View Full Version : We've all heard of Shaolin, but is this Wudan I heard of once?

06-08-2001, 08:39 PM

I'll probably sound like a total dolt, but I was wondering about this Wudan place. Of course we've all heard about Shaolin's contribution to CMA (especially cheesy movies) but I've never really heard anything about Wudan. Anyone care to enlighten me??

Mike C.

Je Lei Sifu
06-08-2001, 10:28 PM
Wu Dan is a different branch than Siu Lum (Shaolin). Many say that it is an offspring of the Siu lum temple. However, I believe that the Wu Dan teach Taoism. Wu Dan has had many contribution to the martial arts and is very famous for its Gim (sword), as well as other martial arts styles.

Other forms of writing Wu Dan would be Wu Tang or in Cantonese Mo Dong. The creator of White Eyebrow Boxing, Priest Bak Mei, is said to be of Wu Dan.


Je Lei Sifu :cool:

The Southern Fist Subdues The Fierce Mountain Tiger

06-10-2001, 10:35 AM
The Chan Buddest Shaolin Monk Bai Mei?

He was first a Monk,who knows if he latter became a Taoist prist or just spent his last years
hanging out with the Taoist priests.
After the burning of Shaolin a Taoist temple
would be a good place to get away.

Also I belive the story goes that he didn't go to Wu dang but another Taoist temple.

Question,was Wu dang wiped out?
What systems came from Wu dang?

Internal Flow
06-10-2001, 03:13 PM
Wudan is the mother of the Internal Systems.
And also one of the more important places for Taoism.

All things return to it as to their home, but it does not lord it over them.
Thus it may be called "The Great"

Internal Flow
06-10-2001, 03:14 PM
Wudan still exists and one of the most known systems cultivated there is Taiji Quan.

All things return to it as to their home, but it does not lord it over them.
Thus it may be called "The Great"

06-19-2001, 04:25 AM
internal flow. you are right in saying the mother of the internal. mu dong did not come from the shaolin temple. you don't hear much about them because they didn't side with the communist gov like the shaolin did. they have been around longer just weren't orginzed.

"when you expect your oppoent to yield/you also should avoid hurting him"

06-19-2001, 09:52 AM
as everyone else whom have replied BUT i would like to address to the fact that wu dang is in a lot of cheesy kung fu movies in the past as well

later! :D

06-19-2001, 11:43 AM
"If someone doesnt know, then he should not speak."

Excuse me??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

06-22-2001, 08:04 PM
A little history

Before the dynasty of Qing, we preserved few traces of arts having a direct relationship with the Chinese martial practices today.
The principal junctions were born from the diversification of Wushu under Qing a terminology appeared in the treaties of the Ming dynasty.

The distinction more interréssante is that which opposes " the external school " (waijia), considered Buddhist obedience because of its fastening to the Shaolin monastery, and of " the school interns " (neijia) whose mythical cradle would be the Wudang mount.

Shaolin and Wudang, symbols of a proverbial opposition between on the one hand a practice based on the muscular power and on the other hand the application to the combat of strategic and energy principles considered higher. The Dictionary cihui summarizes it as follows: " " internal " work (neigong) preserves peace within the movement and insists on defense whereas " external " work (waigong) is based on the action which appears by the attack ". If the martial schools of the external current plunge for the majority of them their roots in associations of boxers of the rural world and are based on an oral transmission, the whole of the theories which underlie the practice of the internal school rests on writings of well-read men of the Qing dynasty:
- Wang Zhengnan muzhiming, or Epitaph with Wang Zhengnan, of Huang Zongxi;
- Taiji quan been able, or Collection of Taiji quan, Wang Zongyue
- Neijia quanta, or Method of boxing of the internal school, Huang Baijia
- Changshi wuji, or Delivers martial techniques of the Chang family, of Chang Naizhou
- treaties of boxing Taiji de Wu Heqing (Yuxiang), Wu Chengqing, Wu Ruqing and Li Yiyu
- Chenshi Taiji quan tushuo or illustrated Explanations of Taiji boxing of the family Chen de Chen Xin etc.

Secrecies of Mount WUDANG

Wudang boxing is current opposed to boxing Shaolin, Wudang quan. It is only at the end of last century that Taï ji, Ba Gua and Xing yi Quan gathered to become the engine of the internal current, Neijia quan.
The legend wants that it is the taoist Zhang Sanfeng who is the legendary founder of this current at the 13 ième century.

