View Full Version : Wushu Peeps...

wushu chik
06-12-2002, 12:59 AM
I am wondering STATISTICALLY speaking, which school in the Nation (not world) is the best! I thank you all in advance.


06-12-2002, 05:56 AM
That is a very difficult question to answer...

If you are talking Modern Wushu...you have to realize that you have folks like Anthony Goh's version of the USAWKF...wherein he ignored his entire board of directors and continues on.

In his view, Lu Xiaolin's Omei school does no wrong. His Team Trials and his version of the US Team is basically made up of 75% of her students and she - strangely enough - was the one who put together the team selection criteria and organized the team tryouts...go figure.

If you look overall the US...then you have pockets of good people - more seem to be on the West Coast than not... and there are about a half a dozen or so good schools.

If you are talking Traditional Wushu (Kung Fu as many may call it)...it is even messier. How do you determine good? Competitions...well, then which ones...?

For Traditional, there is a lot of garbage out there and there seems to be a great amount of self perception disorder. People go into their first class knowing NOTHING about Chinese Martial Arts. They then study under their teacher and within a year or less are absolutely certain that they know what is and is not traditional...and are willing to fight and argue over it. The politics are thick and then when you have something like a competition...do you evaluate on fighting...point or full contact...which set of rules?....or do you look ar form...whose rules... or both...neither...or as some feel..competitions are worthless so HOW do you evaluate....

Or do you look at the teacher's reputation and number of students...what about those who can be good but keep a small class and low profile...

Difficult question to answer...it is easier on a city by city level...:)

06-12-2002, 06:14 AM
Yeah Wen.
Could you be more vague?;)

wushu chik
06-12-2002, 11:00 PM
OK guys, sorry about being so vague. I am talking about which schools that you guys know of is really good. I am talking like REALLY good, not just "yeah, they rock" good, i mean like OLYMPIC MATERIAL good.


06-13-2002, 06:21 AM
Traditional or Contemporary?

06-13-2002, 06:26 AM
I'm guessing contemporary.

Royal Dragon
06-13-2002, 06:27 AM
'Nuff said!!!

06-13-2002, 06:31 AM
I don't hink there is one school that's head and shoulders above the rest right now. Of course I've never been to a US wushu competition before, lol. Statisitics are all screwed up by politics.

06-13-2002, 06:36 AM
Personally I think I have one of the best coaches for contemporary and traditional, and hopefully we'll be able to prove it in the years to come ;)

06-13-2002, 08:26 AM
There are a number of decent instructors throughout the US. Unfortunately, there are a number of states where the pickings are VERY slim.

It is easier to say which instructors are bad ...but that gets into a professionalism type of thing.

If you do Modern Wushu and are in a state where there are NO instructors but the one you go to, well....you have a choice to make: move to a better instructor, quit, or take what you can get.

If you are learning from a Modern Wushu instructor and they are bad, you will find out the first time you go to compete and get your rear handed to you on a plate....bad basics will tell.

If you are in an area with a bad teacher and good teachers...you can find out in competition.

If you decide to move and a wushu teacher is a factor, going to the message board at www.beijingwushuteam.com and asking would be the best bet...and then going to check it out BEFORE making a move...would be best.

Other than that, in competition, if you have a young crowd of students, the instructor can do a lot more and may have a better showing. However, if you teach high school age...you lose them to college. If you teach college age, you lose them when they move to take a job. If you teach older - they may not progress as far due to age and they may get careers in the way or give up due to the training always pushing the body to its limits.

There are a lot of people who "Used to do martial arts" out there.

06-13-2002, 06:13 PM
ji hong taichi college :D they got good chinese material wushu ;)

wushu chik
06-14-2002, 02:16 AM
OK guys, this is for a 4 year old. MY SON to be exact. And, it's contemporary I was asking about. Again, sorry I was so vague. My head hasn't been screwed on correctly lately. Anyways, I've heard that the Wushu Academy in HB isn't a leading contender anymore, that's why I am asking.

The reason being this...I think my son would be REALLY good at wushu, he's flexible, good at MA (when he wants to be) and has the personality for it. That's why I was asking.


06-14-2002, 05:54 AM
So...where are you and how far are you willing to take him?

4 is about at the bottom end of age groups to start.

Actually, for a teacher for a 4 year old, you want someone who is firm but understands that 4 year olds are NOT 10 year olds and can't be treated the same. You want someone who has a kind and loving hand so they don't mess up the kid emotionally...while at the same time setting good goals and maintaining and teaching discipline. It is a completely different skill from teaching champions.

Then, on the technical side, you want someone who has a strong understanding of basics and injury avoidance/safety.

This most often does NOT fit with the TOP coaches since they are aimed at producing champions at any cost in many cases.

While this approach makes for good training at a later age...for a beginner or a 4 year old it is NOT a good way to develop the traits that are needed down the road.

So many of these teachers were trained in China where they were selected in grade school. They KNEW that they were lucky to be selected because being in a specialty school got you extra things. Their parents also reinforce this. So, the coaches that they have to model themselves after tend to be harsh and expect a student who is thankful to be there.

While this may indeed produce champions, it is not something that most in the US or Canada would consider ideal.

So...what city are you in? I may be able to steer you to someone...or someone who can....