout. He leaves himself open and Lewis lays him on the floor. Tyson gets back up, but he's already lost at this point.


06-05-2002, 09:24 AM
I think he'll rape another chick and miss the fight. You know, I really don't want to watch because I do not want to support Tyson. But I said god**** I really wanna watch.

Chang Style Novice
06-05-2002, 09:28 AM
I agree with Ewallace. If boxing commissioners want some respect for the sport, they'll keep lunatics like Tyson out of it.

As to the fighters' respective chances, I don't know enough to venture a guess.

norther practitioner
06-05-2002, 09:30 AM
Tyson, while at on point one of the best fighters ever, will get his ass handed to him. He got lucky against some of the fighters he knocked out in the last few years. Lewis will hand his arse to him.

06-05-2002, 09:31 AM
agreed. I shall pray that Lewis leaves with all parts intact after the fury is unleashed.

06-05-2002, 09:34 AM
Dam I wish I had cable!:( But I dont watch much TV any way.

06-05-2002, 09:59 AM
Man, I think this is a really tough call.

Tyson, from all indications has actually been training HARD for this fight, and his handlers have, er, handled him pretty well.

Skills like head movement and inside fighting don't disappear--and power is the last thing to go. Foreman could still knock people out....

I really think it depends on which lewis and tyson show up. Is it going to be the aggresive tyson who moves forward with a lot of head movement, gets inside and starts tearing people up, against a cautious lewis?

Or is it going to be an aggressive lewis who establishes his jab early, dances in and out and throws jab cross combos with that big right hand against a tyson that just stalks and plods forward looking for the knockout?

Or (hoping against hope) will it be the aforementioned aggressive tyson vs an aggressively boxing lewis.

Now, THAT would be a war. Lewis is underrated in my mind--his loses have come on laziness--like Toney. Both are guys whose skills stagger the mind (Toney is a better technician, IMO) but who sometimes get lazy....

06-05-2002, 10:31 AM
I saying Lewis in a 12 round decision. Tyson has worked a lot on his conditioning. Ronnie Shields, T's head trainer, has mentioned to the press that T wants to knock Lewis out, but that he's made T train for 12. Tyson looks it, too. He weighs in at 228lbs. So, I think Tyson will last 12, barring that its not hype.

Holyfield has said that Lewis has bring it to Tyson to win--not give any ground to his opponent. Following the advise of a great cruiser and heavy weight champ that has fought both T and L, I think that's the key. Lewis establish the jab, working combination of the it. Lewis will lose if he becomes to idle.

T lacks a jab, a fundamentel element that led to those early round knockouts that we remember him for. If Tyson reverts to this earlier self, then he would stand a better shot at winning. He hasn't demonstrated a set up in a long time, and that's fighting much lower caliber opponents than in his champion years.

Tyson always has the punchers chance, but I don't see Lewis giving that chance to him, and that's the only way Tyson's going to get that shot. Lewis can bring the power too, but I see him out pointing T with his better reach.

But will see. That's why boxing is so fun to watch.


06-05-2002, 10:37 AM
Do you really think the lack of a jab was an issue? Tyson is such an inside fighter.... I kinda thought it was the lack of head movement and his "ploddingness," and his wanting to go straight for the knockout, rather than a lack of a jab.

I mean, Tyson isn't going to trade jabs witha guy like lewis who has such a reach advantage...

06-05-2002, 10:50 AM
Honestly, I think it is. I know that T is outreached, but the lack of jab is a symptom of his set up problem. T is aggressive, but he doesn't measure distance before the knockout attempt, which result in more misses than hits. Getting inside should be T goal, like you said, and his aggression AND a jab will get him there.

You do make a good point about head movement and ploddingness. Its all a piece of the puzzle. A good jab with no head movement and inability to shuffle in make the jab pretty pointless. Good setup + good follow through = a win.

Thanks for completing the puzzle.

:) Mantis9

06-05-2002, 11:03 AM
Ah.... see, this is where I disagree--and I LOVE talking about this stuff by the way, so keep it coming.

Here's been my experience with taller, longer "boxers."

A jab doesn't help much. When I'm fighting them, they are using their jab and movement to keep me off. My jab can't even reach them, and they know it, so they don't go backwards. They just throw their hand over top of my jab.

THEIR JAB and follow up--That's my opening to slip and weave AS I move forward (something I have been working on HARD). Keep slipping, keep weaving till you are on the inside.

They HAVE to jab and dance to keep you away, and your job as the inside fighter is to get in range to make them throw the jab and combo, and be ready to move or parry and slip in (and again and again and again...)

Then, you lead with power shots, crosses at the long end of "inside," followed by hooks to the body. When they start making space, uppercuts/hooks to the head.

You have to lead with power shots because you may not have time to throw the jab--it sounds counter intuitive, but the problem I've had is that if I throw the jab and try to follow up, sometimes.... poof...--he's gone! If you keep slipping and weaving and throwing the inside shots, you can do some damage before he gets away. The jab is a range weapon to set up movement and long distance combos, to keep an inside guy off you.

