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View Full Version : The 'Wing Chun Wars'

Das Moose
06-10-2002, 09:46 AM
Do you know anything about the 'Wing Chun Wars'?
My Sifu mentioned them the other night in class. He said he was involved in
them - I want to know anything you know about them, it sounds very
interesting. i.e. dates, names, places etc.


Das Moose.

06-10-2002, 11:19 AM
So many- which ones are you talking about?

Das Moose
06-10-2002, 11:50 AM
I don't know which ones, that's why I'm asking about them. My sifu said he fought during them.

06-10-2002, 01:05 PM
Sounds a lot to me like the 'clone wars " in attack of the clones! :)

Are you sure your master is not obi one kenobi? :)

Just kidding.......I never heard of the " wing chun " wars ....I know Emin boztepe beat up an old William Chueng in germany. Chueng was old enough to be his dad.

Lueng Tings group and Chuengs were at odds for many years. I have heard some stories about that.

Other then that I would not know.


Das Moose
06-10-2002, 01:15 PM
Are you sure your master is not obi one kenobi?

Oh dear god! It can't be!

Seriously though, I don't think so. He doesn't have a beard (although he isn't always clean shaven...)

I don't know what he's talking about, I'll ask him.

What happened in the Cheung VS Boztepe fight?

06-10-2002, 01:25 PM
But I heard It was a setup . From what I heard he ( W.CHUENG)was doing a semimar in a gym when about 20 lueng ting guys show up . He thinks the guy who arrainged the seminar for him set him up to fight Emin.

Emin then challenges William . William tells him he dosen't want to fight. The 20 guys surround William .William tells Emin he is being direspectful to his senior and who is he to challenge him.
William tells Emin he should think twice before attacking him.
Emin then goes on to say if he losses he will have to fight all of the 20 guys and he dosen't care how senior he is to him.

Emin then throws a punch and William says he countered it and was suprised how sloppy it was thrown. But this is Williams account. I am sure Emin has a different story.

From there is gets foggy . But I do remmeber most people saying the fight actually went to the ground and they were sort of wrestling or flopping on the ground before it got broken up .

Niether are very well versed in any type of ground fighting. At least back then.

Thats all I heard. In one story I heard William got knocked out. In another story I heard William got the better of it & Emin before he tripped and they both went to the ground. He says his chinese slippers made it hard for him to fight in the gym( william)

It may have been filmed. I am not sure but heard that.

By the way I didn't see the film obviously . :)

So it's pretty much heresay and unless there is a film to prove it it will continue to be so.


06-10-2002, 01:33 PM
I saw some footage and it looked like two school kids brawling on the ground. I heard that Emin's camp released the video but edited out the part where William Cheung did any fighting back.

Didn't see too much WC in there ...

Das Moose
06-10-2002, 01:38 PM
Good description.

I think I'm actually a leung ting linage (yip man-->leung ting-->nick smart-->tom lamont-->me), the art I study is called Chum Sut Wing Tzun.

I'll report back what my sifu says on thursday.

06-10-2002, 01:41 PM
Good training to you .

I for one am curious to know what your sifu tells you.

Let me know okay?



Das Moose
06-10-2002, 01:50 PM
Sure, my pleasure.

06-10-2002, 02:20 PM
Based on what I've read about the fight, the only thing that everyone agrees on is that Emin challenged him because of an open letter that Cheung wrote saying that he would accept challenges from anyone. Some say it was an ambush, while others say that Emin's entourage was there to keep Cheung's students from interfering with the fight. I can't definitively say anything about pre-fight events, but I have seen two clips and a few written accounts of the fight on the web. The fight was kinda sloppy. Emin got in close and Cheung had trouble with his footwork as a result. Emin was able to take Cheung to the ground where he was able to control the fight from then on. Cheung did a pretty good job defending punches, but Emin was able to land a few blows. Cheung was pretty much flailing wildly once he was on the ground, but he was definitely not knocked out. I've looked for information about this fight a few times, and it's pretty clear to me that you can't believe anything you read about it, especially the account taken from an interview with Cheung that's all over the net. If you search google.com long enough, you'll be able to find clips somewhere.

black and blue
06-11-2002, 01:31 AM
My understanding is that the Wing Chun Wars is simply a generic term used to describe the general 'political' fighting during the 80s.

I'm not really sure how someone can have 'fought' in this war - it was, IMO, more a war of words (ie. those who felt they were THE Grandmaster of WC).

All said... yawn..... zzzzzzzzzz

06-11-2002, 02:00 AM
If you're in the WT lineage, unless your Sifu is Emin Boztepe or Andrew Draheim, then he's probably full of it if he reckons he participated in the "Wing Chun Wars" - and even then, calling either of these a "war" is plain ridiculous.

Both the Cheung/Boztepe and Draheim/Mazza "fights" were contradictions in terms. Both were ambushes, both resulted from one of the protagonists making incessant insulting statements about the other lineage, neither "winner" caused any injury to the loser, and by all reports both fights sucked like a vacuum cleaner technically.

Both were the result of immaturity and stupidity, and if your Sifu wants to buy into that and boast about it, he should consider that perhaps (or certainly) his statements tar him with the same brush.

Thankfully, such challenges are a thing of the past. These days there are ample opportunities to set up challenge fights on kickboxing or MMA cards ... with few takers from WC/WT for some reason. Tough talking's great fun as long as you never have to back it up.

06-11-2002, 07:22 AM
I am coming over there right now to kick your ass and your sifu's ass and his mommas ass.My WC is better than yours.Oh wait ,I live 10,000 miles away boy are you guys lucky nanana booboo!;)

06-11-2002, 08:14 AM
Thats why I asked the starter of the thread- which wars?
Apparently some pics of wsl's beimo-s were taken at one time.
A film copy ended up in bruce Lee's hands and the disappeared.
Some other inter kwoon challenges of other folks in HK were never filmed. Some were quite brutal.