View Full Version : OT- For those in/formerly in the military I have a Q for u!!!

wushu chik
06-10-2002, 01:22 AM
Hey all,
I am wondering about something. I need the advice from all you military/ex-military peeps out there that have all that good advice. Which one is the best for a female to get into. I'm thinking Navy, because they have the program I want, but I am still deciding. That's why I am asking you all!!!!

Thanks in advance!

06-10-2002, 01:38 AM
Well, my sis is in the navy, and bro's in the marines. I'm not in anything, but I hear AF and Navy are most lucrative for women.

06-10-2002, 03:05 AM
What exactly would you want to do?

06-10-2002, 05:41 AM
I have been in and around the military my whole life. 3rd generation.... and most all of my friends from highschool joined. I have never met 1 sailor who liked the Navy. Not 1. The airforce has the highest standard of living.

06-10-2002, 06:39 AM

Tell us what you want to do. There is probably an analogous program in another service.

Consider this--if you go navy, it's hard not to go to sea in many rates. If you have children or family commitments, and they are used to having you around, it might interfere.

06-10-2002, 08:53 AM
Wushuchik, I was in the MArines, and worked up close and personal with the Navy Personnel. Depending on what you are looking for. They have some great technical programs.

Dark Knight
06-10-2002, 09:04 AM
Dont let the recruiters fool you. The other services can offer just as many oppertunities.

The Airforce has the best standard of living. The technical jobs are plentyfull.

Im Army, I do contracting. Its a good job and a good life. But There are branches in the Army that are not as much fun, living in a tent for weeks at a time.

In the Navy you will be on ship and gone for a long time.

The Marines live a rough life but have a lot more pride.

Boot camp in all of them is not as hard as eveyone tells you. its tough but it is designed to get everyone through. Airforce is the easiest.

Which ever way you go you will ot regret, oppertunity is in everyone. Rank is harder to get in the navy than the others.

Take advantage of everything they offer, and go to college for free. Dont wast your time there.

BTW no matter which you chose you will have a lot of sex.;)

06-10-2002, 10:20 AM
Join the air force. Basic training is held at Lackland A.F.B. which is in San Antonio. We can hit the bars after you finish bootcamp. Then you can hit me for all of the Honda jokes I've made.

06-10-2002, 10:51 AM
I almost went NAvy, but luckily I had enough people steer me toward the air force from exp. Even the navy recruiter was trying to change services to the air force, I found this out only after I joined the Air Force. My friend from High school joined the navy, after some correspondence he really had wished he joined the AF with me.
I wish I had more time to tell you..ask me another time.

wushu chik
06-10-2002, 06:01 PM
Well guys, thanks for all the imput, but it doesn't matter anymore. I went to the recruiting office of all 4 branches, and they all said the same thing. Unless I am willing to give up custody of my kids, there's no way in h3ll I can get in. I honestly didn't even think about it.....AND, with what i wanted to do, i don't have the vision, even with glasses to do it. D@MN THEM! Oh well!!


06-11-2002, 12:52 AM
it's a shame that no branch of our armed forces has openings for mouth boxers. wendy'd get 1st lieutenant right after boot camp. :cool: