View Full Version : James Cama's Fut Sao Buddha Hand Wing chun Summer Seminar July 20th

06-08-2002, 02:43 PM
Fut Sao Buddha Hand Wing Chun Summer Seminar will be held on July 20th Saturday at 440 Lafayette St NYC RM3E from 1:00 to 4:00PM.
The seminar will consist of a complete overview of the Fut Sao Wing Chun style.
Siu Lin Tao
Chum Kue
Biu Gee
Chi Sao,Chi Gerk
Two Man Sets
Footworks (Siu Baat Gwa)
Weapons Sets applications and transitions to hand techniques
All levels taught individually from beginners to advanced.
Fee: $65
For further information call: 718 692-2281 email JCama108@aol.com

Tainan Mantis
06-08-2002, 03:24 PM
Thanks for the info it sounds like a very packed seminar.
I won't be able to attend, though.

I'm wondering what someone like me who doesn't know this style would learn at such a seminar.

Also, other posters who went to seminars different from their style did what?

06-08-2002, 09:52 PM
Cama Sifu shares concepts and applications which can be adaptable to most systems. Cama Sifu has knowledge in many arts and can piece together their commonalities. This art is very rare and a pleasure to experience. Fighting technique, sensitivity exercises, and Chi Gung can be learned by all.

06-11-2002, 08:23 PM
LC-NYC thanks for the interest. The seminar is for all levels of Martial Artists. Hei/Nei Gung will be taught including basics (jar, pole, finger/stance training) all Fut Sao punches and kicks, walking and footworks. Thats first hour. Second hour is forms applications and two man sets. Third hour is weapons to hands transitions and Chi Sao. Each practitioner will be taught according to their level of expertise. Cama Sifu has many senior students who teach themselves and have over 20 years experience. This will be a hands on learning experience not to be missed.