View Full Version : To all: Info required

06-09-2002, 09:34 AM
To anyone out there, Iam looking for information on XingXi and Bagua, mainly because I know not so much about them and would like to know more.

If you're a XingXi or Bagua guy, cool! :) If not but you no stuff, still cool :)

Links to websites welcome!

If you're a BJJ troll - **** off OK. :p

Thanks in advance - Delicate.

06-09-2002, 10:43 AM
Bagua, developes qigong. Chinese boxing, I would recommend it. Internal punches, forms conditioning, medititation, are all parts of the system.

06-09-2002, 02:24 PM
I think this site have more info than i have to personally give you:

Also on emptyflower there are links to other sites

If you have any specific question dont be shy to ask :D

06-09-2002, 02:52 PM
Cheers Xebs. Glad that third site had an English version! My Portugese is passable, but not amazing...:D

Emptyflower is a beautiful site.

Cheers for the links Xebs! :)

Don't know why, but I'm really drawn to XingYi. It seems powerful and logical but yet deep.

One question Xebsball - how fluid is the art. The forms seem very sculpted. How much variation is there? I guess it's hard to convey the spirit of an art without participating, but that was one of my initial thoughts.

06-09-2002, 03:14 PM
Fascinating sites xebsball. I was especially interested in the video section of Empty Flower(nice site by the way). I wonder what some of the applications for some of those sequences are. I too have always wondered about xing yi.


06-09-2002, 03:33 PM
Being fluid and relaxed is a comon requirement within all internal styles. Its not really easy but its what you always aim to since that is the way in wich you can use your power to the maximum.

As for variations there is a lot of them.
There is the 5 fists wich are the base and everything you do with them in fighting is potentialy a variation/mutation of those or even combination between them.
The animal forms, for example, use the same powers that you develop on the 5 fists but the move externally (technique) looks different.
Besides that there is even variations between lineages and teachers of course.