IMO what tyson hasn't done by way of set up is punishing the body to get them to drop their elbows to protect their ribs more and when that happens, BOOM to the head. He's been "leaping" into hooks to the head, and that's been his downfall (especailly with no movement after the shot/way to short combo.)

06-05-2002, 11:40 AM
I love talking boxing, too.

As for the jab, I still think its essential. However, I don't think its essential for T to land it. In this case, the jab is something to distract, but if it lands--hey, great. We both agree that staying on the outside of Lewis is like asking T to stand in the middle lane of 5 o'clock traffic. The question becomes how is he going to get inside?

In your descriptions, I see you as a tactician; a boxer who likes to looks for the ***** in the armor; slip in underneath their radar and strike. T not a tactician; he's a puncher with talent. He's a lot like Jack Dempsey in style. A freight train.

If he's going to get inside, its not going to be because he slipped a one-two, but because he jabs (and I not saying a jab like Whitaker or Trinidad) then takes advantage the distraction and o L's big guy footwork (though that has improved) and then work the inside. Then he can Mick Ward him all he wants.

Tyson was famous setuping up high off the jab and a combo, then dropping his knuckles to the floor, and using that lower center of gravity to bring it all up. Bam! Spinks is on the canvas and missing another tooth.

Good thread.:cool:

06-05-2002, 11:43 AM
Oops, I didn't mean to write that ****. Sorry.:(

06-05-2002, 11:47 AM
Hmmm... I can buy that argument, too. When I've gotten inside enough to throw a jab to the face, you can drop your knuckles to the canvas and as they bounce back from the fade, whack em.

Actually, I find I do best against good boxers by swarming them and keeping them moving backwards :) I hardly call that being a good tactician, heh-heh-heh... :)

06-05-2002, 02:27 PM
Thanks for the good thread MP. Its good to bounce things off of someone with a good sense of self (I mean that martially and mentally). At first, I gave you my argument from an intuative stand point (meaning that was my gut reaction to Tyson-Lewis). But after your friendly challenge, I fleshed it out, made it more a constructive argument.

I hope we can have more of these in the future.;)


old jong
06-05-2002, 02:48 PM
Both fighters are able to end the fight with only one punch.Tyson is very hard to hit in his range and lewis could make it very hard to tyson to get close enough.I hope it won't end in some crasy cannibalistic happening!:eek:

06-05-2002, 04:39 PM
Lewis in the 8th - approx 2 minutes in.


06-05-2002, 04:57 PM
I'd like to think both fighters have trained really hard for this fight, and respect each others abilities.

Tyson may have been taking his boxing more seriously, but has he gotten rid of the crowd of knobs he hangs around with, that make him think it is OK tobehave the way he does.

I wish this fight was happening with these guys Ten years ago.

Sadly I think it will end in another disgrace to boxing, and that's probably neither fighters fault!



Shadow Dragon
06-05-2002, 05:12 PM
Let see.

I wish and think that Lewis will win.

But than Tyson is rumored to bring knife and Fork to the Fight to "eat Lewis alive".


06-05-2002, 06:52 PM
and say that i think Tyson will win. that fool just hits too d@mn hard, that's all there is to it. he's supposedly been training hard for this fight and i think he will be ready. the question to me is, will Lewis be able to keep Tyson at bay? 12 rounds? hmm... we'll see i guess. i have respect for Lewis but i think (personal opinions aside) Tyson is just too hard to resist (if he can keep his cool)

06-05-2002, 11:54 PM
lewis, after making tyson lose his train of thought by mocking his gayish voice, will pound tyson until tyson will have to go back to fighting woman for training. or just lewis will win. yeah, that would probaly work.

06-06-2002, 12:07 AM
Tyson i think will win this one (well i hope he does casue ive got $50 on him!).
I just see tyson as having that physhilogical edge over Lewis. I read up on the stats, and granted lewis has the weight, height, and reach advantage...i still think Tyson can come out victorious.

Lewis is scared of him, i saw an interview where lewis said somthing like he wasnt going to fight him after the leg bite incident...but then thought, hey this guys just trying to scare me!..so i will fight!! Or somthing like that.

I just see Tyson as one of the greats of boxing in my mind, and i think he'll come out on top, he got the fighters instinct.... (but it could go either way??)

06-06-2002, 12:40 AM
I haven't seen the fighters fight before enough to really know their characteristics, so a tactical discussion is out of the question.

I do know that it was laziness that lost Lewis that first Rachman fight, but I'm assuming that no laziness will be present due to who his opponent is this time.

Saw video of both of them working the speed ball last night, and Tyson was really giving it some, pouring plenty of sharp aggression into that ball. Lewis on the other hand was relaxed, pretty much just doing it for the camera. I hope this isn't indicative of their attitudes on the night.

From reading a million threads like this I know it could go either way. So I'll say GO LEWIS, cos he's (a bit) English and what with the World Cup and the Jubilee I'm feeling a little patriotic. :)

06-06-2002, 01:10 AM
It is hard to says who would win with (A man (Lewis) vs an animal (tyson)). Animals are so unpredictable.

