View Full Version : Web Warriors (Something for Ego, Omegapoint & Self-Thinking Follower)

06-09-2001, 04:11 AM
A Humorous View by Ron Goninan

As an “Oz-strail-yer-yan” (Australian), surfing the big wide world of the Internet and martial arts web sites can be an illuminating experience.

Web sites abound covering everything from “Karate” to “Yak Wrestling!” Many of these sites are very well produced and informative. Other’s, are even more informative, revealing a great deal more about their creators then even they would like known!

But the real fun is to be found within the murky electronic depths of the “Discussion Forums”.

It is here in these forums that some very interesting and lively discussions can and often does take place. Generally as a rule, these discussions focus on the things of interest to the serious martial artists. You know …. things such as history, kata, techniques, applications, training ideas etc.

Others, well they are simply dens of cyber iniquity. Here the discussions rage on about people within the martial arts. Ranks, titles, who they did or did not train with, is it “Koryu” or is it not, what they eat for breakfast, what they named their pet dog. You name it! No cyber stone is left unturned, no megabyte chip left unexplored!

In just about all of these forums, the truth is secondary. The motto being “never let the truth get in the way of a good story!” :rolleyes:

Instead, allegations, personal and political agendas, rumour and innuendo rule supreme! Good people are defiled regardless of the truth and often without knowledge of the discussion taking place or being afforded the right of reply.

Web Warriors sit at the desks, Black belts adorning their ample waists, pounding out their vile waffle and hiding their own personal insecurities behind their monitors while the sweet aroma of their nearby cup of coffee joins the swirling cigarette smoke to waft towards their tiny little turned-up noses and eyes which are so close together they make a ferret look handsome in comparison! :o

Speaking (more accurately “writing) in tongues, their stubby little calloused fingers strike at the keyboard with an almost religious fervour. These are the “Koryu Kops”, the “Do Detectives” saving the world wide web from the real people out there who actually have lives to lead.

Like battered out of shape beanbags (are they still in fashion?) with a large bold face capital “L” tattooed on their foreheads they suit there, day in and day out, thinking of ways they can drag someone’s name through the electronic megabytes of mud!

These types have such a positive outlook on life that they think every cloud has a dichlorotetrafluoroethane lining!

But hey don’t get me wrong. Some of these warriors of the web seem to be reasonably intelligent. Some range from smart to being one fall away from the tree.

Others are so charismatic that if they didn’t write such dribble, people might completely forget they ever existed!

Most could be regarded as being “Ankles” - three feet lower than the orifice they so closely resemble! :D

Some of these “Web Warriors” would be better off with a valium, a nice cup of tea, an ice-vovo biscuit and a nice long lie down!

They need to learn that there is a time to write, fight, bite, smite and when need be, say goodnight! ;)

They put down others as a means of hiding their own obvious deficiencies. They hide behind knicknames as they lack the guts to let people know who they really are although we know all too well the type of people thay are! They are inwardly so sad they could bring a tear to a glass eye. :(

They fail to realise that despite all of the dribble they spread on the electronic medium of the web, that if they have feathers and webbed feet, if you swim in a pond and look like a goose then it’s a pretty bloody safe bet you are a goose! :p

Their rumours fly over the airways thick and fast. Some of their posts to these discussion forums are highly inventive. People just love a good rumour. Never let the facts stand in the way of a good gossip. And gossip they do, like two old ladies (no disrespect intended to the fairer sex) talking over the back fence.

When you pin them down with the truth, they change the subject like a Sydney Taxi Driver changes lanes of traffic. Often they simply disappear like a magician’s rabbit up it’s own burrow hole! :eek:

Still they serve a purpose, a very important one. They remind us of the type of people we want to rise above. They represent the very type of reprehensible characters the martial arts are supposed to eradicate via its inner teachings and message.

About the Author:

Ron Goninan is a philosopher :- someone who points out the bleeding obvious to people who are too thick-headed to think of it for themselves.


Ron Goninan - Chairman
Okinawa Butoryu Gohokan

Je Lei Sifu
06-09-2001, 04:25 AM
I definitely like that one.

Well written my friend


Je Lei Sifu :cool:

The Southern Fist Subdues The Fierce Mountain Tiger

06-09-2001, 04:27 AM
Je Lei Sifu,

Thank you! Good to see someone on this board who appreciates a little humour and truth mixed together!

Peace :)

Ron Goninan - Chairman
Okinawa Butoryu Gohokan

06-09-2001, 04:36 AM
Thanks for the post ron. It neededto be said.


"He's not dead, 'es resting! Well if 'e's resting, I'll wake him up! 'Ello Mr. Polly Parrot...." -Monty Python, Dead Parrot Sketch

06-09-2001, 05:04 AM
Kong Zhi Wu,

Thank you for your kind words. Sometimes you have to point things out to people before they will discover it for themselves.

