View Full Version : Attention Jim Roselando part II

06-14-2002, 12:47 PM
I finally came up with the chinese terms for what we call the "embracing step, " also known as "Bracing step" to some.

I can't quite read my sifu's handwriting, it looks like 3 characters

Yun Yong Bu

or maybe it's just 2:

Yong Bu

You were going to let me know if these words were the same in Pin Sun WC.

Danke Shoen


06-18-2002, 09:27 AM
TTT for Jim's answer

Jim Roselando
06-18-2002, 11:33 AM

Never heard of such a term in Leung Jan's system!

It is basically a Pin Sun Ma with Dong (swinging) power of the hip to move.

Any other questions?


Jim Roselando
06-18-2002, 11:36 AM

Perhaps what your teacher spelled as Yong Bo is Dong Bo!

Sounds quite close!


06-18-2002, 02:08 PM
Thanks Jim! Do you know of a site where I could look up these chinese characters? Because my sifu wrote the characters down for me, I can check to see if they're the same.


Jim Roselando
06-19-2002, 08:27 AM

Dont know of any site but you may want to check the Complete Wing Chun book or Rene's YKSWC book. I believe they both have characters in them!

Good luck!


06-19-2002, 09:16 AM
More characters:

Zuo Bu - Left side step
You Bu - Right side step

Ban Bu, Quan Bu - ???

Jim Roselando
06-19-2002, 09:33 AM

Sorry my friend but these are not words I recognize from Leung Jan syllabus in Koo Lo village!

As a matter of fact I have never heard of these terms even from my other WC training.


See ya,

06-19-2002, 12:02 PM
Looks like I need to do more research!! BTW Jim, do you know if any good videos are available on Pin Sun/Koo Lo style?


Jim Roselando
06-20-2002, 05:15 AM

A while ago my teacher filmed a junior classmate and I as a test for a public video. Neither one of us wanted to be part of it but we had to out of respect for our Sifu. So, we filmed a bit and for a little while he offered it to the public. The video is no longer available. Thank god! My classmate and I decided to half ass the film so he would not want to sell it. We also changed a few things/did some wrong movements in Chi Sao for the video so he would not want to sell it. The end results were he sold about 50 copies! :( So, to all those who may have bought a copy;

Buyer Beware!

To be honest! The video has some real good info on there but does not give a solid demonstration. Both of us were totally against placing our art on film for just anyone to purchase! We never expected for him to sell it the way we did it but I guess we will be forever captured on film now!


06-20-2002, 06:13 AM
Jim did you write an article for wing chun today about Henry Leungs WC several years ago?

06-20-2002, 06:26 AM
Hey Jim,
so.... what exactly is the point in releasing a video that has purposely incorrect content?


06-20-2002, 06:39 AM

The terms you're using are in Mandarin PinYin, not Cantonese which would be the norm for WCK, and they're also not terms commonly used (least as far as I've seen) in WCK.

> Zuo Bu - Left side step

Jo Bo in Cantonese. Usually you need Jo (x) Bo (or more commonly, Ma/Horse), to show what kind of left step, for example.

> You Bu - Right side step

Yao Bo in Cantonese.

> Ban Bu

Maybe "Half Step" ? Poon Bo in Cantonese (haven't seen this term in WCK)

> Quan Bu - ???

Not sure which character this would be.



Jim Roselando
06-20-2002, 06:55 AM




When we were asked to come in to test shoot some video footage it was supposed to be just that! Test Footage. So, with the desire of not releasing our art on video, my classmate and I purposely did a sloppy demonstration, changed 2 moves from our hand sets and did a few of "what would be considerred non-pin sun methods" in the chi sao so that when my teacher viewed it he would think it was not worthy of releasing! Unfortunately he thought the opposite! Now, with that in mind I can tell you that EVERYONE (yes everyone) I sent that tape to also were told exactly what I just told you! So, no matter how much I was against it I felt it was my obligation to make sure people were aware of its contents! Hopefully that will help you see what my personality is like and also help you see how I feel about releasing public footage on this art!


06-20-2002, 08:04 AM
Hey jim,
no worries bud, your character is not in question or anything, I was just curious. I respect the position of not wanting to put things on video, I just don't really understand the whole "keeping it secret" mentality is all.