06-06-2002, 01:19 AM
tyson in his day would beat lewis to a pile of ****. but now, although i think he could beat lewis, an dis still a bad mofo, will lose.

Mr Punch
06-06-2002, 06:49 AM
Firstly, I'll just say Gene, any other mods, can you please change the name of this forum to 'The Traditional Merry Writing Forum'... the geezer's got an answer for everything, and is annoyingly often right or rational enough to tempt Amidha Buddha to give up on compassion.:(

Secondly, I'd like to say, that I agree with er... Merry on this one, depends on which Tyson and which Lewis.:rolleyes:

Thirdly, I would really like Lewis to win, but I suspect that if he doesn't work his jab on T's endurance, he won't be able to land his big punches, except the overhand right which will bounce of T's pate like pingpong balls off a big, hard, round, really really thick, table. I also suspect L's uppercut is not powerful enough to open T up. So, in all, if T doesn't go mad and leave himself open, L will have a hard job.

Originally posted by S.Teebas

I just see tyson as having that physhilogical edge over Lewis.

Geez, S, I hate fighting people with that kind of edge over me: I never know if it'll be a psychological, physical, physiological, illogical or whatological edge...! :D

06-06-2002, 09:07 AM
For what it's worth, I predict Tyson will win a little short of half way through.

But that will only happen if Tyson can RELAX on Friday and Saturday, otherwise his adrenaline is going to drain him before the fight. Tyson has to believe he can go the distance and take steps to make it a possibility.

****, I can't believe I'm going to be in the middle of nowhere (farm country) and unable to see the fight. Somebody tape if for me! :)


06-06-2002, 04:41 PM
I'd be hella shocked if LL lost this one. I'm not concerned which Lennox will show up to this fight. Anytime Lewis has had a big fight he has had to rise up to, he's won. I can think of two BIG fights Tyson had to rise up to and lost.

I can't see Tyson using any type of strategy, he's just to f.cking crazy! Lewis will 'box' him and Tyson will try to take his head off.

I'm going with a Lewis KO hmmm round 8 or 9.

06-08-2002, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by nospam
Lewis in the 8th - approx 2 minutes in.


The news is in:

Lennox Lewis knocked out Mike Tyson in the eighth round of their heavyweight title fight Saturday to retain his crown.

My question...was it 2 minutes? :D


06-08-2002, 10:07 PM
It was a little over 2 mins. - like 2:23. That didn't look like Tyson though - he wasn't himself in that fight. There has to be a rematch - Tyson can train and fight reputable opponents in the mean time.

06-08-2002, 10:55 PM
Tyson didnt fight hard as he could have. He hardly attacked.

06-08-2002, 11:55 PM
****...i believe nospam won this prediction bout hands down

06-09-2002, 12:44 PM
****, and I was hoping for a Double Knock-out as unlikely as that is. Nothing wrong with wishing.

06-09-2002, 01:58 PM
I'm bummed! I was sure Mr Lewis would take him out in five or six.
I completely agree with the fight analyst. Tyson fights like an amateur. Without rage (which he is too old to maintain) he has only fair boxing skills.

06-09-2002, 04:41 PM
i didn't see it, but i assume tyson didn't hardly 'fight' is because lewis does have good defense. famous for it. but meh, i didn't watch it.

06-09-2002, 08:15 PM
Nah, he didn't fight. Lewis land something like 179 punches and Tyson only landed like 49 wtf?? Nah, Tyson wasn't fighting. I did see th fight. Tyson spent the majority of it on the outside, eating jabs. When he was inside - in the first two rounds, he was doing pretty decent. After that, he stopped moving inside and was not throwing combinations.

I've come to cour conclusions:

1. Tyson wasn't quite used to his weight - he doesn't usually fight at 234.

2. Tyson was outclassed as he has not been fighting high caliber fighters lately.

3. He was being extra nice, trying to re establish his rep so that he may be re-enstated in other states - Did you see how he was acting in the interview after the fight?? That wasn't the normal Tyson. Now he'll start fighting reputable opponents and will try for a rematch next year. He will then lay Lewis out.

4. He threw the fight.

Mr Punch
06-10-2002, 01:33 AM
Maybe Lewis won because he is a better boxer now.

Nospam, you are a freak and a wierdo and I will never speak to you again.

Or are you the promoter?!:D

Mr Punch
06-10-2002, 01:34 AM
Oh yeah ns, did you have money on?

06-10-2002, 03:20 AM
What the **** was that all about? :confused:
I did expect Lewis to win, no doubt but Tyson don't fight like that. and what was with him afterwards?` SevenStar, I'd guess that it was probebly numero 3 or 4...

06-10-2002, 09:00 AM
Tyson got knocked the F___ out! It was fun, watching LL beat on him like that round after round. First time I've seen a Tyson fight. He kept trying to shoot in low, to get inside. LL dropped his lead a little, that seemed to put an end to Tyson's strategy.

T is looking like a has-been.


06-10-2002, 09:22 AM
pretty good call.
so how's the stock market look, old buddy?:D