Peace :)

Ron Goninan - Chairman
Okinawa Butoryu Gohokan

Self-Thinking Follower
06-09-2001, 08:49 AM
"Instead, allegations, personal and political agendas, rumour and innuendo rule supreme! Good people are defiled regardless of the truth and often without knowledge of the discussion taking place or being afforded the right of reply."

allegations - Yes we all make them, just like you did about Omega Point's teacher. I beleive you pretty much called him a FRAUD! (Go read Ron's post again)

agendas - Yes we all have them, Even you Ron have one, and its to gather as much information on Pei Ho, to make sense of those silly forms you got from Okinawa. Where every wannabe Crane secret holder is designing his own forms. (This does not include Gokenki and those who preserved his Fukien system) Its also to rule without answering to anyone, by becoming chairman.

rumour - Hell we all love gossip, look at all those oral histories we preserve. And look at all the hearsay we keep about who beat who, and who learned what, or how so and so ripped a side of beef with his own hands, or how so and so used his energy to levitate. Its all rumour even the creation of crane boxing by a woman trying to remove one off her wash! Please were you there?
You have guys in okinawa swearing that their martial ancestor studied in China for eighteen years when okinawan records indicate he was only there three years. Which is rumour?

By the way, I dont challenge people on this board, its unbecomming of character and I dont wear a Blackbelt. I dont believe rank means anything in real fighting, which was the original purpose of Chinese Gung Fu. Or is that a rumour?
If by cyber warrior you mean I post in disagreement or in contrast to what you would desire, then your right I am one, but that's my right. I will post my opinion and my belief as I feel. No one has to accept it and I like reading those who post with disagreement, why? because maybe, just maybe I may realize something different.

Discussions- Hell, all the threads around here take off on tangents, but some of us follow anyway and most of the people know what the original and subsequent discussion is abut. Now by your comment, I believe perhaps your upset that we dont stick to giving you more of the crane information you need, the kind that some people had to pull teeth for but I have a solution for this. It requires you to stop trying to get it through the back door and instead develop LOYALTY to a teacher that may just be able to answer your questions, discuss with you and even elevate your level to eternal bliss.

Oh, by the way Ron, you NEVER answered my question on SamChien! Instead you posted that dribble you got from corresponding electronically with others (a rumour or innuendo).
That did not answer my questions, but its okay I do know what is wrong. OOps thats an opinion or maybe a rumour.

06-09-2001, 11:53 AM

Alexander the great once lamented " oh I've forde these thousands of miles to a new city to spread my great name. Woun't it be great when it comes a time when my mesaage is head instantanously? Just imagine, a reach that is longer than my broad sword, a cross bow, javiline or catapult"

Well, we are in the age of electronic warfare where there key board warriors which you so endearlingly refered to as be spacticled geeks - more handsome than a ferret reigns supereme.

When trouble start, we hunker down in the basement and brew ourselves a coffee and do battle into an early hours of the morning.

If I were to be awarded for my heroic adventures, I would be on my third dan on my black wrist band.

Maximus Materialize!

06-09-2001, 12:50 PM
The air is thick, heavy with mist. Down in the valley where people rarely if ever go, they lurk. Chattering away with their own special brand of self-righteous gibbersh. Slowly, ever so slowly, they lift their rocks and peer out, almost blinded by the light of their own insecurities and self-doubt.

With religious fever they punch and pound their keyboards. Stubby little coffee-stained fingers working at a feverish rate trying to make a point for themselves and thus satisfying their own petty personal and political agendas.

Far away, in a well lit place high on the mountain, we watch the curious actions of these grotty little creatures as they scurry about avoiding the penetrating light of the truth. Amused by their antics, we watch. Every now and then, we are amused by their strange gutteral utterings. We tolerate them (just barely) because we know that they know no better. This is their life. Sad and as bleak as it is. More than often, we feel pity towards them for they know not how truly pathetic they truly are.

And despite all of their indignant screeches and squawks, we move onwards and upward, unaffected by their ever dimishing cries of protest as we walk quietly on towards a better place.

Ron Goninan - Chairman
Okinawa Butoryu Gohokan

06-09-2001, 04:19 PM
Thanks for the Honest Neutral Clearity.

Honest Neutral Clearity

06-10-2001, 02:10 AM

Thanks , I think??? ;)


Ron Goninan - Chairman
Okinawa Butoryu Gohokan

06-10-2001, 12:15 PM
Hey Ron,

You speak very poetically of the rats and roaches that infest your place. But I'm happy for you that you have learned to live with your fate and have a new peace of mind.

Be at one.

Maximus Materialize!

06-11-2001, 07:08 AM
We all have to deal with fate in this thing called life. Some of us choose to rise above it though

Ron Goninan - Chairman
Okinawa Butoryu Gohokan

06-11-2001, 04:30 PM

It is fate that some people will rise while others live in squalor with rats and roaches.