It would join together according to a recent census the methods with following naked hands:
1 - Taiji quan " Wudang Zhaobao sanheyi " of Liu Huisi;
2 the style Hao de Taiji quan " Wudang Zhaobao " of Liu Rui;
3 the style Wu de Wu Yuxiang de Taiji quan;
4 the style Sun de Taiji quan;
5 Wudang Taiyi wuxing quan (Five elements of the Supreme One) of Jin Zitao;
6 Wudan Shunyang quan (pure Yang) of Wang Zhaohui;
7 Wudang Taiyi shenjian men (school of the Divine Sword of the Supreme one) quangong;
8 Taihe quan (Great Harmony) of Zhou Zhongming; 9 Wudang Hengshan feeds (school of the Heng mount) Wushu de Zhang Kaiwen;
10 the shuishang Taiji quan (form of Taiji quan being practised in water!);
1 1 Xingyi quan;
12 Liulu (six series) quan;
13 Wudang Qiankun men (Ciel school and Ground) of Wang Shuzhang;
the 14 style Zhang de Taiji quan of Wan Laisheng;
the 15 ' style Zhaobao de Taijiquan;
16 " a hundred and eight hands " of Wudang qinna (seized and luxations);
17 " five fists " of the style Yang de Taiji quan;
18 techniques of fist of the styles Sun and Wu de Taiji quan;
19 Wudang shengong (OEuvre divine) Taiji quan of Wang Baoren;
20 Wudang Longmen feeds (running Longmen) xinyi men (school of the Heart and the Thought);

Wu Jianquan

21 Wudang Taihe quan of Li Yongguang;
22 Yunfang Taiji quan (Taiji quan taoist);
23 Ba zhi (form based on the combat on the ground);
24 Yingxian quan it (Immortal hidden)
25- Lubu meihua zhuang (the Step of the stag of the pillars of the flower of plum tree)

26- Wudang Songxi liubu quan (the boxing of the six steps of Songxi);
27- Sanshiliu Yin Yang Shou (the trente-six Yin-Yang hands);
28- Wudang Wuxing quan (boxes of the Five elements);
29- Wudun Yin Yang Ringed zhang (five Yin-Yang dodgings of the palm of the Eight trigrams);
30 Hunyuan zhang (palm of original Chaos);
31- Wudang tiezhang gong (achievement of the iron palm);
32- Sanhuizhuan (three rotations);
33- zhang Ringed it;
34- lianhuan zhang Ringed it (connected palms of the Eight trigrams);
35- Wudang ziran Sanfeng feeds (natural draught of Sanfeng) Bagua zhang.

As this long enumeration indicates it, the modern current of Wudang boxing is heteroclite and made up mainly of practices resulting from boxings Taiji, Xingyi and Bagua which maintain only one symbolic system report/ratio with the Wudang Mount.

Secrecies of the temple of Shaolin


In fact, the Chinese martial arts that we will indicate here under the name of wushu, were always related to the history of China. One finds already their trace approximately 3000 years before Jesus Christ, under the reign of the emperor Houang Ti But it is necessary to wait the sixth century to see appearing Kung fu Wushu.

Indeed, it is into 527 that the Indian monk Your Mo, more known Under the name of Boddhidarma (Japanese Daruma), arrives at the monastery of Shaolin, in the province of Honan. The monastery, which was on the northern slope of the Shao-Shih mount, had been built approximately 150 years before by the Emperor Known Wen. Boddhidarma, Buddhist twenty-eighth patriarch, had left India for China in order to transmit the true teaching of the Buddha to the Chinese imperial court. Being the son of king Sugandha, it had been formed in the field of the martial arts by the old Prajnatra Master. While arriving at the monastery of Shaolin, Boddhidarma found the monks in very bad physical condition, which prevented them from practising the meditation correctly. It gave them concepts of hygiene, of medicine, and taught a series of 18 exercises to them in order to maintain their body in good health.
The history and the legend agree for saying that from there date the creation of the Kung fu moderne.(In fact, it is the birth of the current of kung fu of Shaolin) In the space of a few centuries, the monks of the temple of Shaolin became famous through all China for their skill in the martial arts.

However. With the twelfth century, Yueh fei, imperial general, created Xing yi quan, an internal style based on its experiment of the combat to the lance. One century later a monk, Zhang Sanfeng, impregnated of the principles taoists, founded Tai Ji quan, probably most popular of the styles internes(of the Wudang current).
With the appearance of these two systems, the popularity of the Kung fu of Shaolin started to decline

At this point in time at the 16th century, Chueh Yuan appears. Of noble origin, this expert in martial arts joined the temple of Shaolin and decides to revise the 18 movements of Boddhidarma. He brings them to 77 techniques. Then it travels through China in order to supplement its knowledge. It returns to the monastery with two other experts, Pai and Li. Together, the three men develop a complete system of 170 movements, containing 5 styles which, thereafter, will be used as a basis for tens of others.

