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06-13-2002, 01:48 PM
In last couple of months I've made a real effort to get outside and train. There is a great huge park near my apartment. Anyways, I've been jogging there, working forms, doing Taiji etc. I've never seen anyone else doing anything like that there.

Anyways, yesterday I went down to the park and there were like 4 people doing Taiji forms, swords and fans, some other kid practicing front kicks etc.

I wondered if it had anything to do with me getting out there and showing my stuff. Perhaps by doing so these "closet" martial artists felt less inhibited knowing they wouldn't be instantly jumped or arrested practicing in the park.

Oh well....just some story.....peace

06-13-2002, 01:55 PM
Heh, I have a similar story. Last summer me and a few guys practed every sunday in a park near my house. At first we got allot of "looks" curious type etc. Anyway one day we were there and some karate guys were practiceing on the other side of the park. I think due to us they felt less "inhibited" like you said.

We also heard people make Bruce Lee noises driving b in cars somtimes but nobody on foot ever said anything! :D

06-13-2002, 02:05 PM
Ha ha, I had the same thing happen, not in a park but out side of my friends house right next to a busy road we would work out and get personal classes. Alot of people would hoot and holar, nothing bad but just teasing. Only in cars would they do this, if it was someone walking by they would act polite.