Maximus Materialize!

06-11-2001, 10:19 PM
You're a bitter and twisted individual. You hide your lack of integrity by your handicap.
Don't use this as an excuse for not practising kung fu. Life must go on.

06-12-2001, 04:37 AM

I fully agree with you.

So how do you find the rats and roaches?

Ron Goninan - Chairman
Okinawa Butoryu Gohokan

06-12-2001, 03:44 PM

From where I come from in NY the cream floats to the top. But in Australia I beleive it is the scum that floats to the top.

So I won't know about the rats and roaches that you're referring to.

Maximus Materialize!

06-13-2001, 01:34 AM
ron,been observing.you sound very interesting.
hope to read more from you?

don't be put off by the wannabes,you know who you are.

06-13-2001, 02:47 AM
Are you talking about crawling out from under stones? Which one did you crawl from under, the chief cornerstone. I will not lower myself to playing "the dozens" on the net. It's obvious you suffer from some megalo-maniacal, egocentric delusions. Have you ever been diagnosed with a neurosis or psychosis?

As for the support from your peanut gallery, I don't know what they think they're observing but obviously their "angle" is eschew. Off-kilter, to say the least. I have nothing against the broke Texans that call themselves Aussies. Just you in particular.

I've lived my life honorably and am near completion of my M.D. degree. I hold multiple high ranks from grappling and striking arts (which are all Ryukyuan based). I studied in the Philippines under a protege of Shuguro Nakazato (Shorinkan). I learned CQB/and SCARS in the USAF as a Special Operator. I am now perfecting my limited knowledge under the tutelage of Sensei Ronald Lindsey, and no matter what you've got to say about him he is a much more knowledgeable Karateka than you could hope to ever be! What the kcuf are your qualifications for being an authority on anything let alone Okinawan MAs?

I just want to know where you're holding this supposed U.S. seminar so I can peep your mastery of illusion. Come on, man, it'll be fun for all! Like I said many want to know, but few are willing to learn!!!

06-13-2001, 04:32 AM
Ego & Omegapoint: I wish you all the best in your future studies. I will no longer lower the tone of this baord by entering into fruitless and foolish discussion of no positive purpose. I apologize to all for allowing myself to sink to the negative level of others. Omegapoint: As stated you are not welcome at any of my future events unless you come as a friend.


Ron Goninan - Chairman
Okinawa Butoryu Gohokan

E-mail: tsuruken@austarnet.com.au
Web Site: http://butoryu.freewebsites.com/

06-13-2001, 03:39 PM

Do you watch this show in Australia? As you have said:

"I apologize to all for allowing myself to sink to the negative level of others."

which shows that you lack the self control to make your own decissions letting people like ego et al to influence your behavior on this forum. For all the big talk, you baaaaaaaah like a sheep.

Maximus Materialize!

06-14-2001, 02:50 AM

Thank you for your contribution to the subject of this discussion.

Ron Goninan - Chairman
Okinawa Butoryu Gohokan

E-mail: tsuruken@austarnet.com.au
Web Site: http://butoryu.freewebsites.com/

Fish of Fury
06-14-2001, 08:47 AM
nice work,Ron

Ego, quick...back under the bridge.there's a billygoat coming!
__________________________________________________ _________________________ "I never drive faster than i can see...other than that...it's all in the reflexes" Jack Burton

06-14-2001, 10:49 AM
Fish of Fury,

Thank you!


Ron Goninan - Chairman
Okinawa Butoryu Gohokan

E-mail: tsuruken@austarnet.com.au
Web Site: http://butoryu.freewebsites.com/

06-15-2001, 05:10 PM
Fish of Fury,

Just reeling you in!

Maximus Materialize!

06-16-2001, 02:04 AM
Fish of Fury,

Please ignore that last post.

Ron Goninan - Chairman
Okinawa Butoryu Gohokan

E-mail: tsuruken@austarnet.com.au
Web Site: http://butoryu.freewebsites.com/

06-16-2001, 07:10 PM
There's plenty of large rats and VERY large roaches on the streets of China. Good sources of protein and vitamins.
Also lots of large bosoms in Hunan. They have far more than they need there considering the deficet in the rest of China.
So good marketing opportunities for the go-getters.
Hoping to make this discussion fruitful.....

06-17-2001, 04:03 AM

Good suggestion! Lets hope this leads to something positive! ;)


Ron Goninan - Chairman
Okinawa Butoryu Gohokan

E-mail: tsuruken@austarnet.com.au
Web Site: http://butoryu.freewebsites.com/

06-20-2001, 05:31 AM
This flamethrowing contest on both sides is unbecoming of kung fu men.

06-20-2001, 01:50 PM
Good job Ron,

Granted you caused more unrest in the forum, but at least you kept them off the other boards for a short time.