But the history continues its course in 1662, Mandchous invade there
China and melt the dynasty of Ching, putting fine at that of Ming.
The emperor Kang Hsi, fearing revolts carried out by the monks, decides to destroy the monastery of Shaolin. Five monks only escape the massacre. They melt a secret society, the Triad, whose watchword is: "to drive out Ching, to bring back Ming " Until 1811, similar hundreds of organizations are born. Their members all are of the experts in Kung fu. Decided to drive out Mandchous who usurps the capacity, the partisans of Mings realize that they will not be able to arrive at their ends as long as the foreigners (German, English, French Americans and Japanese) installed in China will support the dynasty in place. They thus decide to throw the barbarians with the sea " It is in 1900, the famous "revolt of the Boxers " An army made up of experts in Kung fu besieges the part of Peking where reside commercial and diplomatic foreigners. After 55 days of seat, a force of intervention made of balanced English, French and American arrives in time to save the Western community. The revolt of the Boxers is embedded in blood. Thousands of experts in Kung fu perish under the fire of a modern army which profits moreover from a quite higher armament.
In 1949 when Mao Tsé Toung seizes the power, of many Masters leave China and leave to settle has Taiwan with Chang Kai Tchek. Others will préfèreront outward journey in Hong-Kong to join distant parents. What explains why today, the Kung fu is dispersed in three essential centers:
1. China Populaire (where it was prohibited a long time).
2. Hongkong.
3.Taiwan, where many large Masters live since 1949.

It is admitted that there exists in Kung fu approximately a hundred basic styles, which, with their alternatives, bring us to more than 350 different styles. Even the Chinese lose themselves there!
For example the style of "the religious mante " created by Wang Lang at the 17th century, was divided thereafter into
- the mante with seven stars
- the mante with the lotus
- the mante with the 6 combinations
- the mante of the secret gate
- the mante with the jade ring
- the mante with the 8 steps
- Tai Chi of Mante
- the rigid mante …
And I pass from there!

On the basis of same the bases, each one of these styles insists on a particular point. Thus, "the mante with the lotuses " is characterized by a sequence of five blows of fist similar to the five petals of the lotus; "the mante of the secret gate " is characterized by attacks carried with the elbow at short-haul in very low posture. And so on.

Among all these schools, a majority is attached to the monastery of Shaolin. Often, this name is purely nominal and the style does not have any real link with the famous temple. According to the legend with the seventeenth century, the monastery of Shaolin besieged by the soldiers mandchous was destroyed by a fire. The majority of the monks perished in the flames. But some succeeded in escaping. Among them, the Five Old ones, which were each one Master of one of the styles of the monastery: the nun Ng Mui, the Master of Zen Chi Shin, Pak Mei and Fung To Tak, two Masters taoists and Miu Hin, a disciple of Shaolin. They managed to flee with a handle of pupils in particular Hung Hay Kwun, Luk Ah Choi and Fong Sai Yuk. Recherchés by Mandchous, they took false identities et se dissipèrent Ã* travers Chine. La nonne Ng Mui fut Ã* l'origine la création du style Wing-Chun, Hung Hay Kwun et Luk Ah Choi fondèrent le style Hung Gar.
Enfin Fong Sai Yuk créa le style Hou Sing Chun (Five Pattern), basé sur l'observation du tigre, de la grue, du serpent, du dragon et du léopard. D'après la légende, c'est ainsi que Ies différents styles de Shaolin se diffusèrent Ã* travers la Chine.
Par la suite de nombreuses sociétés secrètes virent le jour, telles les Triades. Le but était le renversement de la dynastie Mandchoue. Pour se reconnaître les uns des autres, les membres de ces sociétés secrètes faisaient référence au temple de Shaolin. Comme la plupart d'entre eux étaient des experts en Kung-fu, le nom Shaolin fut bientôt accollé Ã* celui leur école : Shaolin Tang Lang, Shaolin Hung Kuen. etc... C'est pour cette raison qu'aujourd'hui, la majorité des styles de Kung-fu se nomment Shaolin. A Taiwan, Si l'on demande Ã* un sifu rencontré par hasard quel style il enseigne, il répondra presque sûrement : "Shaolin". Si on l'interroge davantage, il précisera : "Shaolin du Nord" ou "Shaolin du Sud".

