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06-07-2002, 12:37 PM
In my opinion - Lineage rivalry is caused mainly by greed.

I think there are more differences in training methods and emphasis, than in strategy and tactics, between the major WCKF branches and associations. I think this can be seen when fighting or free-sparring.

If students are seen to be lacking, perhaps their training regimine is not properly addressing their deficiencies. A good instructor will tailor the training regimine to the student - but not all students have access to a good instructor's one-on-one time.

There are no vastly superior branches of Wing Chun.

With even half of Wing Chun's techniques, you can become a good fighter. If you train right.

You can also add techniques to your Wing Chun. Whatever works for you, without betraying the basic principles. Ng Mui won't roll over in her grave if you do a head butt, because many WC masters have added or subtracted from the system, at some point.

-FJ (done ranting)

06-07-2002, 01:23 PM
fa_jing - on Lineage, it would seem that when some peoples wingchun is criticized they tend to take it as a slight to thier lineage. I say maybe it isnt anything but you or your instructor? Like you pointed out, the stuff lacking is often poor training or porr instruction. The problem is that this has the trickle down effect. If your instructor learned from someone who had no clue, then they will have no clue, unless they spend a lot of time on thier own figuring it out for themselves, which means they may or may not, whether they belive they have.
The problem is not always in the lineage, as a matter of fact I would go on to say it often isnt. Some lineages do things radically and that is fine, but wing chun has some precepts and concepts that cannot be denied. I have been stirring up trouble by saying that many people dont get the basics but think they do. For instance I see all the time people claiming they have a good root but thier stance is and has always been shallow and 'high' then you watch them move and thier feet constantly break root and flop around like they are dancing on a hot pan or something.
The devil is in the details. If your lineage or whatever likes to bong more then anyone else, or they added headbutts, ok, but does it go along with wingchuns concepts? Do you have a good root? Are you precise? Is your structure solid?

06-07-2002, 01:32 PM
I can grok your explaination. Funny thing is, people took you as attacking other's lineage, because there's so much of that going on in the WC community!! I'm laughing at the whole discussion, and the WC forum in general - even though at times I have gotten really good insights from some people, notably RR, Yuanfen. And others.

BTW, you don't really want to learn only half of Wing Chun. You have to understand the weaknessess you create, how to respond to certain reactions, how to fully utilize. You wouldn't want to learn Tan without Bong and Huen, for instance.


06-07-2002, 01:38 PM
Right, people get really jumpy here about that. I dont think it is necessary though, I wouldnt attack someones lineage those that started it. Some get so excited that they miss the point of it in the first place and it gets off track with he said she said. I understand your laughing fa_jing, you can get some good insights here.
Ultimately my point is that you cant have a good wing chun house without a proper foundation.
I agree on the learning half of wing chun.

06-07-2002, 01:43 PM
What you say and what people think you mean can be two totally different things. That's one of the reasons I am laughing. Well, cracking a smile, at least. :)

06-07-2002, 01:45 PM
:D I am with you brother! you just gotta ask for clarification is all!

06-07-2002, 02:13 PM
C'mon red- take a good look in the mirror. You have been
lecturing on most of wing chun- based on your two year knowledge and your own subjective survey research.

06-07-2002, 02:17 PM
Yuanfen - nope, you just havent been paying real close attention. I have been 'lecturing' on the basics, and who beter to know the basics then someone neck deep in them right? ;)

Wujidude - exactly my point. For instance, if you and I touched hands and you said if you did this you would probably have better sensitivity or be faster, I wouldnt, couldnt really take that as a comment on my lineage.

06-07-2002, 02:22 PM
Good original post fa-jing.

As for lineage bashing and feeling the continual drive to assert that your style is best, a quote by a poster on Slashdot says it all:

Everyone thinks that 90% of the population are idiots, but that they belong to the other 10%.

06-07-2002, 02:27 PM
I like that Anerlich but I dont think it says it all, someone has to be in that 10% ;)

06-07-2002, 03:36 PM
I have been 'lecturing' on the basics, and who beter to know the basics then someone neck deep in them right?


06-08-2002, 03:01 PM
"Everyone thinks that 90% of the population are idiots, but that they belong to the other 10%."

only 90%??
Has the population grown smarter the last few years :)