View Full Version : I just sat through a survey tape of Ooom Yung Doe / Chung Moo Quan.

MonkeySlap Too
06-13-2002, 10:21 PM
I haven't laughed this hard since I saw 'Little Nicky'. Unbeleivable, I mean knew from crossing hands with these punks in my youth that they were paper tigers, but ohmigosh - you have just got to see what they consider training to be.

Their 'Tai Chi' is a gut-buster. Sure I do Chang style, which a lot of Taiji guys will tell you isn't pure Taiji, but this stuff, I can't even describe it. It's like watching a giraffe vomit.

Don't get me started on the 'Bogwa walk'. Cracks me up. "Breathing is very important" these guys say, uh-huh. I'd pretty much say so. But beyond that they demonstrated zero idea of why it might be important for anything other than sucking up cute little oxygen molecules.

Oh, then I misread a line, I thounght it said "Make body smell" which had a perverse sense to it since the guy was squatting down and sniffing his armpit. I waved my wife over, but she told me it was 'make body small." Too bad, too bad. I haven't laughed THAT hard since I was twelve.

Ahh, I normally won't comment on others training materials, but these guys are such obvious frauds and criminals, I just cannot help myself. With guys like these strutting around, no wonder MMA players have no respect for Asian fighting styles.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D