En Bref :

Les styles internes insistent davantage sur la respiration, le calme de l'esprit, le développement de l'énergie interne (Ch'i). Ils préconisent la défaite de l'adversaire Ã* l'instant même où il attaque, en utilisant son énergie pour la réduire Ã* néant.

Les styles externes mettent l'accent sur le développement physique, la musculation, la force des coups et la rapidité d'exécution.
En fait, cette classification interne externe, dur et doux, est assez simpliste.

De nombreux styles de Kung-fu sont formés par une combinaison de deux systèmes. La plupart préconisent d'ailleurs l'utilisation du dur contre doux, et du doux contre le dur.
En général, les Chinois divisent les différents styles de Kung-fu en deux branches principales Nord et Sud d'après leur lieu d'origine. Chaque branche se subdivise en 2 groupes rigide et flexible, ce qui est plus réaliste que dur et doux. Le groupe rigide met l'accent sur des postures assez basses, avec des coups de poings puissants dans le Sud, et des coups de pieds dévastateurs dans le Nord. Le tout étant destiné au combat Ã* courte distance, aussi bien dans le Nord que dans le Sud, avec des postures plus hautes. Suivant cette classification, le Wing Chun est un style flexible du Sud, alors que le Chang appartient Ã* groupe rigide du Nord.


06-22-2001, 08:12 PM
Style Pa Kua: history and origin

Foreword: Pa Kua or boxes of the eight diagrams (or palm of the eight diagrams) made party of one of the three great internal styles of Kung Fu which draw their roots of the tradition Wudang (school of Neija).
Dong Haichuan (1798-1882), born in the county of Wen' year of the province of Hebei, is the initiator of the style. It very early started in its childhood to learn art from the combat, mainly in the Shaolin schools. Wishing to perfect its art, it travelled through China in the search of famous Masters.

On the Jiuhua mount in the south of the province of Anhui, one of the five crowned mountains of China, it met a young hermit taoist practising of the exercises ' based on the paume'. Very intrigued, Dong proposed a combat with the young boy and it was overcome. It after which Dong became the disciple of the young hermit and main Bi Chengxia. There remained thus several years in the mountain. It is on the basis of instruction which Bi brought to him that it developed later the ' Palm of the eight diagrammes' which were going to know an immense popularity throughout the two hundred years to come.

In the medium of its life, Dong Haichuan worked as Master of hotel in the castle of prince Su. One day, an immense banquet was organized. Crowd was so significant that the servers had an insane evil to serve the guests. But Dong, as for him, and with the great astonishment of all, navigate with a great facility through the tables. Dong quickly became known for its great agility and its competences for the martial arts. This is why its admirateurs was not long in asking him to become their Master.

At this same time, Yang Luchan, the founder of Yang style of Tai Chi Chuan taught its art in the castle of prince Duan. A combat had been organized between him and Dong Haichuan. The three days of competitions proved to be bearing fruit and the two rivals quickly became friends. Besides this event marked annals of the martial arts like a completely interesting anecdote.
Later, Dong became keeps it castle of prince Su where it continued to teach the ' Palm of the eight diagrammes' as well inside as outside the castle.

06-22-2001, 08:16 PM

06-22-2001, 08:25 PM
From what i have herd there are two types of Wudang the Tai Chi Neijia Pa Kua kind and a other kind of Wudang that comes from Fung Doo Duk.

Ben Gash
06-22-2001, 11:33 PM
How many languages are we going to speak here?
Anyway, I thought Bak Mei trained at O-mei?
Yang, Chen, Hao, Wu and Sun Style Taijiquan were never anywhere near Wudang. They all stem from the Chen family of Chen Village.
Chang San Feng is said to have created the 32 step wudang taijiquan. There are also numerous Wudang sword schools, and as already stated Taiyi Wuxingquan.

"Weapons are the embodiments of fear,
the wise use them only when they have no choice"
Lao Tzu

06-23-2001, 10:02 AM
And don't forget Zhao Castle Tai, Ben.It's about 10 min away from the cutoff to Chen village, from that cutoff it's 20 min walk to Chen village. They all say there of course that Wudang originally just had some simple exercise ideas long ago and that later modern Wudang has stolen from from them (wink).
Is that Fire Hawk just coping pages from encclos? I think he didn't notice he copied French!!!